A la edad de 14 años, en 1837, entró en el Trinity College de Dublín, y tuvo una distinguida carrera como estudiante, investigador y profesor, sucesivamente de oratoria, literatura inglesa, y griego, convirtiéndose después en bibliotecario y en última instancia, en su vicerrector.
En 1843, Ingram escribió el poema por el que se le recuerda, la balada The Memory of the Dead (- Who Fears to Speak of ’98’ -, - Ninety Eight -) ("La Memoria de la Muerte), en honor de la Rebelión irlandesa de 1798 dirigida por los Irlandeses Unidos. Fue un defensor de la autonomía de Irlanda, aunque en el contexto de una descentralización más general, en el Reino Unido.
Se casó el 23 de julio de 1862 con Margaret Johnston Clark, hija de James Johnston Clark y de Frances Hall.
En el tramo final de su carrera se interesó en las nacientes disciplinas de la sociología y de la economía, en su Historia de Economía Política, de 1888; utilizando el término "homo œconomicus", como una crítica descripción del ser humano tal como es concebido por la teoría económica, y pudo haber acuñado el término.
Ingram moría el 1 de mayo de 1907 en su casa, en el número 38 de Upper Mount Street, Dublín, donde había vivido desde 1884.
Está enterrado en el cementerio Mount Jerome Cemetery.
1840 - Sonnets -, Dublin University Magazine
1843 - The Memory of the Dead
1845 - The pirate's revenge, or, A tale of Don Pedro and Miss Lois Maynard -, Wright, Boston 1845
1846 - Amelia Somers, the orphan, or, The buried alive -, Wright, Boston 1846
1897 - Love and Sorrow, priv., Dublin 1897
1900 - Sonnets and Other Poems. Adam & Charles Black, London.
Libros de divulgación científica
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1873 - Miscellaneous notes -, Hermathena: a Dublin University review, Vol. I, No. 1, pp. 247-250, 1873
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1879 - The Present Position and Prospects of Political Economy -, Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879
1880 - Work and the workman : being an address to the Trades Union Congress in Dublin, September, 1880 -, Eason & Son, Dublin 1928
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1882 - On Two Collections of Mediaeval Moralized Tales -, Dublin 1882
1883 - Notes on Latin lexicography -, Hermathena: a Dublin University review, Vol, IV, No, VIII, pp. 310-316, 1882, No. IX, pp. 402-412, 1883
1896 - An address delivered before the Royal Irish Academy on February 24th, 1896 -, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 1896
1888 - A correction -,Hermathena: a Dublin University review, Vol. VI, No. XIV, pp. 366-367, 1888
1888 - On a fragment of an ante-Hieronymian version of the Gospels, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. See also Ser.2, Vol. III, Pp. 374-5, 1845-7 -, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Polite Literature and AntiquitiesSer. 2, Vol. II, pp. 22-23, 1879-88
1888 - A History of Political Economy Edinburgh, Adam & Charles Black, London 1888; Macmillan, New York 1894; McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought, Dodo Press, 2008 ISBN 978-1-4099-5901-4 (Traductor: Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo - Historia de la economica política -)
1888 – Essays in Political Economy –
1889 - Memoir of the late William Neilson Hancock -, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol. IX, pp. 384-393, August, 1889
1889 - Memoir of the late William Neilson Hancock, LL.D., Q.C -, Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881
1891 - Presidential Address reviewing the affairs of the Academy since its foundation -, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Ser. 3, Vol. II, (Appendix) Pp. 107-28, 1891-3
1892 - The past and present work of the Royal Irish Academy : an address delivered at the stated meeting of that body, November 30th, 1892 -, Ponsonby & Weldrick, Dublin 1892
1893 - Etymological notes on Lewis and Short's Latin dictionary' -, Hermathena: a Dublin University review, Vol. VIII, No. XIX, pp. 326-343, 1893
1893 - Etymological notes on Lewis and Short's Latin dictionary -[3]
1895 - A History of Slavery and Serfdom, Adam & Charles Black, London 1895; Macmillan, New York 1895, (reprinted Lightning Source (2007), ISBN 1-4304-4390-1
1901 - Human nature and morals according to Auguste Comte. With notes illustrative of the principles of Positivism, Adam & Charles Black, London 1901
1900 - Outlines of history of religion, London 1900, General Books, 2009, ISBN 978-0-217-26725-0
1904 - Practical Morals. A Treatise on Universal Education, London 1904
1905 - The Final Transition. A Sociological Study, London 1905
Otros obras
Encyclopædia Britannica
Palgrave's Dictionary of Economics
Fuente secundaria
Philip Abrams - The Origin of British Sociology, 1834-1914 -, Chicago 1968
K. C. Bailey - A History of Trinity College Dublin 1892-1945 -, University Press, Dublin 1947
Sean D. Barrett - John Kells Ingram (1823–1907)
Douglas Bennett - The Silver Connection -, TCD 1988
Robert Dennis Collison Black - Centenary History of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland -, Dublin 1947
Robert Botelier - Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland -, Dublin 1834
Thomas A. Boylan & Timothy P. Foley - Political Economy and Colonial Ireland, the Propagation and Ideological Function of Economic Discourses in the 19th Century - , p. 190., Routledge, London 1992
Declan Budd & Ross Hinds - The Hist and Edmund Burke's Club -, Lilliput Press, Dublin 1997
Mary Daly - The Spirit of Ernest Inquiry. The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 1847-1997 -, Dublin 1997
Dominic Daly - The Young Douglas Hyde, chapter IV; n.6, p. 209, 1974
J. F. Deane - Irish Poetry of Faith and Doubt -, Introduction, p. 12., Wolfhound Press, Dublin 1991
Seamus Deane - Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing -, Derry 1991
Richard Theodore Ely - Introduction to Ingram -, 1915
Caesar Litton Falkiner - Memoir of John Kells Ingram -, Sealy, Bryers and Walker, Dublin 1907
Caesar Litton Falkiner - A Memoir of the Late John Kells Ingram LL.D. - sometime President of the Society -, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, part 88, pages 105-123, Dublin, 1907 – Sample: [2]
Tadhg Foley - Praties, Professors, and Political Economy, pp. 6–7, Irish Reporter, Third Quarter 1995
Michael Richard Daniell Foot & H. C. G. Matthews - The Galdstone Diaries -
J. P. Gannon - To John Kells Ingram, LL. D., on reading his defence of Positivism: a poem beginning "Bright spirit muffled in the mist of earth" -, The New Ireland review, Vol. XVII, pp. 101-102, April, 1902
J. T. Gibbs - Literary distinction: re John Kells Ingram and "The Memory of the Dead", quoting his reference to it in 1900 -, The Irish book lover, Vol. XVII, p. 117, September-October, 1929
C. Gide & C. Rist - A History of Economic Doctrines, London 1964
Oliver Goldsmith - Destitution of niece. Letter from J. K. Ingram. -, The Irish builder, Vol. XVII, no. 374, p. 201, 15 de julio de 1875
H. A. Hickson - Dublin Verses by Members of Trinity College -, London 1895
Gordon L. Herries Davies - Hosce meos filios -, Ámsterdam 1991
C. C. Holland - Trinity College Dublin and the Idea of a University -, Dublin 1991
Bruce L. Kinzer - Enland’s Disgrace: J. S. Mills and the Irish Question -, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2001
John Victor Luce - Trinity College Dublin. The First 400 Years. -, Dublin 1992
Thomas William Lyster - Bibliography of the Writings of John Kells Ingram, Dublin 1908
Thomas William Lyster - J. K. Ingram: A Bibliography -, in An Leabharlann: journal of the Library Association of Ireland, volume III, no. 1, June, 1909, 46pp. [var. 1907-08].
J. G. Swift MacNeill - What I Have Seen and Heard, Boston 1925
Justin McCarthy - Irish Literature -, p. 2,166., Catholic University of America, Washington 1904
Robert Brendan McDowell & D. A. Webb - Trinity College 1592-1952 -, Cambridge 1982
Brian McKenna - Irish Literature, 1800-1875: A Guide to Information Sources - Gale Research Co., Detroit 1978) (He cites Thomas W. Lyster, ‘W. K. Ingram: A Bibliography’ (Dublin: Cumann na Leabharlann 1907-08), p. 203.)
S. Shannon Millin - Our society: its aims and achievements (1847-1919) -, Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919 - [3]
Gregory C. Moore - Nicholson Versus Ingram on the History of Political Economy and a Charge of Plagiarism -, Journal of the History of Economic Thought , volume 22 (4), p. 433-460 – Sample: [4]
Gregory C. Moore – John Kells Ingram, the Comtean Movement, and the English Methodenstreit
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Canon John Murphy - Two Irish Parliaments: A Contrast -, 1909
J. A. T. Noble - Dear Ireland when you're free -
Frederick Apthorp Paley - "Greek and Latin etymology in England" (a reply to J. K. Ingram) -, Hermathena: a Dublin University review, Vol. II, n.º IV, pp. 377-386, 1876
M. O'Riordan - Dr. Ingram's "Outlines of the history of religion", reviewed by Rev. M. O'Riordan -, The New Ireland review, Vol. XIII, pp. 200-217, June, 1900
Cyril Pearl - Three Lives of Charles Gavan Duffy, pp. 29, 230, O’Brien Press, Dublin 1979
Gary K. Peatling - Who fears to speak of politics?: John Kells Ingram and Hypothetical Nationalism -, in Irish Historical Studies, Volume 31, n.º 122 (November 1998)
William Bedell Stanford - Ireland and the Classical Tradition -, p. 116 (IAP 1976; 1984)
Eric Roll - A History of Economic Thought -, London 1938
Edmund Clarence Stedman - A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895- , 1895
Robert Yelverton Tyrrell - The Memory of the Dead
D. A. Webb & R. B. McDowell - Trinity College Dublin, 1592-1952: An academic history -, Cambridge 1982
T. T. West - The Bold Collegians -, Lilliput Press, Dublin 1991
Michel S. Zouboulakis - Contesting the autonomy of political economy: The early positivist criticism of economic knowledge -, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, volume 15, issue 1, pages 85–103, March 2008
↑Properties of the cardioide have been obtained by the method of inversion by JK Ingram and JW Stubbs, Dublin Phil Soc Trans I, 1842-43.
↑Curves and Their Properties by Robert C. Yates, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc.,Washington, D.C., p. 127: "Geometrical inversion seems to be due to Jakob Steiner who indicated a knowledge of the subject in 1824. He was closely followed by Adolphe Quetelet (1825) who gave some examples. Apparently independently discovered by Giusto Bellavitis in 1836, by Stubbs and Ingram in 1842-3, and by Lord Kelvin in 1845.)"
↑Hermathena: a Dublin University review, Vol. VIII, No. XIX, pp. 326-343, 1893, Vol. II, No. IV, pp. 428-442, 1876