Guns N' Roses es una banda estadounidense de hard rock formada originalmente en 1985 por miembros de Hollywood Rose y L.A. Guns. Después de firmar con Geffen Records en 1986, la banda lanzó su álbum debut Appetite for Destruction en 1987. Todas las canciones del álbum fueron escritas por la banda completa, compuesta por el vocalista Axl Rose, los guitarristas Slash e Izzy Stradlin, el bajista Duff McKagan y el baterista Steven Adler, mientras que It's So Easy fue coescrita por West Arkeen y Anything Goes fue coescrito por Chris Weber, exmiembro de Hollywood Rose. El año siguiente vio el lanzamiento del segundo álbum de la banda, G N' R Lies, compuesto por las cuatro pistas de Live?! * @ Like a Suicide EP de 1986 y cuatro pistas de base acústica. Se destacan «Patience» como el único sencillo del álbum y «One In A Millon», esta última por su controversial letra.
Índice |
#·A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·R·S·T·W·Y·Z |
Indica que la canción fue elegida como sencillo. | |
Indica que la canción fue elegida como sencillo promocional. |
Canción | Compositor(es) | Álbum | Año | Ref. |
«14 Years» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [1] |
«Absurd» | W. Axl Rose Darren Reed Saul Hudson Duff McKagan |
Hard Skool | 2021 | [2] |
«Ain't It Fun» | Eugene O'Connor Peter Laughner |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [3] |
«Ain't Going Down» | Guns N' Roses Chris Weber |
Guns N' Roses Pinball | 1994 | [4] |
«Anything Goes» | Guns N' Roses Chris Weber |
Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [5] |
«Attitudewebsite | Glenn Danzig | The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [6] |
«Back Off Bitchwebsite | W. Axl Rose Paul Tobias |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [7] |
«Bad Applesv | W. Axl Rose Izzy Stradlin Saul Hudson Duff McKagan |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [8] |
«Bad Obsession» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin Aaron Arkeen |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [9] |
«Better» | W. Axl Rose Robert Finck |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [10] |
«Black Leather» | Steve Jones Paul Cook |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [11] |
«Breakdown» | W. Axl Rose Duff McKagan Saul Hudson Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [12] |
«Buick Makane (Big Dumb Sex)» | Marc Bolan Chris Cornell |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [13] |
«Catcher in the Rye» | W. Axl Rose Robert Finck Darren Reed Paul Tobias Tommy Stinson |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [14] |
«Chinese Democracy» | W. Axl Rose Robert Finck Paul Tobias Tommy Stinson Darren Reed Josh Freese Caram Costanzo Eric Caudieux |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [14] |
«Civil War» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal Use Your Illusion II |
1990 1991 |
[15] |
«Coma» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [16] |
«Dead Horse» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [17] |
«Don't Cry» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I Use Your Illusion II |
1991 1991 |
[18] |
«Don't Damn Me» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin Dave Lank |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [19] |
«Double Talkin' Jive» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [20] |
«Down on the Farm» | Charlie Harper Alvin Gibbs Nicholas Garrett |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [21] |
«Dust N' Bones» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin Darren Reed Matt Sorum |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [22] |
«Estranged» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [23] |
«Garden of Eden» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [24] |
«Get in the Ring» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [25] |
«Hair of the Dog» | William McCatterfy Manny Charlton Peter Agnew Darrell Sweet |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [26] |
«Hard Skool» | Rose | Hard Skool | 2021 | [27] |
«Heartbreak Hotel» | Mae Boren Axton Thomas Durden Elvis Presley |
Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition | 2018 | [28] |
«Human Being» | David Johansen John Genzale |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [29] |
«I Don't Care About You» | Lee James Jude | The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [30] |
«I.R.S.» | W. Axl Rose Darren Reed Paul Tobias |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [31] |
«If the World» | W. Axl Rose Chris Pitman |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [32] |
«It's So Easy» | Guns N' Roses Aaron Arkeen |
Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [33] |
«Jumpin' Jack Flash» | Jagger-Richards Bill Wyman |
Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition | 2018 | [28] |
«Knockin' on Heaven's Door» | Bob Dylan | Days Of Thunder Use Your Illusion II |
1990 1991 |
[34] |
«Live and Let Die» | Paul McCartney Linda McCartney |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [35] |
«Locomotive (Complicity)» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [36] |
«Look at Your Game, Girl» | Charles Manson | The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [37] |
«Madagascar» | W. Axl Rose Chris Pitman Martin Luther King Jr. |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [38] |
«Mama Kin» | Steven Tyler | Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide | 1986 | [39] |
«Move to the City» | Guns N' Roses Chris Weber |
Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition |
1986 2018 |
[40] |
«Mr. Brownstone» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [41] |
«My Michelle» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [42] |
«My World» | W. Axl Rose | Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [43] |
«New Rose» | Brian James | The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [44] |
«New Work Tune» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition | 2018 | [28] |
«Nice Boys» | Gary Anderson Mick Cocks Peter Wells Gordon Leach Dallas Royall |
Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide | 1986 | [45] |
«Nightrain» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [46] |
«November Rain» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition |
1991 2018 |
[47] |
«Oh My God» | W. Axl Rose Darren Reed Paul Tobias Tommy Stinson Josh Freese Sean Riggs |
End of Days | 1999 | [48] |
«One in a Million» | Guns N' Roses | G N' R Lies | 1988 | [49] |
«Out ta Get Me» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [50] |
«Paradise City» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [51] |
«Patience» | Guns N' Roses | G N' R Lies | 1988 | [52] |
«Perfect Crime» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [53] |
«The Plague» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition | 2018 | [28] |
«Pretty Tied Up (The Perils of Rock n' Roll Decadence)» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [54] |
«Prostitute» | W. Axl Rose Paul Tobias Robert Finck |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [55] |
«Raw Power» | Iggy Pop James Williamson |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [56] |
«Reckless Life» | Guns N' Roses Chris Weber |
Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide | 1986 | [57] |
«Riad N' the Bedouins» | W. Axl Rose Tommy Stinson Robert Finck Darren Reed Paul Tobias |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [58] |
«Right Next Door to Hell» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin Timo Caltia |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [59] |
«Rocket Queen» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [60] |
«Scraped» | W. Axl Rose Brian Caroll Caram Costanzo |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [61] |
«Shadow of Your Love» | W. Axl Rose Izzy Stradlin Paul Tobias |
It's So Easy/Mr. Brownstone Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction Super Deluxe edition |
1987 1988 2018 |
[62] |
«Shackler's Revenge» | W. Axl Rose Brian Caroll Robert Finck Bryan Mantia Caram Costanzo Pete Scaturro |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [63] |
«Shotgun Blues» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [64] |
«Since I Don't Have You» | Joseph Rock James Beaumont John Taylor Janet Vogel Joseph Verscharen Walter Lester |
The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [65] |
«So Fine» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [66] |
«Sorry» | W. Axl Rose Brian Caroll Bryan Mantia Pete Scaturro |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [67] |
«Street of Dreams» | W. Axl Rose Tommy Stinson Darren Reed Robert Finck Paul Tobias |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [68] |
«Sweet Child o' Mine» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [69] |
«Sympathy for the Devil» | Jagger-Richards | Interview with the Vampire | 1994 | [70] |
«The Garden» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin Aaron Arkeen Del James |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [71] |
«There Was a Time» | W. Axl Rose Paul Tobias Darren Reed Tommy Stinson |
Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [72] |
«Think About You» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [73] |
«This I Love» | W. Axl Rose | Chinese Democracy | 2008 | [74] |
«Used to Love Her» | Guns N' Roses | G N' R Lies | 1988 | [75] |
«Welcome to the Jungle» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction | 1987 | [76] |
«Yesterdays» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin Aaron Arkeen Del James Billy McCloud |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [77] |
«You Ain't the First» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion I | 1991 | [78] |
«You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory» | John Genzale | The Spaghetti Incident? | 1993 | [79] |
«You Could Be Mine» | W. Axl Rose Saul Hudson Duff McKagan Izzy Stradlin |
Use Your Illusion II | 1991 | [80] |
«You're Crazy» | Guns N' Roses | Appetite for Destruction G N' R Lies |
1987 1988 |
[81] |