La Universidad Yale ha otorgado los siguientes doctorados honoris causa:[1]
Nombre | Grado | Año |
Jeffrey Michael Friedman | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2015 |
Dean Kamen | Doctor of Engineering and Technology | 2015 |
Angélique Kidjo | Doctor of Music | 2015 |
Larry Kramer | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2015 |
Elon Musk | Doctor of Engineering and Technology | 2015 |
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2015 |
Peter G. Schultz | Doctor of Science | 2015 |
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak | Doctor of Humanities | 2015 |
Janet Louise Yellen | Doctor of Social Science | 2015 |
Timothy Berners-Lee | Doctor of Engineering and Technology | 2014 |
Rita Dove | Doctor of Letters | 2014 |
Ramachandra Guha | Doctor of Humanities | 2014 |
Daniel Kahneman | Doctor of Social Science | 2014 |
Elliot M. Meyerowitz | Doctor of Science | 2014 |
Joseph W. Polisi | Doctor of Music | 2014 |
Michael H. Posner | Doctor of Laws | 2014 |
Anna Deavere Smith | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2014 |
Ralph Stanley | Doctor of Music | 2014 |
David F. Swensen | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2014 |
Ahmed H. Zewail | Doctor of Science | 2014 |
Huda Y. Zoghbi | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2014 |
John Adams | Doctor of Music | 2013 |
Vinton Cerf | Doctor of Engineering and Technology | 2013 |
Elizabeth A. Clark | Doctor of Divinity | 2013 |
Edwidge Danticat | Doctor of Letters | 2013 |
Natalie Zemon Davis | Doctor of Humanities | 2013 |
Esther Duflo | Doctor of Social Science | 2013 |
William Kentridge | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2013 |
Richard C. Levin | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2013 |
Frederick W. Smith | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2013 |
Sonia Sotomayor | Doctor of Laws | 2013 |
Aaron Temkin Beck | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2012 |
Robert Darnton | Doctor of Humanities | 2012 |
Robert M. Gates | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2012 |
Midori Goto | Doctor of Music | 2012 |
Jane Lubchenco | Doctor of Science | 2012 |
Margaret Hilary Marshall | Doctor of Laws | 2012 |
Angelika Neuwirth | Doctor of Divinity | 2012 |
Richard Wilbur | Doctor of Letters | 2012 |
William Julius Wilson | Doctor of Social Science | 2012 |
Chris Argyris | Doctor of Social Science | 2011 |
Gro Harlem Brundtland | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2011 |
Joan Didion | Doctor of Letters | 2011 |
Douglas Engelbart | Doctor of Engineering and Technology | 2011 |
John Heilbron | Doctor of Humanities | 2011 |
George J. Mitchell | Doctor of Laws | 2011 |
Youssou Ndour | Doctor of Music | 2011 |
Richard Peto | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2011 |
Janet Davison Rowley | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2011 |
Martin Scorsese | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2011 |
Robert Alter | Doctor of Humanities | 2010 |
Steven Chu | Doctor of Science | 2010 |
Michael Feinberg | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2010 |
David Levin | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2010 |
Aretha Franklin | Doctor of Music | 2010 |
Orhan Pamuk | Doctor of Letters | 2010 |
Michael Rutter | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2010 |
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf | Doctor of Laws | 2010 |
A. Marilyn Strathern | Doctor of Social Science | 2010 |
Yimou Zhang | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2010 |
Hillary Clinton | Doctor of Laws | 2009 |
William Drayton | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2009 |
Sofia Gubaidulina | Doctor of Music | 2009 |
Gustavo Gutierrez | Doctor of Divinity | 2009 |
Lee Hood | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2009 |
Bill T. Jones | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2009 |
John McPhee | Doctor of Letters | 2009 |
Alison Richard | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2009 |
Thomas Schelling | Doctor of Social Science | 2009 |
Richard Serra | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2009 |
John Ashbery | Doctor of Letters | 2008 |
Drew Faust | Doctor of Humanities | 2008 |
Carla Hills | Doctor of Laws | 2008 |
Paul McCartney | Doctor of Music | 2008 |
Mercy Oduyoye | Doctor of Divinity | 2008 |
Rajendra Pachauri | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2008 |
Cesar Pelli | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2008 |
Martin Rees | Doctor of Science | 2008 |
Fazle Abed | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2007 |
M.H. Abrams | Doctor of Humanities | 2007 |
Emanuel Ax | Doctor of Music | 2007 |
John Ferejohn | Doctor of Social Science | 2007 |
Richard Gilder | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2007 |
Julie Harris | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2007 |
Mary-Claire King | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2007 |
Pius Langa | Doctor of Laws | 2007 |
Robert Langer | Doctor of Science | 2007 |
Peter Matthiessen | Doctor of Letters | 2007 |
Edward Albee | Doctor of Letters | 2006 |
Peter Brown | Doctor of Humanities | 2006 |
Zaha Hadid | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2006 |
Moshe Idel | Doctor of Divinity | 2006 |
Sandra Day O'Connor | Doctor of Laws | 2006 |
John Pepper | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2006 |
Peter Raven | Doctor of Science | 2006 |
Nancy Sabin Wexler | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2006 |
Jacqueline K. Barton | Doctor of Science | 2005 |
Robert DeVecchi | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2005 |
William Foege | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2005 |
David Hockney | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2005 |
Mamphela Ramphele | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2005 |
Paul Samuelson | Doctor of Social Science | 2005 |
Bryan A. Stevenson | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
Andrew Wiles | Doctor of Science | 2005 |
Jan Assmann | Doctor of Social Science | 2004 |
David Baltimore | Doctor of Science | 2004 |
Bernard Fisher | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2004 |
Lee Friedlander | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2004 |
Nannerl Keohane | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2004 |
Wangari Maathai | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2004 |
Willie Mays | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2004 |
Tom Wolfe | Doctor of Letters | 2004 |
Robert Louis Bernstein | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2003 |
Sydney Brenner | Doctor of Science | 2003 |
William H. Cosby | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2003 |
John Hart Ely | Doctor of Laws | 2003 |
Anthony Stephen Fauci | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2003 |
Norman Foster | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2003 |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Doctor of Laws | 2003 |
David L. Hartman | Doctor of Divinity | 2003 |
Nell Irvin Painter | Doctor of Letters | 2003 |
Krzysztof Penderecki | Doctor of Music | 2003 |
Amartya K. Sen | Doctor of Social Science | 2003 |
Jeanne Quinit Benoliel | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2002 |
Ela Ramesh Bhatt | Doctor of Social Science | 2002 |
Robert L. Carter | Doctor of Laws | 2002 |
William Sloane Coffin | Doctor of Divinity | 2002 |
Robert Fagles | Doctor of Letters | 2002 |
Gordon Moore | Doctor of Science | 2002 |
Steven Spielberg | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2002 |
Claude M. Steele | Doctor of Social Science | 2002 |
Lawrence Summers | Doctor of Social Science | 2002 |
Shirley Tilghman | Doctor of Science | 2002 |
George W. Bush | Doctor of Laws | 2001 |
Richard J. Franke | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2001 |
Ellen V. Futter | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2001 |
Evelyn Boyd Granville | Doctor of Science | 2001 |
Arthur Mitchell | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2001 |
Robert E. Rubin | Doctor of Laws | 2001 |
Dawn K. Upshaw | Doctor of Music | 2001 |
Harold E. Varmus | Doctor of Science | 2001 |
Patricia M. Wald | Doctor of Laws | 2001 |
Samuel A. Waterston | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2001 |
Bernard A.O. Williams | Doctor of Letters | 2001 |
Ernesto Zedillo | Doctor of Laws | 2001 |
Nombre | Grado | Año |
William F. Buckley | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2000 |
Gerhard Casper | Doctor of Laws | 2000 |
Marie de la Soudiere | Doctor of Social Science | 2000 |
Frank O. Gehry | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2000 |
Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Doctor of Laws | 2000 |
Hugh B. Price | Doctor of Laws | 2000 |
Tom Stoppard | Doctor of Letters | 2000 |
Samuel Osiah Thier | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 2000 |
Desmond M. Tutu | Doctor of Divinity | 2000 |
Helen Vendler | Doctor of Letters | 2000 |
Bruce Alberts | Doctor of Science | 1999 |
Julie Andrews | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1999 |
Aharon Barak | Doctor of Laws | 1999 |
Alan Greenspan | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1999 |
Barbara Harris | Doctor of Divinity | 1999 |
Seamus Justin Heaney | Doctor of Letters | 1999 |
Samuel Roger Horchow | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1999 |
Charles Kuen Kao | Doctor of Science | 1999 |
Julius Benjamin Richmond | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1999 |
Helen Suzman | Doctor of Laws | 1999 |
Bartolomé I | Doctor of Divinity | 1998 |
Lena Horne | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1998 |
Gerda Lerner | Doctor of Letters | 1998 |
David McCullough | Doctor of Letters | 1998 |
Sadako Ogata | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1998 |
Frederick P. Rose | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1998 |
Robert L. Shaw | Doctor of Music | 1998 |
Edward O. Wilson | Doctor of Science | 1998 |
Muhammad Yunus | Doctor of Social Science | 1998 |
Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo | Doctor of Divinity | 1997 |
Jodie Foster | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1997 |
Alfred G. Gilman | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1997 |
Roberto Goizueta | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1997 |
Judith Jamison | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1997 |
Mario J. Molina | Doctor of Science | 1997 |
Eddie Robinson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1997 |
Mary Robinson | Doctor of Laws | 1997 |
Maurice Sendak | Doctor of Letters | 1997 |
Benjamin Solomon Carson | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1996 |
Charles T. Close | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1996 |
Eleanor Jack Gibson | Doctor of Social Science | 1996 |
Jack St. Clair Kilby | Doctor of Science | 1996 |
Richard A. Posner | Doctor of Laws | 1996 |
Stephan Ernst Schmidheiny | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1996 |
Eunice Kennedy Shriver | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1996 |
Paul F. Simon | Doctor of Music | 1996 |
Yvon Chouinard | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1995 |
J. Richardson Dilworth | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1995 |
Margaret C. Heagerty | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1995 |
Frank Kermode | Doctor of Letters | 1995 |
Wynton Marsalis | Doctor of Music | 1995 |
Martin E. Marty | Doctor of Divinity | 1995 |
Kevin Roche | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1995 |
Florence Schorske Wald | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1995 |
Lowell Weicker | Doctor of Laws | 1995 |
Robert E. Cooke | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1994 |
Kurt Masur | Doctor of Music | 1994 |
Martin Puryear | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1994 |
Maxine Singer | Doctor of Science | 1994 |
Gladys Iola Tantaquidgeon | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1994 |
Amos Tversky | Doctor of Social Science | 1994 |
Mario Vargas Llosa | Doctor of Letters | 1994 |
Jack B. Weinstein | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
Arthur R. Ashe | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1993 |
Perry R. Bass | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1993 |
Elena Bonner | Doctor of Laws | 1993 |
Alfred Alistair Cooke | Doctor of Letters | 1993 |
Jacqueline de Romilly | Doctor of Letters | 1993 |
Howard Roberts Lamar | Doctor of Laws | 1993 |
James T. Laney | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1993 |
Robert McCredie May | Doctor of Science | 1993 |
Deborah W. Meier | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1993 |
Rembert G. Weakland | Doctor of Divinity | 1993 |
Aaron Wildavsky | Doctor of Social Science | 1993 |
Nina Berberova | Doctor of Letters | 1992 |
Alfred Brendel | Doctor of Music | 1992 |
Francis S. Collins | Doctor of Science | 1992 |
Kenneth N. Dayton | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1992 |
M. Joycelyn Elders | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1992 |
Isolina Ferré | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1992 |
Nancy Stevenson Graves | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1992 |
Teddy Kollek | Doctor of Laws | 1992 |
Vytautas Landsbergis | Doctor of Laws | 1992 |
Walter E. Massey | Doctor of Science | 1992 |
June E. Osborn | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1992 |
Neil L. Rudenstein | Doctor of Laws | 1992 |
Edward Shils | Doctor of Letters | 1992 |
Russell Baker | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1991 |
Elizabeth H. Blackburn | Doctor of Science | 1991 |
George H. Bush | Doctor of Laws | 1991 |
Johnnetta Betsch Cole | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1991 |
John Crosby | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1991 |
W. Edwards Deming | Doctor of Laws | 1991 |
Lukas Foss | Doctor of Music | 1991 |
George Soros | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1991 |
Herbert Wechsler | Doctor of Laws | 1991 |
David Blackwell | Doctor of Social Science | 1990 |
Frederick Buechner | Doctor of Divinity | 1990 |
Irving B. Harris | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1990 |
Gertrude Himmelfarb | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1990 |
Albert O. Hirschman | Doctor of Social Science | 1990 |
Wilma P. Mankiller | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1990 |
Jessye Norman | Doctor of Music | 1990 |
Christiane Nusslein-Volhard | Doctor of Science | 1990 |
Jonathan E. Rhoads | Doctor of Medical Sciences | 1990 |
Vera C. Rubin | Doctor of Science | 1990 |
Isaiah Berlin | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1989 |
Anthony Caro | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1989 |
Ronald H. Coase | Doctor of Social Science | 1989 |
Celia Cruz | Doctor of Music | 1989 |
Rhetaugh Graves Dumas | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1989 |
Marek Edelman | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1989 |
Stephen W. Hawking | Doctor of Science | 1989 |
Eugene M. Lang | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1989 |
C. F. Beyers Naud | Doctor of Divinity | 1989 |
Lewis F. Powell | Doctor of Laws | 1989 |
Frank Press | Doctor of Science | 1989 |
Robert A. K. Runcie | Doctor of Divinity | 1989 |
Saul Steinberg | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1989 |
Robert M. Ball | Doctor of Laws | 1988 |
Suzanne Farrell | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1988 |
Anne T. Macdonald | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1988 |
Paul Newman | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1988 |
William Schuman | Doctor of Music | 1988 |
Donald W. Seldin | Doctor of Science | 1988 |
Harold Tafler Shapiro | Doctor of Laws | 1988 |
Charles H. Townes | Doctor of Science | 1988 |
August Wilson | Doctor of Letters | 1988 |
William J. Brennan | Doctor of Laws | 1987 |
Gerard Debreu | Doctor of Social Science | 1987 |
Michael E. Fisher | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
Clifford Geertz | Doctor of Social Science | 1987 |
Felix Gilbert | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1987 |
Maya Ying Lin | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1987 |
Yo-yo Ma | Doctor of Music | 1987 |
Charles McC. Mathias | Doctor of Laws | 1987 |
James I. McCord | Doctor of Divinity | 1987 |
Matthew Meselson | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
Constance Baker Motley | Doctor of Laws | 1987 |
William S. Beinecke | Doctor of Laws | 1986 |
Ella Fitzgerald | Doctor of Music | 1986 |
A. Bartlett Giamatti | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1986 |
Nadine Gordimer | Doctor of Letters | 1986 |
Donald Ainslie Henderson | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
Jacob Lawrence | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1986 |
Daniel Nathans | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
Helen F. North | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1986 |
Daniel Oduber | Doctor of Laws | 1986 |
Roger T. Peterson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1986 |
H. J. Polotsky | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1986 |
Jaime L. Sin | Doctor of Divinity | 1986 |
Robert M. Solow | Doctor of Social Science | 1986 |
Howard H. Baker | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
Marian Wright Edelman | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
Ernest Kasemann | Doctor of Divinity | 1985 |
Arnaldo Momigliano | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1985 |
Toni Morrison | Doctor of Letters | 1985 |
Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky | Doctor of Science | 1985 |
Ellen Ash Peters | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
Shridath S. Ramphal | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
Austin Ranney | Doctor of Social Science | 1985 |
Jerzy Turowicz | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1985 |
Frederica von Stade | Doctor of Music | 1985 |
Joe Wood | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1985 |
Allan A. Boesak | Doctor of Divinity | 1984 |
David S. Broder | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1984 |
Gerson D. Cohen | Doctor of Divinity | 1984 |
John Hersey | Doctor of Letters | 1984 |
Tommy T. B. Koh | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
Philip Leder | Doctor of Science | 1984 |
John R. Opel | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
Alice M. Rivlin | Doctor of Social Science | 1984 |
Bayard Rustin | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
Maria Tallchief | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1984 |
Paul A. Volcker | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
Joseph Bernardin | Doctor of Divinity | 1983 |
Lloyd N. Cutler | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
Athol Fugard | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1983 |
A. Leon Higginbotham | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
Bernard M. W. Knox | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1983 |
W. Arthur Lewis | Doctor of Social Science | 1983 |
Paul B. MacCready | Doctor of Science | 1983 |
Sheila Sherlock | Doctor of Science | 1983 |
Meryl Streep | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1983 |
Marcel P. Boiteux | Doctor of Social Science | 1982 |
Benny Goodman | Doctor of Music | 1982 |
Philip C. Habib | Doctor of Laws | 1982 |
Virginia Henderson | Doctor of Science | 1982 |
James Earl Jones | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1982 |
James Laughlin | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1982 |
Barbara McClintock | Doctor of Science | 1982 |
James Merrill | Doctor of Letters | 1982 |
Maureen V. O'Donnell | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1982 |
C. William Verity | Doctor of Laws | 1982 |
J. Tuzo Wilson | Doctor of Science | 1982 |
Fernand Braudel | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1981 |
Sterling Allen Brown | Doctor of Letters | 1981 |
Helen Frankenthaler | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1981 |
Harish-Chandra | Doctor of Science | 1981 |
Shirley M. Hufstefler | Doctor of Laws | 1981 |
Damon J. Keith | Doctor of Laws | 1981 |
Sherman E. Lee | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1981 |
Frederick Mosteller | Doctor of Social Science | 1981 |
Itzhak Perlman | Doctor of Music | 1981 |
Brian Urquhart | Doctor of Laws | 1981 |
George W. Webber | Doctor of Divinity | 1981 |
Elie Wiesel | Doctor of Letters | 1981 |
Charles Yanofsky | Doctor of Science | 1981 |
Lucia Chase | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1980 |
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau | Doctor of Music | 1980 |
Roald Hoffmann | Doctor of Science | 1980 |
Frank Minis Johnson | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
Danny Kaye | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1980 |
N. Scott Momaday | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1980 |
John M. Musser | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
Abraham A. Ribicoff | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
Wole Soyinka | Doctor of Letters | 1980 |
Leo Jozef Suenens | Doctor of Divinity | 1980 |
John Griggs Thompson | Doctor of Science | 1980 |
Simone Veil | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
Mikhail Baryshnikov | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1979 |
Tom Bradley | Doctor of Laws | 1979 |
Robert Stuart Fitzgerald | Doctor of Letters | 1979 |
Franz J. Ingelfinger | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
Reginald H. Jones | Doctor of Laws | 1979 |
Herman Liebaers | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1979 |
George A. Miller | Doctor of Social Science | 1979 |
J. Irwin Miller | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1979 |
Pauli Murray | Doctor of Divinity | 1979 |
Justine Wise Polier | Doctor of Laws | 1979 |
Leontyne Price | Doctor of Music | 1979 |
Robert Venturi | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1979 |
Steven Weinberg | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
Paul Berg | Doctor of Science | 1978 |
Joseph Brodsky | Doctor of Letters | 1978 |
George B. Dantzig | Doctor of Science | 1978 |
John Roberts Evans | Doctor of Laws | 1978 |
Hanna Holborn Gray | Doctor of Laws | 1978 |
Nancy Hanks | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1978 |
Gabriel Hauge | Doctor of Laws | 1978 |
Philip Johnson | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1978 |
William W. Morgan | Doctor of Science | 1978 |
Meyer Schapiro | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1978 |
Gershom Scholem | Doctor of Divinity | 1978 |
Raul Silva Henriquez | Doctor of Divinity | 1978 |
Seymour Benzer | Doctor of Science | 1977 |
Edward Bond | Doctor of Letters | 1977 |
Louise Bourgeois | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1977 |
Kingman Brewster | Doctor of Laws | 1977 |
Mairead Corrigan | Doctor of Laws | 1977 |
Gerald M. Durrell | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1977 |
Gerald R. Ford | Doctor of Laws | 1977 |
John Hope Franklin | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1977 |
Paul Horgan | Doctor of Letters | 1977 |
Riley B.B. King | Doctor of Music | 1977 |
Peter Ramsbotham | Doctor of Laws | 1977 |
James Reston | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1977 |
Irving S. Shapiro | Doctor of Laws | 1977 |
Betty Williams | Doctor of Laws | 1977 |
Herbert S. Bailey | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1976 |
Bernard Bailyn | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1976 |
Jesse Wakefield Beams | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
William T. Coleman | Doctor of Laws | 1976 |
Franklin Seaney Cooper | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
Elizabeth Drew | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1976 |
William R. Hewlett | Doctor of Laws | 1976 |
Mary Douglas Nicol Leakey | Doctor of Social Science | 1976 |
William G. Milliken | Doctor of Laws | 1976 |
Mstislav Rostropovich | Doctor of Music | 1976 |
Garretson Beekman Trudeau | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1976 |
Bernardus J. Alfrink | Doctor of Divinity | 1975 |
Paul B. Beeson | Doctor of Science | 1975 |
Jerome S. Bruner | Doctor of Social Science | 1975 |
John Doar | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
Vernon E. Jordan | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
Amy Ladin Lettick | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1975 |
Richard Wall Lyman | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
Sidney D. Ripley II | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
William W. Scranton | not noted | 1975 |
Isaac Stern | Doctor of Music | 1975 |
Thomas J. Watson | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
Eudora Welty | Doctor of Letters | 1975 |
Kenneth J. Arrow | Doctor of Social Science | 1974 |
Gaylord Donnelley | Doctor of Laws | 1974 |
John W. Gardner | Doctor of Laws | 1974 |
Lillian Hellman | Doctor of Letters | 1974 |
John E. Hines | Doctor of Divinity | 1974 |
Masayoshi Ohira | Doctor of Laws | 1974 |
Fred McFeely Rogers | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1974 |
John E. Sawyer | Doctor of Laws | 1974 |
Georg Solti | Doctor of Music | 1974 |
Lionel Trilling | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1974 |
John Archibald Wheeler | Doctor of Science | 1974 |
Ansel Adams | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1973 |
Stewart Alsop | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1973 |
Robert W. Berliner | Doctor of Science | 1973 |
James David Ebert | Doctor of Science | 1973 |
Georges Florovsky | Doctor of Divinity | 1973 |
Helen Gardner | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1973 |
Edward Hirsch Levi | Doctor of Laws | 1973 |
Maurice F. Strong | Doctor of Laws | 1973 |
Andre Watts | Doctor of Music | 1973 |
Andrew J. Young | Doctor of Laws | 1973 |
Saul Bellow | Doctor of Letters | 1972 |
William G. Bowen | Doctor of Laws | 1972 |
Henry Ford II | Doctor of Laws | 1972 |
Paul Freund | Doctor of Laws | 1972 |
Katharine Graham | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1972 |
Piet Hein | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1972 |
Ada L. Huxtable | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1972 |
Stephen W. Kuffler | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
Carl Pfaffmann | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
Francis T.P. Plimpton | Doctor of Laws | 1972 |
Gerard Coad Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1972 |
Leon Howard Sullivan | Doctor of Divinity | 1972 |
Hannah Arendt | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1971 |
Derek C. Bok | Doctor of Laws | 1971 |
Willy Brandt | Doctor of Laws | 1971 |
Ricardson Dilworth | Doctor of Laws | 1971 |
Erik H. Erikson | Doctor of Social Science | 1971 |
Rabbi Nelson Glueck | Doctor of Divinity | 1971 |
Martha Graham | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1971 |
Edvard Hambro | Doctor of Laws | 1971 |
Theodore M. Hesburgh | Doctor of Laws | 1971 |
Reuben A. Holden | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1971 |
Robert B. Merrifield | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
Eugene A. Stead | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
Eric Ashby | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1970 |
Leona Baumgartner | Doctor of Laws | 1970 |
Art Buchwald | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1970 |
Elliott Cook Carter | Doctor of Music | 1970 |
Henry Chadwick | Doctor of Divinity | 1970 |
Gaylord Probasco Harnwell | Doctor of Laws | 1970 |
Jean Piaget | Doctor of Social Science | 1970 |
Soedjatmoko | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1970 |
Henry Melson Stommel | Doctor of Science | 1970 |
Earl W. Sutherland | Doctor of Science | 1970 |
Franklin A. Thomas | Doctor of Laws | 1970 |
Homer D. Babbidge | Doctor of Laws | 1969 |
Roger Nash Baldwin | Doctor of Laws | 1969 |
Walter E. Fauntroy | Doctor of Divinity | 1969 |
William C. Foster | Doctor of Laws | 1969 |
Crawford H. Greenewalt | Doctor of Science | 1969 |
Henry M. Hart | Doctor of Laws | 1969 |
Harry H. Hess | Doctor of Science | 1969 |
Saunders MacLane | Doctor of Science | 1969 |
Karl Rahner | Doctor of Divinity | 1969 |
Mark Rothko | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1969 |
Cicely Saunders | Doctor of Science | 1969 |
Walter Seager Sullivan | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1969 |
Llewellyn E. Thompson | Doctor of Laws | 1969 |
Chester Bowles | Doctor of Laws | 1968 |
David G. Colwell | Doctor of Divinity | 1968 |
Renato Dulbecco | Doctor of Science | 1968 |
Anna Freud | Doctor of Science | 1968 |
Alberto Ginastera | Doctor of Music | 1968 |
W. Bruce Hutchison | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1968 |
Robert Lehman | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1968 |
Robert Lowell | Doctor of Letters | 1968 |
Robert K. Merton | Doctor of Science | 1968 |
James A. Perkins | Doctor of Laws | 1968 |
James A. Shannon | Doctor of Laws | 1968 |
John W. Tukey | Doctor of Science | 1968 |
Cyrus R. Vance | Doctor of Laws | 1968 |
Sidney J. Weinberg | Doctor of Laws | 1968 |
Frank Altschul | Doctor of Laws | 1967 |
Alfred H. Barr | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1967 |
Duke Ellington | Doctor of Music | 1967 |
Louis Finkelstein | Doctor of Divinity | 1967 |
Fulton of Flamer | Doctor of Laws | 1967 |
Roman Jakobson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1967 |
Frederick R. Kappel | Doctor of Laws | 1967 |
Konrad Lorenz | Doctor of Science | 1967 |
Paul Mellon | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1967 |
George E. Palade | Doctor of Science | 1967 |
Edwin O. Reischauer | Doctor of Laws | 1967 |
Barbara W. Tuchman | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1967 |
Chien-Shiung Wu | Doctor of Science | 1967 |
James E. Allen | Doctor of Laws | 1966 |
Leonard Bernstein | Doctor of Music | 1966 |
Mercea Eliade | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1966 |
James L. Gowans | Doctor of Science | 1966 |
Edwin H. Land | Doctor of Science | 1966 |
Henry R. Luce | Doctor of Laws | 1966 |
Henry Moore | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1966 |
John Courtney Murray | Doctor of Divinity | 1966 |
Allan Sandage | Doctor of Science | 1966 |
Maarten Schmidt | Doctor of Science | 1966 |
Pierre-Paul Schweitzer | Doctor of Laws | 1966 |
Ignazio Silone | Doctor of Letters | 1966 |
John C. Bennett | Doctor of Divinity | 1965 |
Paul Codman Cabot | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
Roland de Vaux | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1965 |
Edith Starrett Green | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
Louis I. Kahn | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1965 |
Claude Levi-Strauss | Doctor of Science | 1965 |
Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
Robert E. Marjolin | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
Marshall Nirenberg | Doctor of Science | 1965 |
Benjamin Spock | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1965 |
U Thant | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
Owen Meredith Wilson | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
Philip H. Abelson | Doctor of Science | 1964 |
Julian P. Boyd | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1964 |
John S. Cooper | Doctor of Laws | 1964 |
Lynn Fontanne | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1964 |
Winfred E. Garrison | Doctor of Divinity | 1964 |
William A. Harriman | Doctor of Laws | 1964 |
Philip C. Jessup | Doctor of Laws | 1964 |
Martin Luther King | Doctor of Laws | 1964 |
Alfred Lunt | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1964 |
Edward Sagendorph Mason | Doctor of Laws | 1964 |
Robert Sargent Shriver | Doctor of Laws | 1964 |
Edouard Alexandre Stackpole | Master of Arts | 1964 |
Victor Frederick Weisskopf | Doctor of Science | 1964 |
Samuel F. Bemis | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1963 |
Charles D. Dickey | Doctor of Laws | 1963 |
Morris Hadley | Doctor of Laws | 1963 |
Cameron P. Hall | Doctor of Divinity | 1963 |
Harold Hugo | Master of Arts | 1963 |
Robert McAllister Lloyd | Doctor of Laws | 1963 |
Marjorie H. Nicolson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1963 |
Lauris Norstad | Doctor of Laws | 1963 |
John R. Pierce | Doctor of Science | 1963 |
Herbert A. Simon | Doctor of Science | 1963 |
Dean G. Acheson | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
Josef Albers | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1962 |
Eugene Blake | Doctor of Divinity | 1962 |
Harvey Brooks | Doctor of Science | 1962 |
Norman S. Buck | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
Prescott Bush | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
Charles E. Clark | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
Harold K. Hochschild | Master of Arts | 1962 |
Rollin D. Hotchkiss | Doctor of Science | 1962 |
John F. Kennedy | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
Artur Rubinstein | Doctor of Music | 1962 |
Edward L. Ryerson | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
Gustave Weigel | Doctor of Divinity | 1962 |
Frank O. H. Williams | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
McGeorge Bundy | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1961 |
Millar Burrows | Doctor of Divinity | 1961 |
Albert H. Coons | Doctor of Science | 1961 |
Franklin Edgerton | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1961 |
Felix Frankfurter | Doctor of Laws | 1961 |
Thomas S. Gates | Doctor of Laws | 1961 |
Richard C. Lee | Master of Arts | 1961 |
Jean Monnet | Doctor of Laws | 1961 |
Henri Seyrig | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1961 |
F. Allen Sherk | Master of Arts | 1961 |
Alexander Todd | Doctor of Science | 1961 |
George Van Santvoord | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1961 |
James Skelly Wright | Doctor of Laws | 1961 |
Pedro Beltrán Espantoso | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
Eugene R. Black | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
Walls W. Bunnell | Master of Arts | 1960 |
Franklin C. Fry | Doctor of Divinity | 1960 |
William S. Fulton | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1960 |
Edward Tuck Hall | Master of Arts | 1960 |
Edward R. Harriman | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
Joshua Lederberg | Doctor of Science | 1960 |
Ch'ien Mu | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1960 |
Cole Porter | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1960 |
William W. Rubey | Doctor of Science | 1960 |
Henry Knox Sherrill | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
Robert Penn Warren | Doctor of Letters | 1960 |
Ellsworth Bunker | Doctor of Laws | 1959 |
Murray Gell-Mann | Doctor of Science | 1959 |
Edith Hamilton | Doctor of Letters | 1959 |
William E. Hocking | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1959 |
Elia Kazan | Master of Arts | 1959 |
Alexis Leger | Doctor of Letters | 1959 |
James L. Loomis | Doctor of Laws | 1959 |
Ernest Mayr | Doctor of Science | 1959 |
Gunnar K. Myrdal | Doctor of Laws | 1959 |
Duncan Phillips | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1959 |
David H.C. Read | Doctor of Divinity | 1959 |
Potter Stewart | Doctor of Laws | 1959 |
Edgar S. Furniss | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
Caryl P. Haskins | Doctor of Science | 1958 |
Henry B. Hough | Master of Arts | 1958 |
Harold Howe II | Master of Arts | 1958 |
Devereux C. Josephs | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
Alfred A. Knopf | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1958 |
Sidney Lovett | Doctor of Divinity | 1958 |
William McChesney Martin | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
Rosemary Park | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
Stella Isaacs | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
Lyman Spitzer | Doctor of Science | 1958 |
George Wald | Doctor of Science | 1958 |
Hamilton Fish Armstrong | Doctor of Letters | 1957 |
Joshua H. Burn | Doctor of Science | 1957 |
Omer Carmichael | Master of Arts | 1957 |
Stephen Carlton Clark | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1957 |
Robert F. Goheen | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
Alfred M. Gruenther | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
Dag Hammarskjold | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
William H. Hastie | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
Kenneth S. Latourette | Doctor of Divinity | 1957 |
Halford E. Luccock | Doctor of Divinity | 1957 |
Donald A. Quarles | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
Dickinson W. Richards | Doctor of Science | 1957 |
Percy Claude Spender | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
Konrad Adenauer | Doctor of Laws | 1956 |
Henry White Edgerton | Doctor of Laws | 1956 |
Stephen Galatti | Master of Arts | 1956 |
William L. Langer | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1956 |
Richard Winn Livingstone | Doctor of Letters | 1956 |
Irving Sands Olds | Doctor of Laws | 1956 |
Ernest North Roselle | Master of Arts | 1956 |
George W. Sherburn | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1956 |
Maxwell Davenport Taylor | Doctor of Laws | 1956 |
Electra Havemeyer Webb | Master of Arts | 1956 |
Amos Niven Wilder | Doctor of Divinity | 1956 |
Robert Burns Woodward | Doctor of Science | 1956 |
John H. Benson | Master of Arts | 1955 |
Detlev Wulf Bronk | Doctor of Science | 1955 |
Albert Buckner Coe | Doctor of Divinity | 1955 |
Vincent du Vigneaud | Doctor of Science | 1955 |
Lawrence Henry Gipson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1955 |
William E. Hall | Master of Arts | 1955 |
George M. Humphrey | Doctor of Laws | 1955 |
Douglas S. Moore | Doctor of Music | 1955 |
Walter Bedell Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1955 |
Wallace Stevens | Doctor of Letters | 1955 |
Winifred Sturley | Master of Arts | 1955 |
Paul D. Devanandan | Doctor of Divinity | 1954 |
Friedrick Karl Dibelius | Doctor of Divinity | 1954 |
Geoffrey F. Fisher | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
Henry Crocker Kittredge | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1954 |
Edmund Harris Lewis | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
Charles Malik | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
Thucydides Konstantinides | Doctor of Divinity | 1954 |
Wesley E. Needham | Master of Arts | 1954 |
Alan S. Paton | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1954 |
Wilder Graves Penfield | Doctor of Science | 1954 |
Claude Elwood Shannon | Master of Science | 1954 |
Ethan A. Hitchcock Shepley | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
Raymond A. Spruance | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
Edward Teller | Doctor of Science | 1954 |
Willem Adolf Visser 't Hooft | Doctor of Divinity | 1954 |
Frank Lloyd Wright | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1954 |
Louis Booker Wright | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1954 |
Marshall Bartholomew | Master of Arts | 1953 |
Samuel Trask Dana | Doctor of Science | 1953 |
Henry Francis duPont | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1953 |
John Franklin Enders | Doctor of Science | 1953 |
James W. Fulbright | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
Matthew P. Gaffney | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
George L. Hendrickson | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
Carl A. Lohmann | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1953 |
Clarence W. Mendell | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
Henry A. Moe | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
Hermann N. Morse | Doctor of Divinity | 1953 |
Nathan M. Pusey | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
Nathan Marsh Pusey | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
Paul J. Sachs | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1953 |
James Grover Thurber | Doctor of Letters | 1953 |
Arthur H. Bradford | Doctor of Divinity | 1952 |
Carroll C. Hincks | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
Robert A. Lovett | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
Robert Moses | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
Charles Phelps Taft | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
James Wolcott Wadsworth | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
Milton Charles Winternitz | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
William Foxwell Albright | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Norman Levi Bowen | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Percy Williams Bridgman | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Peter Henry Buck | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
John Maurice Clark | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Arthur Linton Corbin | Doctor of Laws | 1951 |
Gerty Therese Cori | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
John Dewey | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Kurt Godel | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed | Doctor of Divinity | 1951 |
Otto Loewi | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Robert Morrison MacIver | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1951 |
Kemp Malone | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Champion Herbert Mathewson | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Charles Howard McIlwain | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Charles Edward Merriam | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Elmer Drew Merrill | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Charles Rufus Morey | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Wallace Notestein | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Henry Norris Russell | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Alfred Henry Sturtevant | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Edgar Howard Sturtevant | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
Edward Chace Tolman | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Harold Clayton Urey | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Theodore von Kármán | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
Paul Gray Hoffman | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
Edward Calvin Kendall | Doctor of Science | 1950 |
George Frost Kennan | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
Russell Cornell Leffingwell | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
John Marin | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1950 |
John Phillips Marquand | Doctor of Letters | 1950 |
Helen Rogers Reid | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1950 |
John Henry Reisner | Master of Arts | 1950 |
Joseph Edwin Smadel | Master of Science | 1950 |
Elvin Charles Stakman | Doctor of Science | 1950 |
Luther Allan Weigle | Doctor of Divinity | 1950 |
Richard Mervin Bissell | Master of Arts | 1949 |
Erwin Dain Canham | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1949 |
Lucius DuBignon Clay | Doctor of Laws | 1949 |
William Robertson Coe | Master of Arts | 1949 |
Bayard Dodge | Doctor of Laws | 1949 |
John Jay McCloy | Doctor of Laws | 1949 |
Samuel Eliot Morison | Doctor of Letters | 1949 |
Norman Burdett Nash | Doctor of Divinity | 1949 |
Carl Purington Rollins | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1949 |
Peyton Rous | Doctor of Science | 1949 |
Eero Saarinen | Master of Arts | 1949 |
Sewall Wright | Doctor of Science | 1949 |
Roger Adams | Doctor of Science | 1948 |
Eleanor Robson Belmont | Master of Arts | 1948 |
Samuel McCrea Cavert | Doctor of Divinity | 1948 |
James Hutchison Cockburn | Doctor of Divinity | 1948 |
Harry Eagle | Master of Science | 1948 |
General Dwight David Eisenhower | Doctor of Laws | 1948 |
Arthur Lehman Goodhart | Doctor of Laws | 1948 |
John O'Brian | Doctor of Laws | 1948 |
Elwyn Brooks White | Doctor of Letters | 1948 |
K. G. Alexander | Doctor of Laws | 1947 |
George Wells Beadle | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Albert Francis Blakeslee | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Wilmot Hyde Bradley | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
James Francis Byrnes | Doctor of Laws | 1947 |
Wesley Roswell Coe | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Thomas Stearns Eliot | Doctor of Letters | 1947 |
Alexander William Evans | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
John Hersey | Master of Arts | 1947 |
Charles Brenton Huggins | Master of Science | 1947 |
Albert Wallace Hull | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Linus Carl Pauling | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Richard William Porter | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
William Cumming Rose | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
George Milton Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1947 |
Thomas Walter Swan | Doctor of Laws | 1947 |
Henry Pitney van Dusen | Doctor of Divinity | 1947 |
Hubert Bradford Vickery | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Charles Hyde Warren | Doctor of Laws | 1947 |
George Hoyt Whipple | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Hassler Whitney | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
Thornton Niven Wilder | Doctor of Letters | 1947 |
Frank Davis Ashburn | Master of Arts | 1946 |
Alfred Blalock | Master of Science | 1946 |
Carl Ferdinand Cori | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
Luther Harris Evans | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1946 |
Enrico Fermi | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
David Edward Finley | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1946 |
Douglas Southall Freeman | Doctor of Letters | 1946 |
William Mills Ivins | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1946 |
Frank Baldwin Jewett | Doctor of Laws | 1946 |
Alfred Louis Kroeber | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
Trygve Lie | Doctor of Laws | 1946 |
Harry Miller Lydenberg | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1946 |
Keyes Dewitt Metcalf | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1946 |
William Mathewson Milliken | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1946 |
Charles Grosvenor Osgood | Doctor of Letters | 1946 |
G. Bromley Oxnam | Doctor of Divinity | 1946 |
Albert Eide Parr | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
Lester Bowles Pearson | Doctor of Laws | 1946 |
George Gaylord Simpson | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
Chauncey Brewster Tinker | Doctor of Letters | 1946 |
Henry Raup Wagner | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1946 |
Lawrence Counselman Wroth | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1946 |
Robert R. Williams | Doctor of Science | 1943 |
Albert Richard Behnke | Master of Science | 1942 |
Vannevar Bush | Doctor of Laws | 1942 |
Artemus Lamb Gates | Master of Arts | 1942 |
Robert Abercrombie Lovett | Master of Arts | 1942 |
General Frank Ross McCoy | Doctor of Laws | 1942 |
Charles Merz | Doctor of Letters | 1942 |
Reinhold Niebuhr | Doctor of Divinity | 1942 |
Ts Vung Soong | Doctor of Laws | 1942 |
Leonard Bacon | Master of Arts | 1941 |
Henry Bryant Bigelow | Doctor of Science | 1941 |
Angus Dun | Doctor of Divinity | 1941 |
Thomas Francis | Master of Science | 1941 |
Charles Lindley Wood | Doctor of Laws | 1941 |
Robert Emmet Sherwood | Doctor of Letters | 1941 |
Kenneth Charles Morton Sills | Doctor of Laws | 1941 |
Elmer Edgar Stoll | Doctor of Letters | 1941 |
Francis Henry Taylor | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1941 |
Wendell Lewis Wilkie | Doctor of Laws | 1941 |
Gilmore David Clarke | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1940 |
Edward Adelbert Doisy | Doctor of Science | 1940 |
Leroy Upson Gardner | Master of Science | 1940 |
Henry Solon Graves | Doctor of Laws | 1940 |
Arthur Howe | Master of Arts | 1940 |
Fiorello LaGuardia | Doctor of Laws | 1940 |
Peter Kerr | Doctor of Laws | 1940 |
Carl Sandburg | Doctor of Letters | 1940 |
Hu Shih | Doctor of Laws | 1940 |
Paul Tillich | Doctor of Divinity | 1940 |
Eduard Benes | Doctor of Laws | 1939 |
William Adams Delano | Master of Arts | 1939 |
Arthur Frederick Fischer | Master of Arts | 1939 |
Ernest William Goodpasture | Master of Science | 1939 |
Augustus Noble Hand | Doctor of Laws | 1939 |
Ross Granville Harrison | Doctor of Science | 1939 |
Archibald MacLeish | Doctor of Letters | 1939 |
George Stewart | Doctor of Divinity | 1939 |
Hugh Robert Wilson | Doctor of Laws | 1939 |
Hans Zinsser | Doctor of Science | 1939 |
Walter Elias Disney | Master of Arts | 1938 |
Maitland Fuller Griggs | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1938 |
Serge Koussevitzky | Doctor of Music | 1938 |
Eugene Markley Landis | Master of Science | 1938 |
Thomas Mann | Doctor of Letters | 1938 |
James Lukens McConaughy | Doctor of Laws | 1938 |
Morgan Phelps Noyes | Doctor of Divinity | 1938 |
Endicott Peabody | Doctor of Laws | 1938 |
Stanley Forman Reed | Doctor of Laws | 1938 |
Howard Chandler Robbins | Doctor of Divinity | 1938 |
Wendell Meredith Stanley | Doctor of Science | 1938 |
John Buchan | Doctor of Laws | 1938 |
Stephen Vincent Benet | Doctor of Letters | 1937 |
Edward Grant Buckland | Doctor of Laws | 1937 |
Henry Wise Hobson | Doctor of Divinity | 1937 |
Cordell Hull | Doctor of Laws | 1937 |
H. H. K'Ung | Doctor of Laws | 1937 |
Ernest Orlando Lawrence | Doctor of Science | 1937 |
James Gore King McClure | Master of Arts | 1937 |
John Howard Northrop | Doctor of Science | 1937 |
Robert Kilburn Root | Doctor of Letters | 1937 |
Homer William Smith | Master of Science | 1937 |
Juan Terry Trippe | Master of Arts | 1937 |
Samuel Herbert Fisher | Doctor of Laws | 1936 |
Sinclair Lewis | Doctor of Letters | 1936 |
Edwin Carlyle Lobenstine | Doctor of Divinity | 1936 |
William McFee | Master of Arts | 1936 |
Carl Milles | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1936 |
Robert Moses | Master of Arts | 1936 |
Theophilus Shickel Painter | Doctor of Science | 1936 |
Charles Brown Sears | Doctor of Laws | 1936 |
Richard Edwin Shope | Master of Science | 1936 |
Horace Dutton Taft | Doctor of Laws | 1936 |
George Macaulay Trevelyan | Doctor of Letters | 1936 |
Charles McLean Andrews | Doctor of Letters | 1935 |
Carter Glass | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
Walter Hampden | Master of Arts | 1935 |
Rufus Matthew Jones | Doctor of Divinity | 1935 |
Henry Clifford Knight | Master of Arts | 1935 |
Schuyler Merritt | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
Alfred Lawrence Ripley | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
Carl Emil Seashore | Doctor of Science | 1935 |
Igor Sikorsky | Master of Science | 1935 |
Robert Gordon Sproul | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
John Baillie | Doctor of Divinity | 1934 |
James Bryant Conant | Doctor of Laws | 1934 |
Claude Moore Fuess | Doctor of Letters | 1934 |
Robert Bartholow Harshe | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1934 |
Albert Francis Judd | Master of Arts | 1934 |
Frederick George Keyes | Doctor of Science | 1934 |
Adolf Meyer | Doctor of Science | 1934 |
William Lyon Phelps | Doctor of Laws | 1934 |
Duncan Phillips | Master of Arts | 1934 |
John Levi Rice | Master of Arts | 1934 |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Doctor of Laws | 1934 |
Charles Cutler Torrey | Doctor of Letters | 1934 |
Ernest William Brown | Doctor of Science | 1933 |
Pearl Sydenstricker Buck | Master of Arts | 1933 |
William Bosworth Castle | Master of Science | 1933 |
Hugh Smith Cumming | Doctor of Laws | 1933 |
Harold Willis Dodds | Doctor of Laws | 1933 |
Lincoln Ellsworth | Master of Science | 1933 |
Alfred Lee Loomis | Master of Science | 1933 |
William Millis Maltbite | Doctor of Laws | 1933 |
Harry Alfred Peters | Master of Arts | 1933 |
Alfred Newton Richards | Doctor of Science | 1933 |
Ernest Fremont Tittle | Doctor of Divinity | 1933 |
Herbert Eustis Winlock | Doctor of Letters | 1933 |
Othmar Hermann Amman | Master of Science | 1932 |
Newton Diehl Baker | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
Carl Lotus Becker | Doctor of Letters | 1932 |
George Arthur Buttrick | Doctor of Divinity | 1932 |
Fielding Hudson Garrison | Doctor of Letters | 1932 |
William Irwin Grubb | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
Lee Lawrie | Master of Arts | 1932 |
Frank Rattray Lillie | Doctor of Science | 1932 |
Eugene Meyer | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
Frank Brett Noyes | Master of Arts | 1932 |
George Townsend Adee | Master of Arts | 1931 |
Samuel Randall Detwiler | Master of Science | 1931 |
John Ripley Freeman | Doctor of Science | 1931 |
Hugh Gibson | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
Learned Hand | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
Eugene Lindsay Opie | Doctor of Science | 1931 |
Frank Chamberlin Porter | Doctor of Divinity | 1931 |
James Grafton Rogers | Master of Arts | 1931 |
Edwin Park Root | Master of Arts | 1931 |
Ray Lyman Wilbur | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
Robert Borthwick Adam | Master of Arts | 1930 |
Edwin Grant Conklin | Doctor of Science | 1930 |
Wilbur Lucius Cross | Doctor of Letters | 1930 |
James Lawder Gamble | Master of Science | 1930 |
William Gillette | Master of Arts | 1930 |
Paul Wilberforce Harrison | Master of Arts | 1930 |
Ronald Charles Lindsay | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
Francis John McConnell | Doctor of Divinity | 1930 |
Charles Schuchert | Doctor of Science | 1930 |
Thomas Day Thacher | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
Benjamin Wisner Bacon | Doctor of Divinity | 1929 |
William Henry Carmalt | Doctor of Laws | 1929 |
Willa Cather | Doctor of Letters | 1929 |
Arthur Holly Compton | Doctor of Science | 1929 |
Richard Thornton Fisher | Master of Science | 1929 |
George Leslie Harrison | Master of Arts | 1929 |
Vincent Massey | Doctor of Laws | 1929 |
William Dewitt Mitchell | Doctor of Laws | 1929 |
John Hill Morgan | Master of Arts | 1929 |
William Hallock Park | Doctor of Science | 1929 |
Henry Knox Sherrill | Doctor of Divinity | 1929 |
Henry Lewis Stimson | Doctor of Laws | 1929 |
Frank Aydelotte | Doctor of Laws | 1928 |
Otto Tremont Bannard | Doctor of Laws | 1928 |
Charles Reynolds Brown | Doctor of Divinity | 1928 |
Paul Claudel | Doctor of Letters | 1928 |
Evarts Ambrose Graham | Master of Science | 1928 |
James Guthrie Harbord | Doctor of Laws | 1928 |
Herbert Eugene Ives | Doctor of Science | 1928 |
C. Ubo Ariens Kappers | Doctor of Science | 1928 |
John Livingston Lowes | Doctor of Letters | 1928 |
Bruce Rogers | Master of Arts | 1928 |
George William Russell | Doctor of Letters | 1928 |
Dean Sage | Master of Arts | 1928 |
Robbins Battell Stoeckel | Master of Arts | 1928 |
James Y. C. Yen | Master of Arts | 1928 |
John Jacob Abel | Doctor of Science | 1927 |
Carl William Blegen | Master of Arts | 1927 |
Richard Evelyn Byrd | Master of Arts | 1927 |
Charles Value Chapin | Doctor of Laws | 1927 |
Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge | Master of Arts | 1927 |
Charles Whitney Gilkey | Doctor of Divinity | 1927 |
William Buckhout Greeley | Master of Arts | 1927 |
James Colquhoun Irvine | Doctor of Science | 1927 |
Adolph Keller | Doctor of Divinity | 1927 |
Charles Louis Kirschner | Master of Arts | 1927 |
Charles Lanier Lawrance | Master of Arts | 1927 |
Dwight Whitney Morrow | Doctor of Laws | 1927 |
William Allan Neilson | Doctor of Letters | 1927 |
Willis van Devanter | Doctor of Laws | 1927 |
George Hoyt Whipple | Master of Arts | 1927 |
Alfred North Whitehead | Doctor of Science | 1927 |
William W. Atterbury | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
Frank Learoyd Boyden | Master of Arts | 1926 |
Julian Wheeler Curtiss | Master of Arts | 1926 |
Clarence Day | Master of Arts | 1926 |
Lee Deforest | Doctor of Science | 1926 |
Alphonse Raymond Dochez | Doctor of Science | 1926 |
Charles Henry Forbes | Master of Arts | 1926 |
Gustavo VI Adolfo de Suecia | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
Charles Martin Tornov Loeffler | Doctor of Music | 1926 |
Henry Robinson Luce | Master of Arts | 1926 |
Max Mason | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
Andrew William Mellon | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
Eugene Gladstone O'Neill | Doctor of Letters | 1926 |
George Campbell Pidgeon | Doctor of Divinity | 1926 |
Lucius Franklin Robinson | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
Robert Russell Wicks | Doctor of Divinity | 1926 |
Samuel Williston | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
Samuel Parkes Cadman | Doctor of Divinity | 1925 |
John Staige Davis | Master of Arts | 1925 |
John Hays Hammond | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
Edward Stephen Harkness | Master of Arts | 1925 |
Ernest Martin Hopkins | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
John Matthews Manly | Doctor of Letters | 1925 |
Robert Andrews Millikan | Doctor of Science | 1925 |
John Monroe Moore | Doctor of Divinity | 1925 |
Arthur Boothby Morrill | Master of Arts | 1925 |
Gifford Pinchot | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
Francis Cole Pratt | Master of Arts | 1925 |
Agnes Repplier | Doctor of Letters | 1925 |
James Rockwell Sheffield | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
Donald Dexter van Slyke | Doctor of Science | 1925 |
Owen D. Young | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
George Burton Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
Frederick Grant Banting | Doctor of Science | 1924 |
Howard Carter | Doctor of Science | 1924 |
Robert Frost | Doctor of Letters | 1924 |
Ossip Gabrilowitsch | Master of Arts | 1924 |
Clement Collester Hyde | Master of Arts | 1924 |
William Lyon Mackenzie King | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
David Kinley | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
George Lyman Kittredge | Doctor of Letters | 1924 |
William Smith Mason | Master of Arts | 1924 |
Paul Dwight Moody | Doctor of Divinity | 1924 |
Edward Lambe Parsons | Doctor of Divinity | 1924 |
John Russell Pope | Master of Arts | 1924 |
Harlan Fiske Stone | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
Frederick Wells Williams | Master of Arts | 1924 |
George Deforest Brush | Master of Arts | 1923 |
Prince Gelasio Caetani | Doctor of Laws | 1923 |
Walter Bradford Cannon | Doctor of Science | 1923 |
John Scudder Chandler | Doctor of Divinity | 1923 |
William Phelps Eno | Master of Arts | 1923 |
Henry Walcott Farnam | Doctor of Laws | 1923 |
Livingston Farrand | Doctor of Laws | 1923 |
Harry Emerson Fosdick | Doctor of Divinity | 1923 |
Charles Merrill Hough | Doctor of Laws | 1923 |
Jacques Loeb | Doctor of Science | 1923 |
Henry Fairfield Osborn | Doctor of Science | 1923 |
Joseph Hyde Pratt | Master of Arts | 1923 |
Sherman Day Thacher | Master of Arts | 1923 |
Edith Wharton | Doctor of Letters | 1923 |
Mary Emma Woolley | Doctor of Laws | 1923 |
Clifford Whittingham Beers | Master of Arts | 1922 |
Charles Joseph Bennett | Master of Arts | 1922 |
John Joseph Carty | Doctor of Science | 1922 |
Russell Henry Chittenden | Doctor of Laws | 1922 |
Robert Alexander Falconer | Doctor of Laws | 1922 |
Francis Patrick Garvan | Master of Arts | 1922 |
Murray Shipley Howland | Doctor of Divinity | 1922 |
John Campbell Merriam | Doctor of Science | 1922 |
Mary Adelaide Nutting | Master of Arts | 1922 |
Adolph S. Ochs | Master of Arts | 1922 |
Edwin Arlington Robinson | Doctor of Letters | 1922 |
Willard Learoyd Sperry | Doctor of Divinity | 1922 |
Lloyd Warren | Master of Arts | 1922 |
Fu-Chun Yen | Master of Arts | 1922 |
James Rowland Angell | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
William Rose Benet | Master of Arts | 1921 |
Isaiah Bowman | Master of Arts | 1921 |
Benjamin Nathan Cardozo | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
Marie Curie | Doctor of Science | 1921 |
John William Davis | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
George Bird Grinnell | Doctor of Letters | 1921 |
Marcus Hensey Holcomb | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
William James Hutchins | Doctor of Divinity | 1921 |
Robert Jones | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
Julia Clifford Lathrop | Master of Arts | 1921 |
Archibald Marshall | Doctor of Letters | 1921 |
Hideyo Noguchi | Doctor of Science | 1921 |
James Gamble Rogers | Master of Arts | 1921 |
Anson Phelps Stokes | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
Henry Prentiss Armsby | Doctor of Science | 1920 |
Preston Brown | Master of Arts | 1920 |
Thomas Dewitt Cuyler | Doctor of Laws | 1920 |
William Darrach | Master of Arts | 1920 |
Albert Feuillerat | Doctor of Letters | 1920 |
Auckland Campbell Geddes | Doctor of Laws | 1920 |
Arthur Goodenough | Doctor of Divinity | 1920 |
Herbert Edwin Hawkes | Master of Arts | 1920 |
Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Jusserand | Doctor of Laws | 1920 |
Malcolm Lee McBride | Master of Arts | 1920 |
Edward William Nelson | Master of Arts | 1920 |
John Joseph Pershing | Doctor of Laws | 1920 |
Charles Henry Brent | Doctor of Divinity | 1919 |
Charles Albert Coffin | Master of Arts | 1919 |
Harvey Cushing | Doctor of Science | 1919 |
Russell Cornell Leffingwell | Master of Arts | 1919 |
Jean-Julien Lemordant | Master of Arts | 1919 |
Robert Stewart McClenahan | Master of Arts | 1919 |
Désiré Joseph Mercier | Doctor of Laws | 1919 |
Orville Anderson Petty | Doctor of Divinity | 1919 |
Admiral William Sowden Sims | Doctor of Laws | 1919 |
William Josiah Snow | Doctor of Laws | 1919 |
Samuel Wesley Stratton | Doctor of Science | 1919 |
Samuel Hosea Wadhams | Master of Arts | 1919 |
Orville Wright | Master of Arts | 1919 |
Alfred Lawrence Aiken | Master of Arts | 1918 |
Paul Wayland Bartlett | Master of Arts | 1918 |
Henry Stanford Brooks | Master of Arts | 1918 |
Benedict Crowell | Master of Arts | 1918 |
Henry Drysdale Dakin | Doctor of Science | 1918 |
Henry Pomeroy Davison | Doctor of Laws | 1918 |
James Edgar Gregg | Doctor of Divinity | 1918 |
Herbert Clark Hoover | Doctor of Laws | 1918 |
John Masefield | Doctor of Letters | 1918 |
Edward Sylvester Morse | Doctor of Science | 1918 |
Frank Lyon Polk | Master of Arts | 1918 |
Rufus Isaacs | Doctor of Laws | 1918 |
William Renwick Riddell | Doctor of Laws | 1918 |
Robert Scoville | Master of Arts | 1918 |
Daniel Sylvester Tuttle | Doctor of Divinity | 1918 |
LeBaron Russell Briggs | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
Shirley Jackson Case | Doctor of Divinity | 1917 |
Robert Melville Danford | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Myron Timothy Herrick | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
William Temple Hornaday | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Pierre Jay | Master of Arts | 1917 |
John Kelman | Doctor of Divinity | 1917 |
Ignace Jan Paderewski | Doctor of Music | 1917 |
Frederick Noah Pease | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Ernest Rutherford | Doctor of Science | 1917 |
Martin Antoine Ryerson | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Theobald Smith | Doctor of Science | 1917 |
Andre Pierre Gabriel Amedee Tardieu | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
Frederic Collin Walcott | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Julian Alden Weir | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Arthur Whiting | Master of Arts | 1917 |
Elmer Bragg Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1916 |
Herbert Adams | Master of Arts | 1916 |
Simeon Eben Baldwin | Doctor of Laws | 1916 |
Arthur Dean Bevan | Master of Arts | 1916 |
John Jay Chapman | Doctor of Letters | 1916 |
Frank Miles Day | Master of Arts | 1916 |
Charles Allen Dinsmore | Doctor of Divinity | 1916 |
George Sherwood Eddy | Master of Arts | 1916 |
Vii Kuin Wellington Koo | Doctor of Laws | 1916 |
David Russell Lyman | Master of Arts | 1916 |
John Singer Sargent | Doctor of Laws | 1916 |
Lauress John Birney | Doctor of Divinity | 1915 |
Henry Sloane Coffin | Doctor of Divinity | 1915 |
Ralph Adams Cram | Doctor of Laws | 1915 |
Katherine Bement Davis | Master of Arts | 1915 |
Edwin Musser Herr | Master of Arts | 1915 |
Charles Evans Hughes | Doctor of Laws | 1915 |
George Foot Moore | Doctor of Letters | 1915 |
Charles Wardell Stiles | Doctor of Science | 1915 |
Melville Elijah Stone | Master of Arts | 1915 |
William Roscoe Thayer | Doctor of Letters | 1915 |
Peter Ainslie | Doctor of Divinity | 1914 |
Edward Robinson Baldwin | Master of Arts | 1914 |
John Kimberly Beach | Doctor of Laws | 1914 |
Edwin Howland Blashfield | Master of Arts | 1914 |
William Herbert Corbin | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Charles Franklin Craig | Master of Arts | 1914 |
William Crawford Gorgas | Doctor of Laws | 1914 |
Sidney Lewis Gulick | Doctor of Divinity | 1914 |
James Hartness | Master of Arts | 1914 |
John Howland | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Henry Hun | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Elliott Proctor Joslin | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Fred Towsley Murphy | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Romulo Naon | Doctor of Laws | 1914 |
George Wharton Pepper | Doctor of Laws | 1914 |
Jean Sibelius | Doctor of Music | 1914 |
Edgar Fahs Smith | Doctor of Science | 1914 |
Oliver Cotton Smith | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Richard Pearson Strong | Doctor of Science | 1914 |
William Francis Verdi | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Mary Emma Wooley | Master of Arts | 1914 |
Arthur Judson Brown | Doctor of Divinity | 1913 |
Harvey Cushing | Master of Arts | 1913 |
Daniel Chester French | Master of Arts | 1913 |
John Grier Hibben | Doctor of Laws | 1913 |
David Franklin Houston | Doctor of Laws | 1913 |
Howard Mansfield | Master of Arts | 1913 |
Alfred Noyes | Doctor of Letters | 1913 |
Arthur Amos Noyes | Doctor of Science | 1913 |
Samuel Oscar Prentice | Doctor of Laws | 1913 |
George Dudley Seymour | Master of Arts | 1913 |
Joseph Hopkins Twichell | Doctor of Divinity | 1913 |
Boyd Vincent | Doctor of Divinity | 1913 |
Samuel Wendell Willston | Doctor of Science | 1913 |
Frank Frost Abbott | Master of Arts | 1912 |
Cecilia Beaux | Master of Arts | 1912 |
Alfred East | Doctor of Laws | 1912 |
Henry Turner Eddy | Doctor of Science | 1912 |
George Washington Goethals | Doctor of Laws | 1912 |
William Brian Hooker | Master of Arts | 1912 |
Edward H. Hume | Master of Arts | 1912 |
Theodore Caldwell Janeway | Master of Arts | 1912 |
Benjamin Jepson | Master of Arts | 1912 |
Eugene William Lyman | Doctor of Divinity | 1912 |
Franklin MacVeagh | Doctor of Laws | 1912 |
Harry Gideon Wells | Master of Arts | 1912 |
William W. Atterbury | Master of Arts | 1911 |
Mabel Thorpe Boardman | Master of Arts | 1911 |
Charles Frederick Brooker | Master of Arts | 1911 |
William Henry Howell | Doctor of Science | 1911 |
Franz Kneisel | Doctor of Music | 1911 |
George William Knox | Doctor of Divinity | 1911 |
Joseph Rucker Lamar | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
Tun Yen Liang | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
Walter McClintock | Master of Arts | 1911 |
John Muir | Doctor of Letters | 1911 |
Josiah Royce | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
George Edgar Vincent | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
Jane Addams | Master of Arts | 1910 |
John Burroughs | Doctor of Letters | 1910 |
William Bradley Coley | Master of Arts | 1910 |
Kenyon Cox | Master of Arts | 1910 |
Simon Flexner | Doctor of Science | 1910 |
Walter Francis Frear | Doctor of Laws | 1910 |
James Jerome Hill | Doctor of Laws | 1910 |
Melancthon Williams Jacobus | Doctor of Divinity | 1910 |
Truman Handy Newberry | Master of Arts | 1910 |
Thomas Osborne | Doctor of Science | 1910 |
Charles Doolittle Walcott | Doctor of Laws | 1910 |
Joseph Augustus Blake | Master of Arts | 1909 |
Jacob McGavock Dickinson | Doctor of Laws | 1909 |
John Pierrepont Codrington Foster | Master of Arts | 1909 |
John Marshall Holcombe | Master of Arts | 1909 |
Henry Edward Krehbiel | Master of Arts | 1909 |
William Lawrence | Doctor of Divinity | 1909 |
Edward Caldwell Moore | Doctor of Divinity | 1909 |
Eliakim Hastings Moore | Doctor of Science | 1909 |
Edward Williams Morley | Doctor of Science | 1909 |
William Thompson Sedgwick | Doctor of Science | 1909 |
Charles Stillman Sperry | Doctor of Laws | 1909 |
William Graham Sumner | Doctor of Laws | 1909 |
Otto Tremont Bannard | Master of Arts | 1908 |
Hugh Black | Doctor of Divinity | 1908 |
Magrane Coxe | Master of Arts | 1908 |
Samuel James Elder | Doctor of Laws | 1908 |
William Kent | Master of Arts | 1908 |
George Washington Kirchney | Doctor of Laws | 1908 |
Graham Lusk | Doctor of Science | 1908 |
John Meigs | Master of Arts | 1908 |
William Vaughn Moody | Doctor of Letters | 1908 |
John Pierpont Morgan | Doctor of Laws | 1908 |
Theodore Thornton Munger | Doctor of Divinity | 1908 |
Joaquim Nabuco | Doctor of Letters | 1908 |
William Beach Olmsted | Master of Arts | 1908 |
John Coit Spooner | Doctor of Laws | 1908 |
Frederick Trevor Hill | Master of Arts | 1907 |
Frederick Newton Judson | Doctor of Laws | 1907 |
Philander Chase Knox | Doctor of Laws | 1907 |
Vance Criswell McCormick | Master of Arts | 1907 |
Henry Pickering Walcott | Doctor of Laws | 1907 |
Francis Bacon | Doctor of Science | 1906 |
Henry Herbert Donaldson | Doctor of Science | 1906 |
Charles Coolidge Haight | Master of Arts | 1906 |
George Edward Ide | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Walter Belknap James | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Frank Johnston Jones | Master of Arts | 1906 |
William Williams Keen | Doctor of Laws | 1906 |
Chentung Liang-Cheng | Doctor of Laws | 1906 |
Benjamin Drake Magruder | Doctor of Laws | 1906 |
James Gore King McClure | Doctor of Divinity | 1906 |
Charles Sanger Mellen | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Victor Howard Metcalf | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Carl Stoeckel | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Samuel Escue Tillman | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Edmund Wetmore | Doctor of Laws | 1906 |
William Williams | Master of Arts | 1906 |
Edward Anderson Alderman | Doctor of Laws | 1905 |
Huber Gray Buehler | Master of Arts | 1905 |
Lebaron Bradford Colt | Doctor of Laws | 1905 |
Edward Elgar | Doctor of Music | 1905 |
John Franklin Genung | Doctor of Divinity | 1905 |
Goerge Ellery Hale | Doctor of Science | 1905 |
Abraham Jacobi | Doctor of Laws | 1905 |
Frederic William Keator | Doctor of Divinity | 1905 |
Samuel Waldron Lambert | Master of Arts | 1905 |
James Wallace Pinchot | Master of Arts | 1905 |
Theodore William Richards | Doctor of Science | 1905 |
Augustus Saint Gaudens | Doctor of Laws | 1905 |
Alfred Ernest Stearns | Master of Arts | 1905 |
Henry Waters Taft | Master of Arts | 1905 |
Cayetano Arellano | Doctor of Laws | 1904 |
Frank Heino Damrosch | Doctor of Music | 1904 |
Robert Weeks De Forest | Doctor of Laws | 1904 |
Trinidad H. Pardo De Tavera | Master of Arts | 1904 |
William Henry Goodyear | Master of Arts | 1904 |
William Dameron Guthrie | Master of Arts | 1904 |
William Stewart Halstead | Doctor of Laws | 1904 |
Artemas Haynes | Master of Arts | 1904 |
George Chandler Holt | Doctor of Laws | 1904 |
Henry Churchill King | Doctor of Divinity | 1904 |
George Payne McLean | Master of Arts | 1904 |
Stewart Means | Doctor of Divinity | 1904 |
Samuel Edwin Merwin | Master of Arts | 1904 |
Edgar Gardner Murphy | Master of Arts | 1904 |
Charles Richard van Hise | Doctor of Laws | 1904 |
Lyman Abbott | Doctor of Divinity | 1903 |
William Dewitt Alexander | Doctor of Laws | 1903 |
Herbert Wolcott Bowen | Master of Arts | 1903 |
William Henry Brewer | Doctor of Laws | 1903 |
George Gray | Doctor of Laws | 1903 |
George Sherburn Hutchings | Master of Arts | 1903 |
Benjamin Johnson Lang | Master of Arts | 1903 |
James Sumner Pettit | Master of Arts | 1903 |
Charles Millard Pratt | Master of Arts | 1903 |
William Rogers Richards | Doctor of Divinity | 1903 |
Thomas Thacher | Doctor of Laws | 1903 |
Louis Comfort Tiffany | Master of Arts | 1903 |
Nicholas Murray Butler | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
Franklin Bowditch Dexter | Doctor of Letters | 1902 |
William Blair Graves | Master of Arts | 1902 |
Samuel Hart | Doctor of Divinity | 1902 |
William Huntington | Doctor of Divinity | 1902 |
Charles Rockwell Lanman | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
Henry Cabot Lodge | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
Robert Curtis Ogden | Master of Arts | 1902 |
Roswell Park | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
Endicott Peabody | Master of Arts | 1902 |
James Whitcomb Riley | Master of Arts | 1902 |
Eliphalet Whittlesey | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
Harlan Page Beach | Master of Arts | 1901 |
Frederick Henry Betts | Doctor of Laws | 1901 |
Theodore Low De Vinne | Master of Arts | 1901 |
William Earle Dodge | Master of Arts | 1901 |
William Herbert Perry Faunce | Doctor of Divinity | 1901 |
James Lawrence Houghteling | Master of Arts | 1901 |
Gifford Pinchot | Master of Arts | 1901 |
James Monroe Taylor | Doctor of Divinity | 1901 |
Williston Walker | Doctor of Divinity | 1901 |
Edmund Beecher Wilson | Doctor of Laws | 1901 |
Nombre | Grado | Año |
Poultney Bigelow | Master of Arts | 1900 |
William Newton Clarke | Doctor of Divinity | 1900 |
Samuel Train Dutton | Master of Arts | 1900 |
Edward Dwight Eaton | Doctor of Divinity | 1900 |
Calvin Noyes Kendall | Master of Arts | 1900 |
Julian Kennedy | Master of Arts | 1900 |
Elihu Root | Doctor of Laws | 1900 |
Robert Eliot Speer | Master of Arts | 1900 |
Lewis Atterbury Stimson | Doctor of Laws | 1900 |
Frederic Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1899 |
William Beebe | Master of Arts | 1899 |
Robert Somers Brookings | Master of Arts | 1899 |
Francis Marvin Bunce | Master of Arts | 1899 |
David Stuart Dodge | Doctor of Divinity | 1899 |
John William Griggs | Doctor of Laws | 1899 |
Frederick John Kingsbury | Doctor of Laws | 1899 |
Herman Livingston | Master of Arts | 1899 |
Emory McClintock | Doctor of Laws | 1899 |
Charles Sedgwick Minot | Doctor of Laws | 1899 |
John R. Mott | Master of Arts | 1899 |
William Augustus Otis | Master of Arts | 1899 |
James Pierpont | Master of Arts | 1899 |
George Adam Smith | Doctor of Divinity | 1899 |
John Hampden Thomas | Master of Arts | 1899 |
Franz Johannes von Rottenburg | Doctor of Laws | 1899 |
William Clinton Wise | Master of Arts | 1899 |
Charles Andrews | Doctor of Laws | 1898 |
Henry Samuel Barnum | Doctor of Divinity | 1898 |
Chauncey Bunce Brewster | Doctor of Divinity | 1898 |
Russell Wheeler Davenport | Master of Arts | 1898 |
Jacob Lyman Greene | Master of Arts | 1898 |
John Hays Hammond | Master of Arts | 1898 |
Charles Frederick Johnson | Doctor of Letters | 1898 |
George Henry Knight | Master of Arts | 1898 |
William McKinley | Doctor of Laws | 1898 |
Daniel Merriman | Doctor of Divinity | 1898 |
David Brainerd Perry | Doctor of Divinity | 1898 |
George Keyes Tufts | Master of Arts | 1898 |
Irving Goodwin Vann | Doctor of Laws | 1898 |
James Wolcott Wadsworth | Master of Arts | 1898 |
Edwin Austin Abbey | Doctor of Laws | 1897 |
Charles William Benton | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Charles Noyes Chadwick | Master of Arts | 1897 |
George Whitfield Chadwick | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Samuel Harden Church | Master of Arts | 1897 |
John Slade Ely | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Theodore Newel Ely | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Archer Milton Huntington | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Henry Roseman Lang | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Edwin Stevens Lines | Doctor of Divinity | 1897 |
Alfred Thayer Mahan | Doctor of Laws | 1897 |
William Gordon McCabe | Doctor of Letters | 1897 |
George Foote Moore | Doctor of Divinity | 1897 |
Theophil Mitchell Prudden | Doctor of Laws | 1897 |
Charles Comfort Tiffany | Doctor of Divinity | 1897 |
John Watson | Doctor of Divinity | 1897 |
John Wurts | Master of Arts | 1897 |
Theodore Bacon | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
Theodore Alfred Bingham | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Charles Francis Brown | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
John Watson Foster | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
William Henry Hunt | Master of Arts | 1896 |
John LaFarge | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Dwight Whitney Learned | Doctor of Divinity | 1896 |
Dwight Loomis | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
Graham Lusk | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Rufus Wheeler Peckham | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
Samuel Lewis Penfield | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Horatio McLeod Reynolds | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Henry vanDyke | Doctor of Divinity | 1896 |
William Henry Welch | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
Horace Lemuel Wells | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Henry Roger Wolcott | Master of Arts | 1896 |
Thomas Gray Bennett | Master of Arts | 1895 |
William Webb Browning | Master of Arts | 1895 |
Edward Grant Buckland | Master of Arts | 1895 |
Henry Cuyler Bunner | Master of Arts | 1895 |
Wilhelm D rpfeld | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
Edward Miner Gallaudet | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
William Torrey Harris | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
Edward Washburn Hopkins | Master of Arts | 1895 |
Robert Allen Hume | Doctor of Divinity | 1895 |
William Carrington Mayo | Master of Arts | 1895 |
John Punnett Peters | Doctor of Divinity | 1895 |
Henry Augustus Rowland | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
Newman Smyth | Doctor of Divinity | 1895 |
William Jewett Tucker | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
Joseph Folger Barnard | Doctor of Laws | 1894 |
Homer Franklin Bassett | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Francis Brown | Doctor of Divinity | 1894 |
Joseph Leonard Daniels | Doctor of Divinity | 1894 |
John Chipman Gray | Doctor of Laws | 1894 |
Thornton Mills Hinkle | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Albert Francis Judd | Doctor of Laws | 1894 |
Caleb Lamson | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Samuel Henry Lee | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Charles Luedeking | Master of Arts | 1894 |
William Thompson Lusk | Doctor of Laws | 1894 |
Horation William Parker | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Charles Joseph Hardy Ropes | Doctor of Divinity | 1894 |
Edmund Clarence Stedman | Doctor of Laws | 1894 |
Nikola Tesla | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Cornelius Vanderbilt | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Andrew Judson White | Master of Arts | 1894 |
Walter Allen | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Charles Bartlett Andrews | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
William Loring Andrews | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Hiram Bingham | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
Wilson Shannon Bissell | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
Daniel Hudson Burnham | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Sylvester Clarke | Master of Arts | 1893 |
William Lewis Elkin | Master of Arts | 1893 |
George Angier Gordon | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
Henry Strong Gulliver | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Edwin Franklin Hall | Bachelor of Laws | 1893 |
Allen Maxcy Hiller | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Robert Forman Horton | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
Henry Elias Howland | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Martin Kellogg | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
John Francis Logie | Master of Arts | 1893 |
George Manierre | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Alexander Caldwell McClurg | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Frank Arthur Mitchell | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Frederick Law Olmsted | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
Theodore Gordon Peck | Master of Arts | 1893 |
John Andrew Peters | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
George Richards | Master of Arts | 1893 |
James Bradford Ryder | Master of Arts | 1893 |
John William Sterling | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
Henry Albert Stimson | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
Joseph Joachim Synnott | Master of Arts | 1893 |
William Howard Taft | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
Horace Dutton Taft | Master of Arts | 1893 |
Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft | Doctor of Laws | 1892 |
Walter Ray Bridgman | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Henry Martyn Denniston | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Theodore William Dwight | Doctor of Laws | 1892 |
Tryon Holkar Edwards | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Charles Henry Hall | Doctor of Laws | 1892 |
Orlando Metcalf Harper | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Ebenezer J. Hill | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Edward Sackett Hume | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Laurence Hutton | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Frederick Wolcott Jackson | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Joseph Jefferson | Master of Arts | 1892 |
William Lathrop Kingsley | Doctor of Letters | 1892 |
Walter William Law | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury | Doctor of Laws | 1892 |
Webster Merrifield | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Donald Alexander Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1892 |
James Stoddard | Master of Arts | 1892 |
John Payne Studley | Master of Arts | 1892 |
Charles Mellen Tyler | Doctor of Divinity | 1892 |
James Madison Barker | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
Edward Bement | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Sherman Miller Booth | Master of Arts | 1891 |
David Josiah Brewer | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
Henry Billings Brown | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
James Campbell | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Henry Augustus Coit | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
Edward Lewis Curtis | Doctor of Divinity | 1891 |
Thomas Frederick Davies | Doctor of Divinity | 1891 |
John Walker Fearn | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Anthony Higgins | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
Morris Ketchum Jesup | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Robert Underwood Johnson | Master of Arts | 1891 |
William James Linton | Master of Arts | 1891 |
James Stetson Metcalfe | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Cyrus LaRue Munson | Master of Arts | 1891 |
John Willock Noble | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
Arthur Hubbell Palmer | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Hiram Sterling Pomeroy | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Gould Abijah Shelton | Master of Arts | 1891 |
James Stalker | Doctor of Divinity | 1891 |
Joseph Burbeen Walker | Master of Arts | 1891 |
Adolphus Julius Frederick Behrends | Doctor of Divinity | 1890 |
Edward Coke Billings | Doctor of Laws | 1890 |
Stephen Smith Burt | Master of Arts | 1890 |
Loomis Joseph Campbell | Master of Arts | 1890 |
William Frierson Cooper | Doctor of Laws | 1890 |
Francis Delafield | Doctor of Laws | 1890 |
Henry Martyn Dexter | Doctor of Laws | 1890 |
Joseph Benjamin Dimmick | Master of Arts | 1890 |
Walter Edwards | Master of Arts | 1890 |
Dorsey Gardner | Master of Arts | 1890 |
Frederic Byron Hall | Master of Arts | 1890 |
John Kean | Master of Arts | 1890 |
John Knowles Paine | Doctor of Music | 1890 |
William Walter Phelps | Doctor of Laws | 1890 |
William Edgar Simonds | Master of Arts | 1890 |
Augustus Hopkins Strong | Doctor of Divinity | 1890 |
Elihu Thomson | Master of Arts | 1890 |
Morgan Gardner Bulkeley | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Albert Stanburrough Cook | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Henry Laurens Dawes | Doctor of Laws | 1889 |
John Kinne Hyde DeForest | Doctor of Divinity | 1889 |
Andrew Martin Fairbairn | Doctor of Divinity | 1889 |
Augustus Hall Fenn | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Francis Miles Finch | Doctor of Laws | 1889 |
Daniel Coit Gilman | Doctor of Laws | 1889 |
Willard Preble Hall | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Henry Phelps Johnston | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Charles Ray Palmer | Doctor of Divinity | 1889 |
Gardiner Spring Plumley | Doctor of Divinity | 1889 |
George Matthews Sharp | Master of Arts | 1889 |
John Sloane | Master of Arts | 1889 |
William Douglas Sloane | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Paul Peter Waldenstr m | Doctor of Divinity | 1889 |
Horatio Charles Wood | Doctor of Laws | 1889 |
Timothy Lester Woodruff | Master of Arts | 1889 |
Alvery Augustus Adee | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Charles Griswold Bartlett | Master of Arts | 1888 |
George Anacleto Corrado Bendelari | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Samuel Langhorne Clemens | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Caspar Frederick Goodrich | Master of Arts | 1888 |
William Tod Helmuth | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
William Henry Jordan | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Stanley Matthews | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
Francis Landey Patton | Doctor of Divinity | 1888 |
Samuel Clarke Perkins | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
Stephen Pierson | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Alfred Lawrence Ripley | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Henry Cornelius Robinson | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
Elias Benjamin Sanford | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Henry Stoddard | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Frederic Wesson | Master of Arts | 1888 |
Andrew Dickson White | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
William Collins Whitney | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
Albert Barnes | Master of Arts | 1887 |
John Sheldon Beach | Doctor of Laws | 1887 |
Henry Augustin Beers | Master of Arts | 1887 |
John Brown | Doctor of Divinity | 1887 |
Newell Meeker Calhoun | Master of Arts | 1887 |
William Bates Davenport | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Chauncey Mitchell Depew | Doctor of Laws | 1887 |
Frank Austin Gooch | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Arthur Twining Hadley | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Zephaniah Swift Holbrook | Master of Arts | 1887 |
George Anson Jackson | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury | Master of Arts | 1887 |
William Gilbert Mixter | Master of Arts | 1887 |
James Brown Olney | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Francis Greenwood Peabody | Doctor of Divinity | 1887 |
Orville Hitchcock Platt | Doctor of Laws | 1887 |
Eugene Lamb Richards | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Sidney Irving Smith | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Elisha Smith Thomas | Doctor of Divinity | 1887 |
John Randolph Tucker | Doctor of Laws | 1887 |
Arthur Martin Wheeler | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Theodore Salisbury Woolsey | Master of Arts | 1887 |
Sidney Burr Beardsley | Master of Arts | 1886 |
David Hillhouse Buel | Master of Arts | 1886 |
John Guy Crump | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Timothy Dwight | Doctor of Divinity | 1886 |
Melville Egleston | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Franklin Woodbury Fisk | Doctor of Divinity | 1886 |
Joseph Roswell Hawley | Doctor of Laws | 1886 |
Dwight Holbrook | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Oliver Wendell Holmes | Doctor of Laws | 1886 |
Charles Hopkins | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Elbert Brinckerhoff Monroe | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Thomas Mather North | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Cyrus Northrop | Doctor of Laws | 1886 |
Norris Galpin Osborn | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Lemuel Stoughton Polwin | Doctor of Divinity | 1886 |
Oliver Perry Shiras | Doctor of Laws | 1886 |
Joseph Hopkins Twichell | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Edward Payson Vining | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Edwin Saxton Wheeler | Master of Arts | 1886 |
Lewis Orsmond Brastow | Master of Arts | 1885 |
Amos Sheffield Chesebrough | Doctor of Divinity | 1885 |
Edward Benton Coe | Doctor of Divinity | 1885 |
Henry Baldwin Harrison | Doctor of Laws | 1885 |
Edward Young Hincks | Doctor of Divinity | 1885 |
George Frisbie Hoar | Doctor of Laws | 1885 |
Frederic Robertson Honey | Bachelor of Philosophy | 1885 |
George Rogers Howell | Master of Arts | 1885 |
Charles Frederick Johnson | Master of Arts | 1885 |
Edward Mordecai Reed | Master of Arts | 1885 |
John Edward Russell | Master of Arts | 1885 |
Eugene Schuyler | Doctor of Laws | 1885 |
Edward Rockwell Chapin | Master of Arts | 1884 |
Richard Crain Dean | Master of Arts | 1884 |
William Henry Fenn | Doctor of Divinity | 1884 |
George Hoadly | Doctor of Laws | 1884 |
Charles Brinckerhoff Richards | Master of Arts | 1884 |
Ellis Henry Roberts | Doctor of Laws | 1884 |
Nathaniel Shipman | Doctor of Laws | 1884 |
Charles Ferdinand Southmayd | Doctor of Laws | 1884 |
David Trumbull | Doctor of Divinity | 1884 |
Kinsley Twining | Doctor of Divinity | 1884 |
Thomas Francis Bayard | Doctor of Laws | 1883 |
George Washington Cable | Master of Arts | 1883 |
Edward Young Hincks | Master of Arts | 1883 |
George Foote Moore | Master of Arts | 1883 |
Benjamin Dean Pettengill | Master of Arts | 1883 |
Henry Berton Sands | Master of Arts | 1883 |
George Shiras | Doctor of Laws | 1883 |
David Torrance | Master of Arts | 1883 |
Alexander Stevenson Twombly | Doctor of Divinity | 1883 |
Thomas McDonald Waller | Master of Arts | 1883 |
John Williams | Doctor of Divinity | 1883 |
Edward Oliver Wolcott | Master of Arts | 1883 |
William Burnham Woods | Doctor of Laws | 1883 |
William Eliot Barrows | Master of Arts | 1882 |
Joshua Twing Brooks | Master of Arts | 1882 |
William Wallace Crapo | Doctor of Laws | 1882 |
William Lee Cushing | Master of Arts | 1882 |
Marcial Martinez | Doctor of Laws | 1882 |
Theodore Runyon | Doctor of Laws | 1882 |
Owen Street | Doctor of Divinity | 1882 |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich | Master of Arts | 1881 |
Frank Edwin Beckwith | Master of Arts | 1881 |
William Henry Carmalt | Master of Arts | 1881 |
Austin Flint | Doctor of Laws | 1881 |
Henry Honeychurch Gorringe | Master of Arts | 1881 |
Alexander Hannay | Doctor of Divinity | 1881 |
William Dean Howells | Master of Arts | 1881 |
Elias Warner Leavenworth | Doctor of Laws | 1881 |
George Absalom Peters | Master of Arts | 1881 |
William Callyhan Robinson | Master of Arts | 1881 |
William Nathan Harrell Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1881 |
Francis Amasa Walker | Doctor of Laws | 1881 |
Francis Wayland | Master of Arts | 1881 |
Henry Martyn Dexter | Doctor of Divinity | 1880 |
Joseph Emerson | Doctor of Divinity | 1880 |
Samuel Arthur Galpin | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Horace Bunch Gould | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Rutherford Birchard Hayes | Doctor of Laws | 1880 |
Charles Philip Helfenstein | Master of Arts | 1880 |
William Davison Hennen | Master of Arts | 1880 |
William Ireland Knapp | Master of Arts | 1880 |
John Hampden Lewis | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Selah Merrill | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Alexander Moss Merwin | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Alfred Mitchell | Master of Arts | 1880 |
William Augustus Rogers | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Hugh White Sheffey | Doctor of Laws | 1880 |
Joseph Shortlidge | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Theodore Thomas | Doctor of Music | 1880 |
Leonard Waldo | Master of Arts | 1880 |
Frederic DeForest Allen | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Henry Wilson Archer | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Leonard Woolsey Bacon | Doctor of Divinity | 1879 |
John Wylie Barrow | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Eli Whitney Blake | Doctor of Laws | 1879 |
Henry Thorp Bulkley | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Edward Carrington | Master of Arts | 1879 |
James Wesley Cooper | Master of Arts | 1879 |
William Frazier | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Asaph Hall | Doctor of Laws | 1879 |
Charles Jeremy Hoadley | Master of Arts | 1879 |
John Francis Hoff | Master of Arts | 1879 |
William Jones Hoppin | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Theodore John Keep | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Cortland Lucas Latimer | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Robert James Livingston | Master of Arts | 1879 |
John Angus Manning | Master of Arts | 1879 |
John Stuart Patterson | Master of Arts | 1879 |
George Schley | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Nathaniel Winthrop Starr | Master of Arts | 1879 |
John Edwards Todd | Doctor of Divinity | 1879 |
William Holme Van Buren | Doctor of Laws | 1879 |
Peter Anthony VanBergen | Master of Arts | 1879 |
William Craig Wharton | Bachelor of Arts | 1879 |
Charles Archibald Winthrop | Master of Arts | 1879 |
Joseph Anderson | Doctor of Divinity | 1878 |
Edward Woolsey Bacon | Master of Arts | 1878 |
Sherburne Wesley Burnham | Master of Arts | 1878 |
William Bliss Hincks | Master of Arts | 1878 |
William Law Learned | Doctor of Laws | 1878 |
Donald Grant Mitchell | Doctor of Laws | 1878 |
Dwight Morris | Master of Arts | 1878 |
John Duane Park | Doctor of Laws | 1878 |
Lyell Thompson Adams | Master of Arts | 1877 |
William Macleod Barbour | Master of Arts | 1877 |
Jacob Dolson Cox | Doctor of Laws | 1877 |
Robert William Dale | Doctor of Divinity | 1877 |
Winston Jones Davie | Master of Arts | 1877 |
Richard Dudley Hubbard | Doctor of Laws | 1877 |
John Codman Hurd | Doctor of Laws | 1877 |
Artemas Martin | Master of Arts | 1877 |
James Parsons | Master of Arts | 1877 |
Mase Shepard Southward | Master of Arts | 1877 |
Samuel Wells Williams | Doctor of Laws | 1877 |
Orlando Franklin Bump | Master of Arts | 1876 |
Charles Reed Knight | Doctor of Laws | 1876 |
Thomas Collier Platt | Master of Arts | 1876 |
Alexander Duncan Savage | Master of Arts | 1876 |
William Tecumseh Sherman | Doctor of Laws | 1876 |
Yung Wing | Doctor of Laws | 1876 |
Robert Percy Alden | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Charles Jesup Arms | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Hubert Howe Bancroft | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Josiah Clark | Doctor of Laws | 1875 |
David Sherman Hart | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Simon Newcomb | Doctor of Laws | 1875 |
Levi Leonard Paine | Doctor of Divinity | 1875 |
Edwin Pond Parker | Doctor of Divinity | 1875 |
Oliver Henry Perry | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Henry Ward Poole | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Samuel Jones Tilden | Doctor of Laws | 1875 |
Timothy Tredwell | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Frank Vincent | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Henry Trowbridge Wiswall | Master of Arts | 1875 |
Jairus Harvlin Carpenter | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Franklin Carter | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Edward Strong Dwight | Doctor of Divinity | 1874 |
Rufus Ellis | Doctor of Divinity | 1874 |
Edward Whiting Gilman | Doctor of Divinity | 1874 |
Henry Hitchcock | Doctor of Laws | 1874 |
John Daniel Hodges | Bachelor of Arts | 1874 |
Richard William Hubbard | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Charles Roberts Ingersoll | Doctor of Laws | 1874 |
Charles Ives | Master of Arts | 1874 |
John Macnie | Master of Arts | 1874 |
John Henry Niemeyer | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Benjamin Douglas Silliman | Doctor of Laws | 1874 |
John Spaulding | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Launt Thompson | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Morris Woodruff | Master of Arts | 1874 |
Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater | Doctor of Laws | 1873 |
John Emory Clark | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Mordecai Cubitt Cooke | Master of Arts | 1873 |
James Edward English | Master of Arts | 1873 |
George Vail Gould | Bachelor of Arts | 1873 |
Richard Gleason Greene | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Marshall Jewell | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Edwards Pierrepont | Doctor of Laws | 1873 |
Johnson Tuttle Platt | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Origen Storrs Seymour | Doctor of Laws | 1873 |
Nathaniel Matson Terry | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Joseph Henry Thayer | Doctor of Divinity | 1873 |
Henry Clay Townsend | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Francis Amasa Walker | Master of Arts | 1873 |
Charles Francis Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1872 |
Henry Blodget | Doctor of Divinity | 1872 |
Elihu Burritt | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Isaac Newton Carleton | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Charles Cleveland Dodge | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Samuel Harris | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Benjamin Franklin Harrison | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Gottlieb Henness | Master of Arts | 1872 |
William Ingraham Kip | Doctor of Laws | 1872 |
Herman Kr si | Master of Arts | 1872 |
William Thompson Lusk | Master of Arts | 1872 |
William Mason | Doctor of Music | 1872 |
Elisha Mulford | Doctor of Laws | 1872 |
Russell Sturgis | Master of Arts | 1872 |
William Mackergo Taylor | Doctor of Divinity | 1872 |
Ezra Tinker | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Adolf Wilhelm August Friedrich von Steinwehr | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Morrison Remick Waite | Doctor of Laws | 1872 |
Charles Dudley Warner | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Henry Sergeant West | Master of Arts | 1872 |
Henry Allon | Doctor of Divinity | 1871 |
Edward Thomas Barber | Doctor of Medicine | 1871 |
Joseph Battell | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Horace Bushnell | Doctor of Laws | 1871 |
Simeon Baldwin Chittenden | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Bradford Matthew Chaloner Durfee | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Henry Farnam | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Dwight Foster | Doctor of Laws | 1871 |
William Gamble | Master of Arts | 1871 |
John Brown Harmon | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Andrew Jackson Howe | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Charles Nichols | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Joseph Earl Sheffield | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Edmund Clarence Stedman | Master of Arts | 1871 |
Curtis Thompson | Master of Arts | 1871 |
James Hammond Trumbull | Doctor of Laws | 1871 |
John Turner Wait | Master of Arts | 1871 |
James Craig Watson | Doctor of Philosophy | 1871 |
John Ferguson Weir | Master of Arts | 1871 |
James Goodwin Batterson | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Joseph Augustine Benton | Doctor of Divinity | 1870 |
Rogers Birnie | Master of Arts | 1870 |
John Eddy Chandler | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Charles William Eliot | Doctor of Laws | 1870 |
Nathaniel Drake Haight | Doctor of Medicine | 1870 |
James Thomas Hyde | Doctor of Divinity | 1870 |
Eugene Keteltas | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Heman Mead | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Edward Strong Moseley | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Thomas Bond Raynolds | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Thomas Day Seymour | Bachelor of Arts | 1870 |
William Strong | Doctor of Laws | 1870 |
Ralph Patridge Emilius Thacher | Master of Arts | 1870 |
William Petit Trowbridge | Master of Arts | 1870 |
George Leon Walker | Doctor of Divinity | 1870 |
Josiah Dwight Whitney | Doctor of Laws | 1870 |
William Henry Willcox | Master of Arts | 1870 |
Ezra Abbott | Doctor of Laws | 1869 |
Porter Cornelius Bliss | Master of Arts | 1869 |
William Torrey Harris | Master of Arts | 1869 |
Charles Henry Luzenberg | Master of Arts | 1869 |
Lavalette Perrin | Doctor of Divinity | 1869 |
Edward Elbridge Salisbury | Doctor of Laws | 1869 |
George Frederic Shrady | Master of Arts | 1869 |
Lewis Henry Steiner | Master of Arts | 1869 |
Increase Niles Tarbox | Doctor of Divinity | 1869 |
Henry Wyllys Taylor | Doctor of Laws | 1869 |
Eli Whitney | Master of Arts | 1869 |
George Brinley | Master of Arts | 1868 |
Isaac Hill Bromley | Master of Arts | 1868 |
Samuel Giles Buckingham | Doctor of Divinity | 1868 |
Elisha Carpenter | Master of Arts | 1868 |
James Terry Gardner | Bachelor of Philosophy | 1868 |
John Gray | Doctor of Medicine | 1868 |
Leverett Griggs | Doctor of Divinity | 1868 |
Cornelius Ambrose Logan | Master of Arts | 1868 |
Charles Johnson McCurdy | Doctor of Laws | 1868 |
Daniel Bennett St. John Roosa | Master of Arts | 1868 |
Charles Janeway Still | Doctor of Laws | 1868 |
George William Trow | Master of Arts | 1868 |
Joseph White | Doctor of Laws | 1868 |
Robert John Locke Austin | Master of Arts | 1867 |
James George Barnett | Doctor of Music | 1867 |
Roswell Smith Burrows | Master of Arts | 1867 |
Charles Ely | Master of Arts | 1867 |
George Park Fisher | Master of Arts | 1867 |
William Augustus Norton | Master of Arts | 1867 |
Alexander Rizos Rangabe | Doctor of Laws | 1867 |
James Alexander Robert | Master of Arts | 1867 |
Abraham Hazen Robinson | Doctor of Medicine | 1867 |
Edwin McMasters Stanton | Doctor of Laws | 1867 |
Alphonso Taft | Doctor of Laws | 1867 |
Thomas Edward Vermilye | Master of Arts | 1867 |
Addison Emery Verrill | Master of Arts | 1867 |
Epher Whitaker | Master of Arts | 1867 |
William Dwight Whitney | Master of Arts | 1867 |
William Alfred Buckingham | Doctor of Laws | 1866 |
Levi Wells Hall | Master of Arts | 1866 |
James Joseph Lucas | Bachelor of Arts | 1866 |
Thomas Alexander Marshall | Doctor of Laws | 1866 |
James Merrill Safford | Doctor of Philosophy | 1866 |
Henry Clay Trumbull | Master of Arts | 1866 |
Stewart Lyndon Woodford | Master of Arts | 1866 |
Nelson Simmons Cobleigh | Master of Arts | 1865 |
William Maxwell Evarts | Doctor of Laws | 1865 |
Landon Ketchum | Bachelor of Philosophy | 1865 |
Harvey Dennison Kitchel | Master of Arts | 1865 |
Henry Jacob Labatt | Master of Arts | 1865 |
James Osborne Putnam | Master of Arts | 1865 |
Charles Patrick Shields | Master of Arts | 1865 |
William Morris Stewart | Master of Arts | 1865 |
Richard Salter Storrs | Master of Arts | 1865 |
Noah Haynes Swayne | Doctor of Laws | 1865 |
Alfred Howe Terry | Master of Arts | 1865 |
Alexander Catlin Twining | Doctor of Laws | 1865 |
Charles Henry Whittelsey | Master of Arts | 1865 |
Pierre Washington Wildey | Master of Arts | 1865 |
John Gross Barnard | Doctor of Laws | 1864 |
Frederick William Corliss | Master of Arts | 1864 |
Henry Augustus DuBois | Doctor of Laws | 1864 |
Ammi Giddings | Master of Arts | 1864 |
Charles Miner Runk | Master of Arts | 1864 |
Gustave Jacob Stoeckel | Doctor of Music | 1864 |
William Holme Van Buren | Master of Arts | 1864 |
Thomas Hill | Doctor of Laws | 1863 |
Samuel Jessup | Master of Arts | 1863 |
Nathaniel William Taylor Root | Bachelor of Arts | 1863 |
tienne Ag nor | Doctor of Laws | 1862 |
Hawley Olmstead | Doctor of Laws | 1862 |
Barnas Sears | Doctor of Laws | 1862 |
Walter Scott Alexander | Master of Arts | 1861 |
Henry Allen Grant | Master of Arts | 1861 |
William P. Haisley | Bachelor of Arts | 1861 |
William Hanna Thomson | Master of Arts | 1861 |
Oliver Wetmore Treadwell | Master of Arts | 1861 |
William Arnold Anthony | Bachelor of Philosophy | 1860 |
Josiah Curtis | Master of Arts | 1860 |
Cornelius Conway Felton | Doctor of Laws | 1860 |
Stephen Grosvesnor Hubbard | Master of Arts | 1860 |
Matthew Hall McAllister | Master of Arts | 1860 |
John Charles Mitchell | Master of Arts | 1860 |
John Duane Park | Master of Arts | 1860 |
Frederick Beecher Perkins | Master of Arts | 1860 |
Henry Martyn Seely | Master of Arts | 1860 |
Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard | Doctor of Laws | 1859 |
William Henry Brewer | Master of Arts | 1859 |
Samuel Jones Burr | Master of Arts | 1859 |
Henry Mills Day | Bachelor of Arts | 1859 |
William Rice Donaghe | Master of Arts | 1859 |
Samuel Bulkley Ruggles | Doctor of Laws | 1859 |
Oscar Moses Smith | Master of Arts | 1859 |
Asahel Thomson | Doctor of Medicine | 1859 |
John Boardman Trask | Doctor of Medicine | 1859 |
Orlando Williams Wight | Master of Arts | 1859 |
Israel DeWolf Andrews | Master of Arts | 1858 |
George Amos Benedict | Master of Arts | 1858 |
Marshall Spring Bidwell | Doctor of Laws | 1858 |
William Smiley Halsey | Doctor of Medicine | 1858 |
Peter Parker | Master of Arts | 1858 |
Leonard Jacob Sanford | Master of Arts | 1858 |
Louis Stadtm ller | Bachelor of Philosophy | 1858 |
William F. Stearns | Doctor of Laws | 1858 |
Lyman Trumbull | Doctor of Laws | 1858 |
Luther Henry Tucker | Bachelor of Arts | 1858 |
Mason Cogswell Weld | Bachelor of Philosophy | 1858 |
Charles Moore Wheatley | Master of Arts | 1858 |
George Jarvis Brush | Master of Arts | 1857 |
Ralph Deming | Doctor of Medicine | 1857 |
Divie Bethune Duffield | Master of Arts | 1857 |
Samuel William Johnson | Master of Arts | 1857 |
Charles Hogeboom Porter | Master of Arts | 1857 |
Henry Rogers Selden | Doctor of Laws | 1857 |
Charles Warner Thomas | Master of Arts | 1857 |
William Bird | Master of Arts | 1856 |
Edward Chester | Bachelor of Arts | 1856 |
Seth Hastings Grant | Master of Arts | 1856 |
Chester Hamlin | Doctor of Medicine | 1856 |
William Hungerford | Doctor of Laws | 1856 |
Gilman Kimball | Doctor of Medicine | 1856 |
Alonzo Groesbeck Shears | Master of Arts | 1856 |
Charles Sumner | Doctor of Laws | 1856 |
John Atwood Tomlinson | Doctor of Medicine | 1856 |
James Morris Whiton | Master of Arts | 1856 |
Erastus Bancroft | Doctor of Medicine | 1855 |
James Stewart Eaton | Master of Arts | 1855 |
Samuel Waldo Hart | Doctor of Medicine | 1855 |
Sidney Williams Rockwell | Doctor of Medicine | 1855 |
Henry Alanson Russell | Master of Arts | 1855 |
Charles Harrison Stedman | Master of Arts | 1855 |
Warren Thrall | Doctor of Medicine | 1855 |
Henry Matson Waite | Doctor of Laws | 1855 |
John Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1854 |
Henry Aldrich | Doctor of Medicine | 1854 |
Henry Dutton | Doctor of Laws | 1854 |
John Kilbourn | Master of Arts | 1854 |
Charles Smith Lester | Master of Arts | 1854 |
John Wesley Olmstead | Master of Arts | 1854 |
John Addison Porter | Doctor of Medicine | 1854 |
Lewis Richards | Doctor of Medicine | 1854 |
William Henry Seward | Doctor of Laws | 1854 |
Sabin Stocking | Doctor of Medicine | 1854 |
Justus Denslow Wilcox | Doctor of Medicine | 1854 |
William Frederick Williams | Master of Arts | 1854 |
William Lamont Wood | Master of Arts | 1854 |
Ashbel Woodward | Doctor of Medicine | 1854 |
James Gaston Barnwell | Bachelor of Arts | 1853 |
David Nelson Camp | Master of Arts | 1853 |
Moses Culver | Master of Arts | 1853 |
Joseph Samuel Ropes | Master of Arts | 1853 |
Joseph Thomas | Master of Arts | 1853 |
James Walker | Doctor of Laws | 1853 |
Horatio Thomas Wells | Master of Arts | 1853 |
John Wortabet | Doctor of Medicine | 1853 |
Henry Barnard | Doctor of Laws | 1852 |
Erastus Brigham Bigelow | Master of Arts | 1852 |
Edward Weeks Boldero Canning | Master of Arts | 1852 |
Albert Ensign Church | Doctor of Laws | 1852 |
Archibald Falconer Gould | Master of Arts | 1852 |
David Murdock | Master of Arts | 1852 |
William Burr Nash | Doctor of Medicine | 1852 |
William Henry Potter | Master of Arts | 1852 |
Bronson Burton Beardsley | Bachelor of Arts | 1851 |
Samuel Sparks Fisher | Bachelor of Arts | 1851 |
Elijah Baldwin Huntington | Master of Arts | 1851 |
James Kilbourn | Master of Arts | 1851 |
John Edward Parsons | Master of Arts | 1851 |
Thomas Reed Walker | Master of Arts | 1851 |
Jonathan Brace | Master of Arts | 1850 |
Charles Peck Bush | Master of Arts | 1850 |
Horace Benjamin Colton | Master of Arts | 1850 |
Nathaniel Cothren | Bachelor of Arts | 1850 |
Gurdon Evans | Master of Arts | 1850 |
Alfred Still | Master of Arts | 1850 |
Adonijah White | Doctor of Medicine | 1850 |
Merrill Whitney Williams | Doctor of Medicine | 1850 |
William Nelson Clarke | Doctor of Medicine | 1849 |
William Thaddeus Harris | Master of Arts | 1849 |
William Hillhouse | Master of Arts | 1849 |
Hames Napoleon McElligott | Master of Arts | 1849 |
Sylvanus Dryden Phelps | Master of Arts | 1849 |
Frederick Sedgwick | Master of Arts | 1849 |
Ezekiel Skinner | Doctor of Medicine | 1849 |
Joseph Trumbull | Doctor of Laws | 1849 |
Caleb Wright | Master of Arts | 1849 |
George Edmund Badger | Doctor of Laws | 1848 |
Alfred Louis Baury | Master of Arts | 1848 |
Joseph Pride Converse | Doctor of Medicine | 1848 |
William Darlington | Doctor of Laws | 1848 |
Samuel Griswold Goodrich | Master of Arts | 1848 |
John Foote Norton | Master of Arts | 1848 |
Nathaniel Sawyer | Master of Arts | 1848 |
Henry Strong | Doctor of Laws | 1848 |
Ethan Allen Andrews | Doctor of Laws | 1847 |
Clark Bissell | Doctor of Laws | 1847 |
Joel Canfield | Doctor of Medicine | 1847 |
Samuel Cooke | Doctor of Divinity | 1847 |
William Cothren | Master of Arts | 1847 |
David Smith Cowles | Master of Arts | 1847 |
Thomas Day | Doctor of Laws | 1847 |
Daniel Alfred Hovey | Doctor of Medicine | 1847 |
Mahlon Long | Master of Arts | 1847 |
Francis Spalding Palmer | Master of Arts | 1847 |
George Washington Schenck | Master of Arts | 1847 |
Horatio Seymour | Doctor of Laws | 1847 |
Orrin Chester White | Doctor of Medicine | 1847 |
Charles William Bradley | Master of Arts | 1846 |
Chauncey Burgess | Doctor of Medicine | 1846 |
John Middleton Clayton | Doctor of Laws | 1846 |
Joseph Clark Dowe | Doctor of Medicine | 1846 |
George Oglevie Jarvis | Doctor of Medicine | 1846 |
Daniel Lord | Doctor of Laws | 1846 |
John Morin Scott McKnight | Master of Arts | 1846 |
Samuel Finley Breese Morse | Doctor of Laws | 1846 |
John Pitkin Norton | Master of Arts | 1846 |
George Oliver Sumner | Doctor of Medicine | 1846 |
Roger Sherman Baldwin | Doctor of Laws | 1845 |
George Blackman | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
Oliver Billings Butterfield | Master of Arts | 1845 |
Stephen Dodd | Master of Arts | 1845 |
Edward Hall | Master of Arts | 1845 |
Thomas D. James | Master of Arts | 1845 |
Samuel Julius Learned | Bachelor of Arts | 1845 |
Robert Alexander Manwaring | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
Samuel Sherwood Noyes | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
Stephen Olin | Doctor of Laws | 1845 |
Benjamin Rogers | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
James Melville Saunders | Master of Arts | 1845 |
Gamaliel Hunt St. John | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
Thomas P. Wattles | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
Orin Witter | Doctor of Medicine | 1845 |
William Bird | Bachelor of Arts | 1844 |
Rufus Choate | Doctor of Laws | 1844 |
John Churchill | Master of Arts | 1844 |
William Cecil Dwight | Master of Arts | 1844 |
James Glynn | Master of Arts | 1844 |
Edward Robinson | Doctor of Laws | 1844 |
Benjamin Lincoln Swan | Master of Arts | 1844 |
Robert S. Thomas | Master of Arts | 1844 |
Jeheil Abbott | Doctor of Medicine | 1843 |
Abraham Chittenden Baldwin | Master of Arts | 1843 |
William Farmer | Master of Arts | 1843 |
John Greenwood | Master of Arts | 1843 |
Cyrus Hutchins | Doctor of Medicine | 1843 |
Vine Smith | Doctor of Medicine | 1843 |
John Thompson | Master of Arts | 1843 |
Datus William | Doctor of Medicine | 1843 |
John Watson Alvord | Master of Arts | 1842 |
Virgil Maro Dow | Master of Arts | 1842 |
Samuel Johnson Hitchcock | Doctor of Laws | 1842 |
Peleg Johnson | Doctor of Medicine | 1842 |
Samuel Sumner Marcy | Doctor of Medicine | 1842 |
Roswell Smith | Master of Arts | 1842 |
David Lowry Swain | Doctor of Laws | 1842 |
Uriah Turner | Doctor of Medicine | 1842 |
William Chauncey Williams | Doctor of Medicine | 1842 |
Cyrus Brewster | Bachelor of Arts | 1841 |
David Bates Douglass | Doctor of Laws | 1841 |
Eli Hall | Doctor of Medicine | 1841 |
Joseph Franklin Jewett | Doctor of Medicine | 1841 |
Thomas Hanscom Legar | Master of Arts | 1841 |
Eleazar Litchfield | Doctor of Medicine | 1841 |
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet | Doctor of Laws | 1841 |
Augustus Charles Thompson | Master of Arts | 1841 |
John William Allen | Master of Arts | 1840 |
Benjamin Hopkins Catlin | Doctor of Medicine | 1840 |
John Clark | Master of Arts | 1840 |
Edward Frost | Master of Arts | 1840 |
Arthur Granger | Master of Arts | 1840 |
Samuel Jones | Master of Arts | 1840 |
Mason Manning | Doctor of Medicine | 1840 |
Anson Moody | Doctor of Medicine | 1840 |
Austin Putnam | Master of Arts | 1840 |
Junius Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1840 |
Asa Witter | Doctor of Medicine | 1840 |
Orson Wood | Doctor of Medicine | 1840 |
John Dennison Baldwin | Master of Arts | 1839 |
Wells Beardsley | Doctor of Medicine | 1839 |
Emery Bissell | Doctor of Medicine | 1839 |
Thomas Clark Brinsmade | Doctor of Medicine | 1839 |
Sturges Bulkley | Doctor of Medicine | 1839 |
Richard Spaight Donnell | Bachelor of Arts | 1839 |
Christopher Dunkin | Master of Arts | 1839 |
Thomas Stevenson Jacocks | Bachelor of Arts | 1839 |
Lorenzo Marcy | Doctor of Medicine | 1839 |
William W. Miner | Doctor of Medicine | 1839 |
William Charles Redfield | Master of Arts | 1839 |
Reuben Hyde Walworth | Doctor of Laws | 1839 |
Ralph Carter | Doctor of Medicine | 1838 |
Edward Claudius Herrick | Master of Arts | 1838 |
Benjamin Welch | Doctor of Medicine | 1838 |
Ripley Perkins Adams | Master of Arts | 1837 |
Jonathan Messersmith Foltz | Master of Arts | 1837 |
James Rogers | Doctor of Medicine | 1837 |
Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles | Master of Arts | 1837 |
William Henry Stiles | Master of Arts | 1837 |
Charles Woodward | Doctor of Medicine | 1837 |
Charles Allen | Master of Arts | 1836 |
Samuel Grandon Johnston DeCamp | Doctor of Medicine | 1836 |
Samuel Wadsworth Gold | Doctor of Medicine | 1836 |
Gardiner Kellogg | Master of Arts | 1836 |
Benajah Ticknor | Doctor of Medicine | 1836 |
Lucius Tyler | Doctor of Medicine | 1836 |
Archibald Welch | Doctor of Medicine | 1836 |
Nathan Burton | Master of Arts | 1835 |
Lyman Caitlin | Doctor of Medicine | 1835 |
William McKee Dunn | Master of Arts | 1835 |
Charles Eldridge | Doctor of Medicine | 1835 |
Benjamin Munro Hill | Master of Arts | 1835 |
William Hyde | Doctor of Medicine | 1835 |
George Washington Lay | Master of Arts | 1835 |
Nathan Shelton | Doctor of Medicine | 1835 |
Joseph Barratt | Doctor of Medicine | 1834 |
Robert Birch | Master of Arts | 1834 |
Erastus Cole | Master of Arts | 1834 |
Samuel Augustus Foot | Doctor of Laws | 1834 |
Remus Marcus Fowler | Master of Arts | 1834 |
Edward John Ives | Master of Arts | 1834 |
Abijah Ladd | Doctor of Medicine | 1834 |
Gideon Algernon Mantell | Doctor of Laws | 1834 |
James Matheson | Doctor of Divinity | 1834 |
Milo Linus North | Doctor of Medicine | 1834 |
Samuel Punderson | Doctor of Medicine | 1834 |
Andrew Reed | Doctor of Divinity | 1834 |
Lloyd Seeley | Doctor of Medicine | 1834 |
Joshua Austin Spencer | Master of Arts | 1834 |
Benjamin Franklin Stoddard | Doctor of Medicine | 1834 |
Claiborne A. Watkins | Master of Arts | 1834 |
Henry Wikoff | Bachelor of Arts | 1834 |
Thomas Scott Williams | Doctor of Laws | 1834 |
Hezekiah Augur | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Caleb Hopkins Austin | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
William Henry Beecher | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Ezekiel Forman Chambers | Doctor of Laws | 1833 |
Gustavus Fellowes Davies | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Horatio Dow | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Eleazar Butler Downing | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Sereno Edwards Dwight | Doctor of Divinity | 1833 |
Henry Waggaman Edwards | Doctor of Laws | 1833 |
Richard Eells | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Edward Everett | Doctor of Laws | 1833 |
Richard William Green | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Horatio Gridley | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Asa Miller Holt | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Chester Hunt | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Sardis Brewster Morley | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Lyman Parker | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Nehemiah Perry | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
William T. Shelton | Doctor of Medicine | 1833 |
Léon Vaïsse | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Cornelius Cornell Vanarsdalen | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Nathaniel Shelton Wheaton | Doctor of Laws | 1833 |
Gordon Winslow | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Theodore Lyman Wright | Master of Arts | 1833 |
Mowry Burgess | Doctor of Medicine | 1831 |
Joseph Comstock | Doctor of Medicine | 1831 |
Elias Pratt Ely | Bachelor of Arts | 1831 |
James Ely | Master of Arts | 1831 |
Ezra Fairchild | Master of Arts | 1831 |
Andrew French | Doctor of Medicine | 1831 |
Daniel Fuller | Doctor of Medicine | 1831 |
Francis Granger | Master of Arts | 1831 |
Samuel Henderson Harper | Master of Arts | 1831 |
William Fenn Hopkins | Master of Arts | 1831 |
Peter Kanouse | Master of Arts | 1831 |
Norman Lyman | Doctor of Medicine | 1831 |
Alexander Dallas Bache | Master of Arts | 1830 |
Henry Baldwin | Doctor of Laws | 1830 |
Seth Bliss | Master of Arts | 1830 |
William Augustus Brewster | Doctor of Medicine | 1830 |
Ezekiel Forman Chambers | Master of Arts | 1830 |
Ralph Emerson | Doctor of Divinity | 1830 |
Elizur Goodrich | Doctor of Laws | 1830 |
Thomas Smith Grimke | Doctor of Laws | 1830 |
Samuel Hart | Doctor of Medicine | 1830 |
Robert Charles Johnson | Master of Arts | 1830 |
John Judson | Doctor of Medicine | 1830 |
Henry Gilbert Ludlow | Master of Arts | 1830 |
Earl Swift | Doctor of Medicine | 1830 |
Benjamin Tallmadge | Master of Arts | 1830 |
Rufus Turner | Doctor of Medicine | 1830 |
Daniel Tyler | Master of Arts | 1830 |
George William Burnet | Master of Arts | 1829 |
Christopher Cotes | Master of Arts | 1829 |
Bela Farnham | Doctor of Medicine | 1829 |
Darius Hutchins | Doctor of Medicine | 1829 |
Samuel Percy McDonald | Bachelor of Arts | 1829 |
Charles Pomeroy Otis | Master of Arts | 1829 |
Timothy Pitkin | Doctor of Laws | 1829 |
Roger Minott Sherman | Doctor of Laws | 1829 |
Caleb Jewett Tenney | Doctor of Divinity | 1829 |
Luther Ticknor | Doctor of Medicine | 1829 |
Elisha Yale | Master of Arts | 1829 |
John Alsop | Master of Arts | 1828 |
Conant Catlin | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
Joshua Cornwell | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
William Heathcote DeLancey | Doctor of Divinity | 1828 |
Samuel Miles Hopkins | Doctor of Laws | 1828 |
Isaac Jennings | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
Luther Manning | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
William Robinson | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
Isaac Smith | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
Jabez Loomis White | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
Henry Woodward | Doctor of Medicine | 1828 |
John Adams Albro | Master of Arts | 1827 |
John Andrews | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
Elijah Baldwin | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
Charles Chauncey | Doctor of Laws | 1827 |
Daniel Comstock | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
David Daggett | Doctor of Laws | 1827 |
Timothy Dwight | Master of Arts | 1827 |
Justin Edwards | Doctor of Divinity | 1827 |
John Brain Foulke | Master of Arts | 1827 |
Jacob Green | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
Chester Hinman | Bachelor of Arts | 1827 |
Samuel Hubbard | Doctor of Laws | 1827 |
Charles Anthony Ingersoll | Master of Arts | 1827 |
Archibald Mercer | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
James Otis Pond | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
John Witherspoon Scott | Master of Arts | 1827 |
Samuel Simons | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
Gaylord Welles | Doctor of Medicine | 1827 |
Philip Battell | Bachelor of Arts | 1826 |
James Bowdoin | Master of Arts | 1826 |
Dyar Throop Brainard | Doctor of Medicine | 1826 |
Abner Brundage | Master of Arts | 1826 |
Samuel Buel | Doctor of Medicine | 1826 |
Chauncey Colton | Bachelor of Arts | 1826 |
Henry Fish | Doctor of Medicine | 1826 |
Samuel Glover | Master of Arts | 1826 |
Isaac Goodsell | Doctor of Medicine | 1826 |
Andrew Harris | Doctor of Medicine | 1826 |
Eleazar Hunt | Doctor of Medicine | 1826 |
William Beach Lawrence | Master of Arts | 1826 |
Eliphalet Price | Master of Arts | 1826 |
William Augustus Stevens | Bachelor of Arts | 1826 |
Samuel Hurd Walley | Bachelor of Arts | 1826 |
William Young Warren | Bachelor of Arts | 1826 |
Roswell Abernethy | Doctor of Medicine | 1825 |
Gideon Beardslee | Doctor of Medicine | 1825 |
James Bennett | Doctor of Divinity | 1825 |
George William Burnet | Bachelor of Arts | 1825 |
Truman Coe | Master of Arts | 1825 |
Robley Dunglison | Doctor of Medicine | 1825 |
James Christie Esten | Doctor of Laws | 1825 |
John M. Glover | Master of Arts | 1825 |
Robert Gracie | Master of Arts | 1825 |
Colby Knapp | Doctor of Medicine | 1825 |
Jared Mansfield | Doctor of Laws | 1825 |
James McConechy | Master of Arts | 1825 |
Samuel Nott | Doctor of Divinity | 1825 |
Royall Ross | Doctor of Medicine | 1825 |
Ithiel Town | Master of Arts | 1825 |
Thomas Thompson Wells | Doctor of Medicine | 1825 |
Timothy Phelps Beers | Doctor of Medicine | 1824 |
Elisha Cushman | Master of Arts | 1824 |
Elijah Hedding | Master of Arts | 1824 |
Thomas Carlton Henry | Doctor of Divinity | 1824 |
Andrew Huntington | Doctor of Medicine | 1824 |
Allyn Hyde | Doctor of Medicine | 1824 |
Noah A. Lacey | Doctor of Medicine | 1824 |
Henry Mitchell | Doctor of Medicine | 1824 |
Edward Palmer | Master of Arts | 1824 |
Smith Thompson | Doctor of Laws | 1824 |
Ambrose Seymour Todd | Master of Arts | 1824 |
Herman Landon Vaill | Master of Arts | 1824 |
Jared Andrus | Master of Arts | 1823 |
Gurdon Huntington Backus | Master of Arts | 1823 |
Joseph Battell | Bachelor of Arts | 1823 |
Richard Varick Dey | Master of Arts | 1823 |
Josiah Fuller | Doctor of Medicine | 1823 |
Silas Fuller | Doctor of Medicine | 1823 |
Levi Hedge | Doctor of Laws | 1823 |
James Hillhouse | Doctor of Laws | 1823 |
Stephen Titus Hosmer | Doctor of Laws | 1823 |
Isaac Insign Hough | Doctor of Medicine | 1823 |
James McFarlane Matthews | Doctor of Divinity | 1823 |
Austin Olcott | Doctor of Medicine | 1823 |
John Frederick Schroeder | Master of Arts | 1823 |
John Torrey | Master of Arts | 1823 |
Noah Webster | Doctor of Laws | 1823 |
Alexander Young | Master of Arts | 1823 |
John Caldwell Calhoun | Doctor of Laws | 1822 |
Samuel Carter | Doctor of Medicine | 1822 |
Jacob Catlin | Doctor of Divinity | 1822 |
John Elliott | Doctor of Divinity | 1822 |
Thomas Goodsell | Doctor of Medicine | 1822 |
Samuel Parkes | Master of Arts | 1822 |
Elijah Fitch Reed | Doctor of Medicine | 1822 |
Nathan Tisdale | Doctor of Medicine | 1822 |
Stephen VanRensselaer | Doctor of Laws | 1822 |
Francis Waters | Master of Arts | 1822 |
Francis Osborn Watts | Bachelor of Arts | 1822 |
Edward Wigglesworth | Bachelor of Arts | 1822 |
Jehiel Williams | Doctor of Medicine | 1822 |
Samuel Bayard Woodward | Doctor of Medicine | 1822 |
Robert Wormsted Alden | Bachelor of Arts | 1821 |
Timothy Fox Alden | Bachelor of Arts | 1821 |
Peter Gilchrist Clarke | Master of Arts | 1821 |
David Dickson | Doctor of Divinity | 1821 |
Nathaniel Leech Hooper | Bachelor of Arts | 1821 |
Ansel W. Ives | Master of Arts | 1821 |
Horace Sessions | Bachelor of Arts | 1821 |
Martin Snell | Master of Arts | 1821 |
William Elnathan Whitman | Bachelor of Arts | 1821 |
Alexander Backus Converse | Master of Arts | 1820 |
Ezra Stiles Gannett | Bachelor of Arts | 1820 |
Joseph Hughes | Doctor of Divinity | 1820 |
Oren Hyde | Master of Arts | 1820 |
George Washington Jacobs | Master of Arts | 1820 |
Jonathan Judd | Master of Arts | 1820 |
Nicholson Ross Morgan | Master of Arts | 1820 |
John Owen | Doctor of Divinity | 1820 |
Joseph Palmer | Doctor of Medicine | 1820 |
Samuel Wells | Master of Arts | 1820 |
Jasper Adams | Master of Arts | 1819 |
John Sherren Bartlett | Doctor of Medicine | 1819 |
Hiram Bingham | Master of Arts | 1819 |
Charles Adolphus Boardman | Master of Arts | 1819 |
William Buel | Doctor of Medicine | 1819 |
Thomas Bulfinch Coolidge | Bachelor of Arts | 1819 |
James Alexander Craig | Master of Arts | 1819 |
Stephen Elliott | Doctor of Laws | 1819 |
Epaphras Goodman | Master of Arts | 1819 |
James Gould | Doctor of Laws | 1819 |
William Graham | Master of Arts | 1819 |
William Samuel Johnson | Master of Arts | 1819 |
Thomas Miner | Doctor of Medicine | 1819 |
Enoch Thomas Parsons | Bachelor of Arts | 1819 |
George Henry Snelling | Bachelor of Arts | 1819 |
John William Sterling | Doctor of Medicine | 1819 |
William Tully | Doctor of Medicine | 1819 |
Oliver Wolcott | Doctor of Laws | 1819 |
Joshua Bates | Doctor of Divinity | 1818 |
Merritt Bradford | Master of Arts | 1818 |
Philip A. Cannon | Master of Arts | 1818 |
Mason Fitch Cogswell | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Thomas Coit | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Jonathan Dorr | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Avery Downer | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Warren R. Fowler | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Francis Lister Hawks | Master of Arts | 1818 |
Edward Hitchcock | Master of Arts | 1818 |
Nathan Howard | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Thomas Hubbard | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
David Hunt | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Jonathan Knight | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
John Young Mason | Bachelor of Arts | 1818 |
John McCurdy | Master of Arts | 1818 |
William Orr | Master of Arts | 1818 |
John Samuel Peters | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
John Trumbull | Doctor of Laws | 1818 |
John Wagner | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Ralph Wardlaw | Doctor of Divinity | 1818 |
John Richard Watrous | Doctor of Medicine | 1818 |
Miron Winslow | Master of Arts | 1818 |
William Czar Bradley | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Henry Champion | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Harry Crosswell | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Israel Day | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Simeon Field | Doctor of Medicine | 1817 |
Ezra Fisk | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Penuel Hutchins | Doctor of Medicine | 1817 |
William Shelton | Doctor of Medicine | 1817 |
Zephaniah Swift | Doctor of Laws | 1817 |
Elisha Pope Swift | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Joseph Gardiner Swift | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Hart Talcott | Master of Arts | 1817 |
Philemon Tracy | Doctor of Medicine | 1817 |
Benoni Upson | Doctor of Divinity | 1817 |
John Bestor | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Grove Lawrence Brownell | Master of Arts | 1816 |
Jesse Carrington | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Eber Liscom Clark | Master of Arts | 1816 |
Elisha Baldwin Cooke | Master of Arts | 1816 |
Leonard M. Davis | Master of Arts | 1816 |
Solomon Everest | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Joseph Foot | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Jonathan Ingersoll | Doctor of Laws | 1816 |
Jehiel Judd | Master of Arts | 1816 |
John Owen Miner | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Joseph Palmer | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Nathaniel Perry | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Calvin Waite | Master of Arts | 1816 |
Sylvester Wells | Doctor of Medicine | 1816 |
Nathaniel Dwight | Master of Arts | 1815 |
Cornelius Bradford Everest | Master of Arts | 1815 |
Jesse Fisher | Master of Arts | 1815 |
Charles Goddard | Bachelor of Arts | 1815 |
Fosdick Harrison | Master of Arts | 1815 |
Benjamin Niles | Master of Arts | 1815 |
James Porter | Master of Arts | 1815 |
James Richards | Doctor of Divinity | 1815 |
Samuel Rockwell | Master of Arts | 1815 |
John Cotton Smith | Doctor of Laws | 1815 |
James Renwick Willson | Master of Arts | 1815 |
Abner Phelps | Doctor of Medicine | 1814 |
David Deming | Master of Arts | 1812 |
Roger Griswold | Doctor of Laws | 1812 |
Hubbel Loomis | Master of Arts | 1812 |
Asa McFarland | Doctor of Divinity | 1812 |
Benjamin Rush | Doctor of Laws | 1812 |
Elisha Fuller Wallace | Bachelor of Arts | 1812 |
Samuel Newell | Master of Arts | 1811 |
John Porter | Bachelor of Arts | 1810 |
Jonathan Edwards Porter | Master of Arts | 1810 |
William Storrs | Master of Arts | 1810 |
Samuel Willard | Master of Arts | 1810 |
William Barrett | Bachelor of Arts | 1809 |
David Deming | Bachelor of Arts | 1809 |
Chester Dewey | Master of Arts | 1809 |
Thomas Brattle Gannett | Bachelor of Arts | 1809 |
George Hayward | Bachelor of Arts | 1809 |
Evan Johns | Master of Arts | 1809 |
Samuel Rowland | Master of Arts | 1809 |
Samuel William Southmayd | Master of Arts | 1809 |
Reuben Taylor | Master of Arts | 1809 |
Abraham Wild | Bachelor of Arts | 1809 |
David Bogue | Doctor of Divinity | 1808 |
Saul Clark | Master of Arts | 1808 |
William Crafts | Master of Arts | 1808 |
David Dickson | Master of Arts | 1808 |
David Ely | Doctor of Divinity | 1808 |
George Gibbs | Master of Arts | 1808 |
George Leonard | Master of Arts | 1808 |
Nathan Smith | Master of Arts | 1808 |
William Davies Sohier | Master of Arts | 1808 |
Elijah Gardiner Welles | Master of Arts | 1808 |
Luke Wood | Master of Arts | 1808 |
William Fitch Backus | Master of Arts | 1807 |
James Cogswell | Bachelor of Arts | 1807 |
Alexander Hill Everett | Bachelor of Arts | 1807 |
Elias Gallup | Master of Arts | 1807 |
Stephen Mix Mitchell | Doctor of Laws | 1807 |
Francis Parkman | Bachelor of Arts | 1807 |
John Pye Smith | Doctor of Divinity | 1807 |
James Stevenson | Bachelor of Arts | 1807 |
Daniel Tyler | Master of Arts | 1807 |
Elizur Goodrich | Bachelor of Arts | 1806 |
Robert Hare | Master of Arts | 1806 |
Samuel Kendal | Doctor of Divinity | 1806 |
Frederick Perry | Master of Arts | 1806 |
James Watson Robbins | Master of Arts | 1806 |
Jonathan Sturges | Doctor of Laws | 1806 |
George Vaux | Master of Arts | 1806 |
Aaron Austin | Master of Arts | 1805 |
John Ambourloin Brimmer | Master of Arts | 1805 |
Samuel Cary | Bachelor of Arts | 1805 |
George Thomas Chapman | Bachelor of Arts | 1805 |
David Stoddard Greenough | Bachelor of Arts | 1805 |
John Wheelock Smith | Bachelor of Arts | 1805 |
Robert Smith | Bachelor of Arts | 1805 |
Nathan Strong | Master of Arts | 1805 |
Andrew Fuller | Doctor of Divinity | 1804 |
Benjamin Goodhue | Master of Arts | 1804 |
Bela Hubbard | Doctor of Divinity | 1804 |
Samuel Orne | Bachelor of Arts | 1804 |
Timothy Stone | Master of Arts | 1804 |
Ichabod Tucker | Master of Arts | 1804 |
James Talcott Watson | Bachelor of Arts | 1804 |
Daniel Appleton White | Master of Arts | 1804 |
Joseph Warren Crossman | Master of Arts | 1803 |
Edmund Fanning | Doctor of Laws | 1803 |
Nathan Metcalf Hale | Bachelor of Arts | 1803 |
Thomas Rich | Master of Arts | 1803 |
Cyprian Strong | Doctor of Divinity | 1803 |
John Wadsworth | Bachelor of Arts | 1803 |
John Willard | Doctor of Divinity | 1803 |
John Codman | Bachelor of Arts | 1802 |
John Player Crosby | Bachelor of Arts | 1802 |
John Mico Gannett | Bachelor of Arts | 1802 |
Samuel Hopkins | Doctor of Divinity | 1802 |
Asa King | Master of Arts | 1802 |
Richard Law | Doctor of Laws | 1802 |
Simeon Lyman | Bachelor of Arts | 1802 |
Eliphalet Pearson | Doctor of Laws | 1802 |
Leverett Saltonstall | Bachelor of Arts | 1802 |
Nathan Strong | Bachelor of Arts | 1802 |
Jonathan Bartlett | Master of Arts | 1801 |
Samuel Miller | Master of Arts | 1801 |
Jonathan Pomeroy | Master of Arts | 1801 |
Amos Garrett Thompson | Master of Arts | 1801 |
Nombre | Grado | Año |
Vinson Gould | Master of Arts | 1800 |
Azel Roe | Doctor of Divinity | 1800 |
Philo Ruggles | Master of Arts | 1800 |
Hezekiah Wright Strong | Master of Arts | 1800 |
John Treadwell | Doctor of Laws | 1800 |
Holland Weeks | Master of Arts | 1800 |
John Ward Gurley | Master of Arts | 1799 |
William Howe | Master of Arts | 1799 |
Jabez Munsell | Master of Arts | 1799 |
Francis Johonnot Oliver | Master of Arts | 1799 |
Richard Alsop | Master of Arts | 1798 |
John Coffin | Master of Arts | 1798 |
Theodore Dwight | Master of Arts | 1798 |
Peter Augustus Jay | Master of Arts | 1798 |
Bezaleel Pinneo | Master of Arts | 1798 |
John Woodhull | Doctor of Divinity | 1798 |
Clark Brown | Master of Arts | 1797 |
Abraham Jarvis | Doctor of Divinity | 1797 |
David Osgood | Doctor of Divinity | 1797 |
Benjamin Woolsey Rogers | Master of Arts | 1797 |
John Smith | Master of Arts | 1797 |
Daniel Storey | Master of Arts | 1797 |
Herman Swift | Master of Arts | 1797 |
Jonathan Trumbull | Doctor of Laws | 1797 |
Richard Watson | Doctor of Divinity | 1797 |
Andrew Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1796 |
Samuel Blatchford | Master of Arts | 1796 |
Benjamin Trumbull | Doctor of Divinity | 1796 |
Jeremiah Wadsworth | Master of Arts | 1796 |
Job Wight | Master of Arts | 1796 |
Amos Chase | Master of Arts | 1795 |
Joseph Field | Master of Arts | 1795 |
Abijah Hart | Master of Arts | 1795 |
John Clark Nightingale | Master of Arts | 1795 |
Ebenezer Porter | Master of Arts | 1795 |
Nathaniel Smith | Master of Arts | 1795 |
Heman Ball | Master of Arts | 1794 |
Clark Brown | Bachelor of Arts | 1794 |
Beriah Hotchkin | Master of Arts | 1794 |
James Richards | Bachelor of Arts | 1794 |
William Mackay Tennent | Doctor of Divinity | 1794 |
Moses Fiske | Master of Arts | 1793 |
John Sloss Hobart | Doctor of Laws | 1793 |
Roger Newberry | Master of Arts | 1793 |
Elijiah Brigham | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Thomas Murray Clark | Bachelor of Arts | 1792 |
Daniel Dewey | Master of Arts | 1792 |
William Emerson | Master of Arts | 1792 |
William Hillhouse | Master of Arts | 1792 |
William Hyslop | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Joshua Leonard | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Isaac Lewis | Doctor of Divinity | 1792 |
Richard Mansfield | Doctor of Divinity | 1792 |
Henry Marchant | Doctor of Laws | 1792 |
Samuel Miller | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Thomas Moore | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Josiah Quincy | Bachelor of Arts | 1792 |
Isaac Senter | Doctor of Medicine | 1792 |
John Eugene Tyler | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Royall Tyler | Master of Arts | 1792 |
Oliver Wolcott | Doctor of Laws | 1792 |
John Worthington | Doctor of Laws | 1792 |
John Allen | Master of Arts | 1791 |
Josias Lyndon Arnold | Master of Arts | 1791 |
Francis Childs | Master of Arts | 1791 |
Manasseh Cutler | Doctor of Laws | 1791 |
William Green | Bachelor of Arts | 1791 |
Benjamin Judd | Master of Arts | 1791 |
Joseph Lathrop | Doctor of Divinity | 1791 |
Samuel Macclintock | Doctor of Divinity | 1791 |
John McKnight | Doctor of Divinity | 1791 |
James Muir | Doctor of Divinity | 1791 |
William Whitridge | Master of Arts | 1791 |
Joseph Willard | Doctor of Laws | 1791 |
Elias Boudinot | Doctor of Laws | 1790 |
Moses Brown | Bachelor of Arts | 1790 |
James Cogswell | Doctor of Divinity | 1790 |
Oliver Ellsworth | Doctor of Laws | 1790 |
William Sherman Hart | Master of Arts | 1790 |
John Clark Nightingale | Bachelor of Arts | 1790 |
Chandler Robbins | Master of Arts | 1790 |
Erastus Wolcott | Master of Arts | 1790 |
Arthur Breese | Master of Arts | 1789 |
Samuel Sidney Breese | Bachelor of Arts | 1789 |
Charles Kilby | Doctor of Medicine | 1789 |
Samuel Lockwood | Doctor of Divinity | 1789 |
David Ramsey | Doctor of Medicine | 1789 |
Moses Robinson | Master of Arts | 1789 |
Zephaniah Willis | Master of Arts | 1789 |
John Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1788 |
John Erksine | Doctor of Divinity | 1788 |
Sylvester Gilbert | Master of Arts | 1788 |
Jeremiah Hallock | Master of Arts | 1788 |
William Samuel Johnson | Doctor of Laws | 1788 |
Eldad Lewis | Master of Arts | 1788 |
William Livingston | Doctor of Laws | 1788 |
Robert Rogers | Master of Arts | 1788 |
Flamen Ball | Bachelor of Arts | 1787 |
Lewis Dunham | Doctor of Medicine | 1787 |
Eliphalet Dyer | Doctor of Laws | 1787 |
Samuel Huntington | Doctor of Laws | 1787 |
Ephraim Kirby | Master of Arts | 1787 |
Richard Morris | Master of Arts | 1787 |
Joshua Paine | Master of Arts | 1787 |
William Frederick Rowland | Master of Arts | 1787 |
Samuel Ward | Master of Arts | 1787 |
John Bassett | Bachelor of Arts | 1786 |
Thomas Jefferson | Doctor of Laws | 1786 |
Andrew Law | Master of Arts | 1786 |
William Mackinnen | Doctor of Laws | 1786 |
Adonijah Strong | Master of Arts | 1786 |
Samuel Williams | Doctor of Laws | 1786 |
Matthias Burnet | Master of Arts | 1785 |
John Davenport | Master of Arts | 1785 |
George Duffield | Doctor of Divinity | 1785 |
Daniel Everett | Master of Arts | 1785 |
George Milne | Doctor of Medicine | 1785 |
William Patten | Master of Arts | 1785 |
James Wilson | Master of Arts | 1785 |
John Witherspoon | Doctor of Laws | 1785 |
Henry Wright | Master of Arts | 1785 |
Ebenezer Beardsley | Master of Arts | 1784 |
Lemuel Hopkins | Master of Arts | 1784 |
Erastus Sergeant | Master of Arts | 1784 |
Francesco dalVerme | Doctor of Laws | 1783 |
Timothy Johnes | Doctor of Divinity | 1783 |
Joseph Philippe Létombe | Doctor of Laws | 1783 |
Samuel Stanhope Smith | Doctor of Divinity | 1783 |
Jacob Wood | Master of Arts | 1783 |
Ebenezer Crosby | Master of Arts | 1782 |
Samuel Crosby | Master of Arts | 1782 |
Walter Lyon | Master of Arts | 1782 |
James Mann | Master of Arts | 1782 |
John Cosies Ogden | Master of Arts | 1782 |
Seth Payson | Master of Arts | 1782 |
Asa Piper | Master of Arts | 1782 |
Timothy Reed | Bachelor of Arts | 1782 |
Richard Salter | Doctor of Divinity | 1782 |
Samuel Wales | Doctor of Divinity | 1782 |
Eliphalet Williams | Doctor of Divinity | 1782 |
John Brooks | Master of Arts | 1781 |
William Channing | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Samuel Emery | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Enos Hitchcock | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Samuel Holden Parsons | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Ebenezer Pemberton | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Richard Price | Doctor of Laws | 1781 |
Josiah Read | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Seth Read | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Ezra Stiles | Master of Arts | 1781 |
George Washington | Doctor of Laws | 1781 |
Abel Whitney | Master of Arts | 1781 |
Peter Woodward | Master of Arts | 1781 |
William Rogers | Master of Arts | 1780 |
Solomon Southwick | Master of Arts | 1780 |
John Bartlett | Doctor of Medicine | 1779 |
Charles Chauncey | Master of Arts | 1779 |
Conrad Alexandre Gérard | Doctor of Laws | 1779 |
Matthew Griswold | Doctor of Laws | 1779 |
Samuel Huntington | Master of Arts | 1779 |
John Leverett | Master of Arts | 1779 |
John Thayer | Bachelor of Arts | 1779 |
Jonathan Trumbull | Doctor of Laws | 1779 |
Samuel Haven | Master of Arts | 1778 |
David Kellogg | Master of Arts | 1778 |
Nathaniel Macclintock | Master of Arts | 1778 |
Samuel Stebbins | Master of Arts | 1778 |
Ezra Stiles | Bachelor of Arts | 1778 |
Daniel Farrand | Master of Arts | 1777 |
John Smith | Master of Arts | 1777 |
Alexander MacWhorter | Doctor of Divinity | 1776 |
Richard Treat | Doctor of Divinity | 1776 |
Royall Tyler | Bachelor of Arts | 1776 |
Samuel Gray | Master of Arts | 1775 |
Andrew Eliot | Master of Arts | 1774 |
Dan Foster | Master of Arts | 1774 |
Benjamin Lord | Doctor of Divinity | 1774 |
John Marsh | Master of Arts | 1774 |
Nathan Perkins | Master of Arts | 1774 |
Benjamin Church | Master of Arts | 1773 |
William Gordon | Master of Arts | 1773 |
David Huntington | Bachelor of Arts | 1773 |
Richard Jackson | Doctor of Laws | 1773 |
Solomon Wiliams | Master of Arts | 1773 |
Seth Williams | Master of Arts | 1773 |
David Greene | Master of Arts | 1772 |
Ezra Horton | Master of Arts | 1772 |
David Howell | Master of Arts | 1772 |
Theodore Sedgwick | Master of Arts | 1772 |
Hezekiah Smith | Master of Arts | 1772 |
Samuel Whiting | Master of Arts | 1772 |
John Close | Master of Arts | 1771 |
William Mills | Master of Arts | 1771 |
Isaac Foster | Master of Arts | 1770 |
Jonathan Graham | Bachelor of Arts | 1770 |
Nathaniel Hazard | Master of Arts | 1770 |
Jedidiah Huntington | Master of Arts | 1770 |
Solomon Kellogg | Master of Arts | 1770 |
Thomas Brattle | Master of Arts | 1769 |
Jonathan Edwards | Master of Arts | 1769 |
John Hancock | Master of Arts | 1769 |
Nehemiah Williams | Master of Arts | 1769 |
William Hanna | Master of Arts | 1768 |
Samuel Kirkland | Master of Arts | 1768 |
Hugh Knox | Master of Arts | 1768 |
Roger Sherman | Master of Arts | 1768 |
John Wendell | Master of Arts | 1768 |
Josiah Dana | Master of Arts | 1766 |
Daniel Leonard | Master of Arts | 1766 |
Josiah Quincy | Master of Arts | 1766 |
Jesse Root | Master of Arts | 1766 |
Nathaniel Battelle | Bachelor of Arts | 1765 |
Thomas Bridgman | Master of Arts | 1765 |
Moses Hubbard | Bachelor of Arts | 1765 |
Joseph Lee | Bachelor of Arts | 1765 |
Jonathan Moore | Master of Arts | 1765 |
Josiah Sherman | Master of Arts | 1765 |
Samuel Taylor | Master of Arts | 1765 |
Josiah Thacher | Master of Arts | 1765 |
Joshua Upham | Bachelor of Arts | 1765 |
Joseph Willard | Bachelor of Arts | 1765 |
Noah Wadhams | Master of Arts | 1764 |
William Jackson | Master of Arts | 1763 |
John Kimberly | Master of Arts | 1763 |
William Cornelius George | Bachelor of Arts | 1762 |
Benjamin Chapman | Master of Arts | 1761 |
Samuel Barrett | Master of Arts | 1760 |
Noah Benedict | Master of Arts | 1760 |
Joseph Montgomery | Master of Arts | 1760 |
Benjamin Youngs Prime | Master of Arts | 1760 |
Henry Wells | Master of Arts | 1760 |
John Avery | Bachelor of Arts | 1759 |
Thaddeus Burr | Master of Arts | 1759 |
John Crocker | Master of Arts | 1759 |
Justin Ely | Bachelor of Arts | 1759 |
Lemuel Hedge | Bachelor of Arts | 1759 |
Ephraim Otis | Master of Arts | 1759 |
Benjamin Pickman | Bachelor of Arts | 1759 |
Benoni Bradner | Master of Arts | 1758 |
William Patten | Master of Arts | 1758 |
Mather Byles | Master of Arts | 1757 |
Samuel Clark | Master of Arts | 1757 |
Sylvanus Osborn | Master of Arts | 1757 |
Edward Walker | Bachelor of Arts | 1757 |
Edward Walker | Master of Arts | 1757 |
Francis Alison | Master of Arts | 1755 |
Joseph Perry | Master of Arts | 1755 |
James Beard | Master of Arts | 1754 |
Samuel Epes | Master of Arts | 1754 |
John Mascarene | Master of Arts | 1754 |
Marsh Perez | Master of Arts | 1754 |
Robert Ross | Master of Arts | 1754 |
William Cushing | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Jonathan Dorby | Master of Arts | 1753 |
John Ellis | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Samuel Fayerweather | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Benjamin Franklin | Master of Arts | 1753 |
George Leonard | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Joseph Palmer | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Grindall Rawson | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Nathaniel Robbins | Master of Arts | 1753 |
William Williams | Master of Arts | 1753 |
Joseph Green | Master of Arts | 1752 |
Edward Wigglesworth | Master of Arts | 1752 |
Andrew Oliver | Master of Arts | 1751 |
James Bowdoin | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Nathaniel Coffin | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Samuel Cooper | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Thomas Cushing | Master of Arts | 1750 |
William Ellery | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Stephen Greenleaf | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Ebenezer Storer | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Royall Tyler | Master of Arts | 1750 |
Thomas Balch | Master of Arts | 1741 |
Thomas Williams | Master of Arts | 1741 |
Elisha Marsh | Master of Arts | 1740 |
Anthony Davis | Master of Arts | 1737 |
John Graham | Master of Arts | 1737 |
Philemon Robbins | Master of Arts | 1733 |
Thomas Tyler | Master of Arts | 1732 |
John Hubbard | Master of Arts | 1730 |
Gilbert Tennent | Master of Arts | 1725 |
Samuel Mather | Master of Arts | 1724 |
David Yale | Master of Arts | 1724 |
Daniel Turner | Doctor of Medicine | 1723 |
Joseph Morgan | Master of Arts | 1719 |
David Parsons | Bachelor of Arts | 1705 |
Stephen Buckingham | Master of Arts | 1702 |
Joseph Coit | Master of Arts | 1702 |
Joseph Moss | Master of Arts | 1702 |
Salmon Treat | Master of Arts | 1702 |