Joseph Barratt


Joseph Barratt (Stapleford, 1796-Middletown, 1882[1]​) fue un médico, y botánico inglés; y geólogo en Connecticut y Pensilvania.

Joseph Barratt
Información personal
Nacimiento 1796
Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, Inglaterra
Fallecimiento 1882, 86 años
Middletown, Connecticut
Nacionalidad estadounidense
Información profesional
Área médico, botánico, geólogo
Abreviatura en botánica Barratt


  • 1874. Fossil Wonders of a Former World. Editor C.H. Pelton. 7 pp.
  • 1859. Zoomorphic Sandstone of the Connecticut Basin. 1 pp.
  • 1851. The Indian of New-England, and the north-eastern provinces: a sketch of the life of an Indian hunter, ancient traditions relating to the Etchemin tribe, their modes of life, fishing, hunting, &c.; with vocabularies in the Indian and English, giving the names of the animals, birds, and fish; the ... Con Nicola Tenesles. Editor Ch. H. Pelton. 24 pp.
  • 1850. Indian Proprietors of Mattebeseck: And Their Descendants, Whose Names Appear in Town Records, from 1673 to 1749. Editor C.H. Pelton. 4 pp.
  • 1846. Geology of Middletown & Vicinity. Con Edward Hitchcock. Editor W.D. Starr, 1 pp.
  • 1841. Eupatorium verticillata: Specimens to Illustrate the North American Verticillate Species and Varieties of the Genus Eupatorium: with Synonyms and References
  • 1840. North American Ca̲r̲i̲c̲e̲s̲. Editor C.H. Pelton, 8 pp.
  • 1840. Salices Americanae: North American Willows. Disposed in Sections, Or Natural Groups, with Notes and Observations of a Practical Nature, Showing the Kinds Best Adapted for the Useful Arts, and Those Most Esteemed in Ornamental Culture. Editor C.H. Pelton, 16 pp.
  • 1839. Barratt's Ornamental Penman. Editor J. Barratt, 40 pp.
  • 1837. Scripture arithmetic, or, The Jewish and Roman coins, weights, and ... 16 pp.


Especies vegetales
Especies animales


  2. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 1: 48 1846 (GCI)
  3. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1: 361 (362) 1825 (GCI)
  4. Good Book 26 (barati). 1840 [Jan 1840] ; cf. Amer. Midl. Nat. 3: Append. 1913; vide Merrill, Ind. Rafin. 79 1949 (IK)
  5. Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) ii. 146. t. 187 (IK)
  6. «Copia archivada». Archivado desde el original el 2 de diciembre de 2021. Consultado el 24 de agosto de 2012. 
  •   Datos: Q5936967
  •   Especies: Joseph Barratt