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Inicio 6 de septiembre de 2007
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(78) - Religious Society of Friends; Abney Park; Alternatives to Violence Project; Amesbury Friends Meeting House; Baltimore Yearly Meeting; Beanite Quakerism; Benjaminville Friends Meeting House and Burial Ground; Brynmawr Experiment; Camp NeeKauNis; Canadian Yearly Meeting; Catoctin Quaker Camp; Civilian Public Service; Clearness committee; Clerk (Quaker); Conservative Friends; Continuous revelation; Farm and Wilderness Camps; Fifty nine Particulars laid down for the Regulating things; Firbank Fell; Friendly Adult Presence; Friends Committee on Scouting; Friends meeting house; Holy Experiment; Horsham Friends Meeting; Inner light; Ireland Yearly Meeting; John Bowne House; Junior Yearly Meeting; Junior Young Friends; The Leaveners; List of Friends Schools; List of Quaker businesses; Meeting for worship; Milligan's Biographical dictionary of British Quakers in commerce and industry; Monthly meeting; New England Yearly Meeting; Nontheist Friend; Northern Yearly Meeting; Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting; Pardshaw Young Friends' Centre; Peace Testimony; Pendle Hill; Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation; Penn Club, London; Philadelphia Yearly Meeting; Quaker Bible; Quaker Faith and Practice; Quaker Tapestry; Quaker history; Quaker views of homosexuality; Quaker views of women; Quaker wedding; Quakers in Europe; Quakers in Kenya; Quakers in Latin America; Quakers in North America; Quakers in the Abolition Movement; Quaking Houses; Query (Quaker); The Retreat; Richmond Declaration; Newtown School, Waterford; Seneca Falls Convention; Shakers; Swarthmoor Hall; Te Hahi Tuhauwiri; Testimony of Equality; Testimony of Integrity; Testimony of Simplicity; The Chocolate Trinity; Third Haven Meeting House; Upper Dublin Friends Meeting House; Valiant Sixty; What Canst Thou Say; Wink (game); World Gathering of Young Friends; Yearly Meeting; Young Quaker;




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