Lista de los ganadores del Premio Literario Lambda (Lammy).[1][2][3]
Año | Categoría | Autor | Título |
2007 | Antologías | Lawrence Schimel | Richard Labonte yFirst Person Queer (Arsenal Pulp Press) |
Arte y cultura | Matthew Hays | The View from Here: Conversations with Gay and Lesbian Filmmakers (Arsenal Pulp Press) | |
Bisexual | Brent Hartinger | Split Screen (Harper Collins Children's Books) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Perry Moore | Full Spectrum (Hyperion) | |
Teatro | Steve Susoyev y George Birimisa, eds. | Return to the Caffe Cino (Moving Finger Press) | |
Primera novela gay | Christopher Kelly | A Push and a Shove (Alyson Books) | |
Erótica LGBT | Simon Sheppard | Homosex: 60 Years of Gay Erotica (Running Press) | |
Ficción masculina | Andre Aciman | Call Me By Your Name (Farrar Straus Giroux) | |
Biografía / memorias de hombres | Kevin Sessums | Mississippi Sissy (St. Martin's Press) | |
Novela negra para hombres | Greg Herren | Murder in the Rue Chartres (Alyson Books) | |
Poesía LGBT | Henri Cole | Blackbird and Wolf,, (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) | |
Romance para hombres | Michael Thomas Ford | Changing Tides (Kensington Books) | |
Primera novela de ficción lésbica | Aoibheann Sweeney | Among Other Things, I've Taken Up Smoking (Penguin Press) | |
Ficción para mujeres | Ali Liebegott | The IHOP Papers (Carroll & Graf) | |
Biografías / memorias de mujeres | Nicola Griffith | And Now We Are Going to Have a Party (Payseur & Schmidt) | |
Novela negra para mujeres | Gabrielle Goldsby | Wall of Silence (Bold Strokes Books) | |
Romance para mujeres | K.G. MacGregor | Out of Love (Bella Books) | |
No ficción LGBT | Michael S. Sherry | Gay Artists in Modern American Culture (University of North Carolina Press) | |
Estudios LGBT | Sharon Marcus | Between Women (Princeton University Press) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Lee Thomas | The Dust of Wonderland (Alyson Books) | |
Transgénero | Cris Beam, eds. | Transparent (Harcourt) | |
2006 | Antologías | Greg Herren y Paul J. Willis, eds. | Love, Bourbon Street: Reflections of New Orleans (Alyson Publications) |
Arte y cultura | Lillian Faderman y Stuart Timmons | Gay L. A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, And Lipstick Lesbians (Basic Books) | |
Bisexual | Michael Szymanski y Nicole Kristal | The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe (Alyson Publications) | |
Infantil y juvenil (ex aequo) | David Levithan y Billy Merrell, eds. | Full Spectrum (Random House Children's Books) | |
Julie Anne Peters | Between Mom & Jo (Little Brown) | ||
Teatro | Tim Miller | 1001 Beds (University of Wisconsin-Madison) | |
Primera novela de ficción para hombres gays | Robert Westfield | Suspension: A Novel (Harper Perennial) | |
Erótica para hombres gays | Jeff Mann | A History of Barbed Wire (Suspect Thoughts) | |
Ficción para hombres gays | Robert Westfield | Suspension: A Novel (Harper Perennial) | |
Biografía / memorias de hombres gays | Bernard Cooper | The Bill From My Father (Simon & Schuster) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | Garry Ryan | The Lucky Elephant Restaurant (NeWest Press) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Jim Elledge | A History of My Tattoo (Stonewall/BrickHouse Books) | |
Romance para hombres gays | Rob Byrnes | When the Stars Come Out (Kensington Books) | |
Humor | Joe Keenan | My Lucky Star (Little Brown) | |
Primera novela de ficción lésbica | Ellis Avery | The Teahouse Fire (Riverhead Books) | |
Erótica lésbica | Laurinda D. Brown | Walk Like a Man (Q-Boro Books) | |
Ficción lésbica | Sarah Waters | The Night Watch (Riverhead Books) | |
Biografía / memorias lésbicas | Alison Bechdel | Fun Home (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Laurie R. King | The Art of Detection (Bantam Books) | |
Poesía lésbica | Sina Queyras | Lemon Hound (Coach House Books) | |
Romance lésbico | Georgia Beers | Fresh Tracks (Bold Strokes) | |
No ficción (ex aequo) | Lillian Faderman y Stuart Timmons | Gay L. A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, And Lipstick Lesbians (Basic Books) | |
Marcia M. Gallo | Different Daughters (Carroll & Graf) | ||
Estudios LGBT | Horace L. Griffin | Their Own Receive Them Not (Pilgrim Press) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Neal Drinnan | Izzy and Eve (Green Candy Press) | |
Espiritualidad | Michael McColly | The After-Death Room (Soft Skull Press) | |
Transgénero / queer | Susan Stryker y Stephen Whittle, eds. | The Transgender Studies Reader (Routledge) | |
2005 | Antologías | E. Lynn Harris, ed. | Freedom in This Village: Twenty-Five Years of Black Gay Men's Writing, 1979 to the Present (Carroll & Graf) |
Bellas letras | Martin Moran | The Tricky Part (Beacon Press) | |
Biografía | Sherrill Tippins | February House (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Shyam Selvadurai | Swimming in the Monsoon Sea (Tundra Press) | |
Erótica | Radclyffe, eds. | Stacia Seaman yStolen Moments: Erotic Interludes 2 (Bold Strokes) | |
Primera novela de ficción para hombres gays | Vestal McIntyre | You Are Not the One (Carroll & Graf) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Dennis Cooper | The Sluts (Carroll & Graf) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | D. Travers Scott | One of These Things is Not Like the Other (Suspect Thoughts) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Richard Siken | Crush (Yale University) | |
Humor | David Rakoff | Don't Get Too Comfortable (Doubleday) | |
Primera novela de ficción lésbica | Ali Leibegott | The Beautifully Worthless (Suspect Thoughts) | |
Ficción lésbica | Abha Dawesar | Babyji (Anchor Books) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Alicia Gaspar de Alba | Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders (Arte Público) | |
Poesía lésbica | June Jordan | Directed by Desire: Collected Poems (Copper Canyon Press) | |
Estudios LGBT | Susan Ackerman | When Heroes Love: The Ambiguities of Eros in the Stories of Gilgamesh and David (Columbia University Press) | |
No ficción | Thomas Glave | Words to Our Now (University of Minnesota) | |
Romance | Radclyffe | Distant Shores, Silent Thunder (Bold Strokes) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Katherine V. Forrest | Daughters of an Emerald Dusk (Alyson Publications) | |
Espiritualidad | Cheri DiNovo | Qu(e)erying Evangelism: Growing a Community from the Outside In (Pilgrim Press) | |
Transgénero / queer | Charlie Anders | Choir Boy (Soft Skull Press) | |
2004 | Antologías / ficción | Edmund White y Donald Weise, eds. | Fresh Men: New Voices in Gay Fiction (Carroll & Graf) |
Antologías / no ficción | Greg Wharton y Ian Philips, eds. | I Do/I Don't: Queers on Marriage (Suspect Thoughts) | |
Autobiografía / memorias | Alison Smith | Name All the Animals (Scribner) | |
Biografía | Alexis De Veaux | Warrior Poet: A Biography of Audre Lorde (W. W. Norton) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Alex Sanchez | So Hard to Say (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers) | |
Drama | Doug Wright | I Am My Own Wife (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) | |
Erótica | Richard Labonte | Best Gay Erotica 2005 (Cleis Press) | |
Primera novela de ficción para hombres gays | Blair Mastbaum | Clay's Way (Alyson Publications) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Colm Tóibín | The Master (Scribner) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Luis Cernuda | Written in Water (City Lights Publishers) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | Anthony Bidulka | Flight of Aquavit (Insomniac Press) | |
Humor | David Sedaris | Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (Little, Brown and Company) | |
Primera novela de ficción lésbica | Judith Frank | Crybaby Butch (Firebrand) | |
Ficción lésbica | Stacey D'Erasmo | A Seahorse Year (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Poesía lésbica | Beverly Burch | Sweet to Burn (Gival Press) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Katherine V. Forrest | Hancock Park (Berkley Prime Crime/Penguin Group) | |
Estudios LGBT | Elisabeth Kirtsoglou | For the Love of Women: Gender, Identity and Same-Sex Relations in a Greek Provincial Town (Routledge) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales | Evan Bachner y Harry Abrams | At Ease: Navy Men of World War II (Harry Abrams) | |
Romance | Steven Kluger | Almost Like Being in Love (HarperCollins) | |
Religión / espiritualidad | Will Roscoe | Jesus and the Shamanic Tradition of Same-Sex Love (Suspect Thoughts) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Jim Grimsley | The Ordinary (Tor Books) | |
Transgénero / queer | Mariette Pathy Allen | The Gender Frontier (Kehrer Verlag) | |
2003 | Antologías / ficción | Michael Bronski, ed. | Pulp Friction (St. Martin's Press) |
Antologías / no ficción | Bob Guter y John Killacky, eds. | Queer Crips (Harrington Park Press) | |
Autobiografía / memorias | Lillian Faderman | Naked in the Promised Land (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Biografía | Andrew Wilson | Beautiful Shadow (Bloomsbury Publishing) | |
Infantil y juvenil | David Levithan | Boy Meets Boy (Knopf Books for Young Readers) | |
Drama | Brian Drader | Prok (Scirocco Drama) | |
Erótica | Tristan Taormino, ed. | Best Lesbian Erotica 2004 (Cleis Press) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Christopher Bram | Lives of the Circus Animals (William Morrow) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | John Morgan Wilson | Blind Eye (St. Martin's Press) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Mark Bibbins | Sky Lounge (Graywolf Press) | |
Humor | Alison Bechdel | Dykes and Sundry Other Carbon-Based Life-Forms to Watch Out For (Alyson Publications) | |
Ficción lésbica | Nina Revoyr | Southland (Akashic Books) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Elizabeth Sims | Damn Straight (Alyson Publications) | |
Poesía lésbica | Minnie Bruce Pratt | The Dirt She Ate (University of Pittsburgh Press) | |
Estudios LGBT | Devon Carbado y Donald Weise, eds. | Time on Two Crosses (Cleis Press) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales | Lonthar Schirmer, ed. | Women Seeing Women (W.W. Norton) | |
Romance (ex aequo) | Karin Kallmaker | Maybe Next Time (Bella Books) | |
Michael Thomas Ford | Last Summer (Kensington Publishing) | ||
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Helen Sandler, ed. | Necrologue (Diva Books) | |
Espiritualidad | Fenton Johnson | Keeping Faith (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Transgénero / queer | Jennifer Finney Boylan | She's Not There (Broadway Books) | |
2002 | Antologías / ficción | Devon Carbado, Dwight McBride y Don Weise, eds. | Black Like Us (Cleis Press) |
Antologías / no ficción | Bruce Shenitz | The Man I Might Become (Marlowe & Company) | |
Autobiografía | Betty Berzon | Surviving Madness (University of Wisconsin-Madison) | |
Biografía | David Kaufman | Ridiculous! (Applause Theatre & Cinema) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Bonnie Shimko | Letters in the Attic (Academy Chicago Press) | |
Selección del editor | John D'Emilio | The World Turned (Duke University) | |
Erótica | Tristan Taormino, ed. | Best Lesbian Erotica 2003 (Cleis Press) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Jamie O'Neill | At Swim, Two Boys (Scribner) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | Christopher Rice | The Snow Garden (Miramax Press) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | J.D. McClatchy | Hazmat (Alfred A. Knopf) | |
Humor | Dan Savage | Skipping Towards Gomorrah (Dutton) | |
Ficción lésbica | Sarah Waters | Fingersmith (Riverhead) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Elizabeth Woodcraft | Good Bad Woman (Kensington) | |
Poesía lésbica | Ellen Bass | Mules of Love (BOA Editions) | |
Estudios LGBT | Neil Miller | Sex-Crime Panic (Alyson Publications) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales | Dominique Fernandez | A Hidden Love (Prestel) | |
Pioneer Award | Barbara Grier y Donna McBride, Naiad Press | ||
Romance | Andrew W.M. Beierle | The Winter of Our Discoteque (Kensington) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Michael Rowe, ed. | Queer Fear II (Arsenal Pulp) | |
Editoriales minoritarias | Kings Crossing Publishing | ||
Espiritualidad | Geoffrey Duncan | Courage to Love (Pilgrim Press) | |
Transgénero | Noelle Howey | Dress Codes (Picador) | |
2001 | Antologías / ficción | Helen Sandler, ed. | Diva Book of Short Stories (Millivres) |
Antologías / no ficción | Constantine-Simms, ed. | The Greatest Taboo: Homosexuality In Black Communities (Alyson Publications) | |
Autobiografía / memorias | Andrew Solomon | The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression (Scribner) | |
Biografía | Barry Werth | The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin (Doubleday) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Julia Watts | Finding H.F. (Alyson Publications) | |
Erótica | Ian Philips | See Dick Deconstruct: Literotica for the Satirically Bent (AttaGirl) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Allan Gurganus | The Practical Heart (Knopf) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | Michael Nava | Rag and Bone (G.P. Putnam) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Mark Doty | Source (HarperCollins) | |
GLBT Studies | Joyce Murdoch y Deb Price | Courting Justice: Gay Men and Lesbians v. the Supreme Court (Basic Books) | |
Humor | David Rakoff | Fraud (Doubleday) | |
Ficción lésbica | Achy Obejas | Days of Awe (Ballantine) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Ellen Hart | Merchant of Venus (St. Martin's Press) | |
Poesía lésbica | Adrienne Rich | Fox (Norton Publishing) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales | David Deitcher | Dear Friends: American Photographs of Men Together, 1840-1918 (Harry N. Abrams) | |
Romance | Silvia Brownrigg | Pages for You (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Melissa Scott y Lisa A. Barnett | Point of Dreams (Tor) | |
Editoriales minoritarias | Mariana Romo-Carmona | Conversaciones! (Cleis) | |
Espiritualidad (ex aequo) | Ken Stone, ed. | Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible (Pilgrim Press) | |
Bernard Duncan Mayes | Escaping God's Closet: The Revelations of a Queer Priest (University Press of Virginia) | ||
Transgénero / bisexual | Virginia Ramey Mollenkott | Omnigender: A Trans-religious Approach (Pilgrim Press) | |
2000 | Antologías / ficción | David Bergman y Karl Woelz, eds. | Men on Men 2000 (Plume) |
Antologías / no ficción | Noelle Howey y Ellen Samuels, eds. | Out of the Ordinary (St. Martin's) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Noelle Howey y Ellen Samuels, eds. | Out of the Ordinary (St. Martin's) | |
Drama | John Cameron Mitchell, música y letra de Stephen Trask | Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Overlook) | |
Biografía / autobiografía gay | Douglas Murray | Bosie (Talk Miramax) | |
Ficción gay masculina | K.M. Soehnlein | The World of Normal Boys (Kensington) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | John Morgan Wilson | The Limits of Justice (Doubleday) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Carl Phillips | Pastoral (Graywolf) | |
Estudios sobre hombres gays | James J. Berg y Chris Freeman | The Isherwood Century (University of Wisconsin-Madison) | |
Horror / ciencia ficción / fantasía | Jim Grimsley | Kirith Kirin (Meisha Merlin) | |
Humor | David Sedaris | Me Talk Pretty One Day (Little Brown) | |
Biografía / autobiografía lésbica | Judith Barrington | Lifesaving (Eight Mountain) | |
Ficción lésbica | Michelle Tea | Valencia (Seal) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Jean Marcy | Mommy Deadest (New Victoria) | |
Poesía lésbica | Elena Georgiou | Mercy Mercy Me (Painted Leaf) | |
Estudios lésbicos | Harmony Hammond | Lesbian Art in America (Rizzoli) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales | Keri Pickett | Faeries (Aperture) | |
Editoriales minoritarias (ex aequo) | Lauren Sanders | Kamikaze Lust (Akashic) | |
Erasmo Guerra | Between Dances (Painted Leaf) | ||
Espiritualidad / religión (ex aequo) | Toby Johnson | Gay Spirituality (Alyson Publications) | |
Krandall Kraus y Paul Borja | It's Never About What It's About (Alyson Publications) | ||
Transgénero | David Ebershoff | The Danish Girl (Viking) | |
1999 | Antologías / ficción | Joan Nestle, y Nancy Holden, eds. | Naomi Holoch,Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction (Vintage) |
Antologías / no ficción | Steve Hogan y Lee Hudson, eds. | Completely Queer: The Gay and Lesbian Encyclopedia (Henry Holt) | |
Kris Kleindienst, ed. | This Is What Lesbian Looks Like (Firebrand) | ||
Infantil y juvenil | Ellen Wittlinger | Hard Love (Simon & Schuster) | |
Drama | Craig Lucas | What I Meant Was (TCG) | |
Biografía / autobiografía de hombres gays | Jesse Green | The Velveteen Father (Villard) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Matthew Stadler | Allan Stein (Grove) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | John Morgan Wilson | Justice at Risk (Doubleday) | |
Poesía para hombres gays (ex aequo) | Mark Wunderlich | The Anchorage (UMASS) | |
Richard Howard | Trappings (Turtle Point) | ||
Estudios sobre hombres gays | James Saslow | Pictures and Passions: A History of Homosexuality in the Visual Arts (Viking Press) | |
Humor | Michael Thomas Ford | That's Mr. Faggot To You (Alyson) | |
Biografía / autobiografía lésbica | Diana Souhami | The Trials of Radclyffe Hall (Doubleday) | |
Ficción lésbica | Sarah Waters | Tipping the Velvet (Riverhead) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Ellen Hart | Hunting the Witch (St. Martin's) | |
Poesía lésbica | Olga Broumas | Rave (Copper Canyon Press) | |
Estudios lésbicos | Lillian Faderman | To Believe in Women: What Lesbians Have Done for America (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales | James Saslow | Pictures and Passions: A History of Homosexuality in the Visual Arts (Viking Press) | |
Religión / espiritualidad (ex aequo) | John Stowe | Gay Spirit Warrior (Findhorn) | |
Keith Boykin | Respecting the Soul (Avon) | ||
Ciencia ficción / fantasía | Richard Bowe | Minions of the Moon (Tor) | |
Editoriales minoritarias | Henry Flesh | Massage (Akashic) | |
Transgénero / bisexual | Jackie Kay | Trumpet (Pantheon) | |
1998 | Antologías / ficción | Byrne R.S. Fone, ed. | Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature (Columbia University) |
Antologías / no ficción | Nisa Donnelly, ed. | Mom: Candid Memoirs by Lesbians About the First Woman in Their Life (Alyson) | |
David L. Eng | Q & A: Queer in Asian America (Temple University) | ||
Infantil y juvenil | Kevin Jennings | Telling Tales Out of School (Alyson) | |
Drama | Holly Hughes | O Solo Homo (Grove) | |
Premio selección del editor | Naeem Murr | The Boy (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Biografía / autobiografía de hombres gays | William J. Mann | Wisecracker (Viking Press) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Mark Merlis | An Arrow's Flight (St. Martin's) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | R.D. Zimmerman | Outburst (Delacourt) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | J.D. McClatchy | Ten Commandments (Knopf) | |
Estudios sobre hombres gays | John Loughery | The Other Side of Silence (Henry Holt) | |
Humor | Michael Thomas Ford | Alec Baldwin Doesn’t Love Me and Other Trials of My Queer Life (Alyson) | |
Biografía / autobiografía lésbica | Alison Bechdel | The Indelible Alison Bechdel; Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For (Firebrand) | |
Ficción lésbica | Dorothy Allison | Cavedweller (Dutton) | |
Novela negra lésbica (ex aequo) | Nicola Griffith | The Blue Place (Avon) | |
Sarah Dreher | Shaman's Moon (New Victoria) | ||
Poesía lésbica | Gerry Gomez Pearlberg | Marianne Faithfull's Cigarette (Cleis Press) | |
Estudios lésbicos | Joan Nestle | A Fragile Union (Cleis) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales (ex aequo) | David Leddick | The Male Nude (Taschen) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales (ex aequo) | Barbara Seyda con Diana Herrera | Women in Love (Bullfinch/Little Brown) | |
Premio al pionero | Katherine V. Forrest | ||
Premio al servicio al editor | Joan M. Drury, Spinsters Ink | ||
Religión / espiritualidad | Donna Minkowitz | Ferocious Romance (Free Press) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía (ex aequo) | Nicola Griffith y Stephen Pagel, eds. | Bending the Landscape II (Overlook) | |
Clive Barker | Galilee (HarperCollins) | ||
Editoriales minoritarias | Sharon Bridgforth | the bull-jean stories (RedBone) | |
Transgénero / bisexual | Michael R. Gorman | The Empress Is a Man (Harrington Park) | |
1997 | Antologías / ficción | Robert Drake con Terry Wolverton, eds. | His(2) (Faber & Faber) |
Antologías / no ficción | Yolanda Retter, ed.s | Gordon Brent Ingram, AnneMarie Bouthillette yQueers in Space: Communities, Public Places, Sites of Resistance (Bay) | |
Infantil y juvenil | Jacqueline Woodson | The House You Pass On the Way (Delacorte) | |
Drama | Moises Kaufman | Gross Indecency: the Three Trials of Oscar Wilde (Vintage) | |
Selección del editor | Patricia Nell Warren | Billy's Boy (Wildcat) | |
Biografía / autobiografía de hombres gays | Rafael Campo | The Poetry of Healing (W.W. Norton) | |
Ficción gay masculina | Aryeh Lev Stollman | The Far Euphrates (Putnam) | |
Novela negra para hombres gays | David Hunt | The Magician's Tale (Putnam) | |
Poesía para hombres gays | Cyrus Cassells | Beautiful Signor (Copper Canyon) | |
Estudios sobre hombres gays | Charles Kaiser, ed. | Gay Metropolis (Houghton Mifflin) | |
Humor | Bob Smith | Openly Bob (Rob Weisbach) | |
Biografía / autobiografía lésbica | Barbara Wilson | Blue Windows: a Christian Science Childhood (Picador) | |
Ficción lésbica | Elana Dykewomon | Beyond the Pale (Press Gang) | |
Novela negra lésbica | Randye Lordon | Father Forgive Me (Avon) | |
Poesía lésbica (ex aequo) | Joan Larkin | Cold River (Painted Leaf) | |
Eileen Myles | School of Fish (Black Sparrow) | ||
Estudios lésbicos | Lisa C. Moore | Does Your Mama Know? (Redbone) | |
Fotografía / artes visuales (ex aequo) | David Leddick | Naked Men: Pioneering Male Nudes 1935-1955 (Universe) | |
Robert Giard | Particular Voices: Portraits of Gay and Lesbian Writers (MIT) | ||
Premio pionero | Ron Hanby, Bookazine | ||
Premio al servicio al editor | University of Chicago Press | Douglas Mitchell,||
Religión / espiritualidad | Rebecca Alpert | Like Bread on the Seder Plate (Columbia University) | |
Ciencia ficción / fantasía / horror | Nicola Griffith y Stephen Pagel | Bending the Landscape (White Wolf) | |
Editoriales minoritarias | Lisa C. Moore | Does Your Mama Know? (Redbone) | |
Transgénero (ex aequo) | Carol Queen y Lawrence Schimel, eds. | PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions about Gender and Sexuality (Cleis Press) | |
Daphne Scholinski y Jane Meredith Adams | The Last Time I Wore a Dress (Putnam) |