(US Federal Govt.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "In general all information presented in these pages and all items available for download are for public use. However, you may encounter some pages that require a login password and id. If this is the case you may assume that information presented and items available for download therein are for your authorized access only and not for redistribution by you unless you are otherwise informed."
(US Federal Govt.) Medline at the NIH copyright terms here indicating materials are in the public domain unless otherwise indicated
(US Federal Govt.) NIH public domain publications on urology
(US Federal Govt.) NIMH Patient education materials (Public Domain)
(US Federal Govt.) USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory Contains nutritional information on a large number of comestibles. From FAQ: "USDA food composition data is in the public domain and there is no copyright. We would appreciate it if you would list us as the source of the data and when possible we would like to see the product which uses the data or be notified of its use."
(US Federal Govt.) A large collection of public domain information sheets on various neurological disorders
Note: This Google search for "nih publication "not copyrighted" site:.gov" should help uncover more NIH public domain documents
University of Cincinnati etexts: Contains a nice 1918 edition of Gray's Anatomy with illustrations
(US Federal Govt.) U.S. National Toxicology Program: copyright notice here, typical U.S. govt terms
The Bad Bug Book at http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~mow/intro.html appears to be in the public domain, but please check each section individually for public domain status
Asthma genetics - Public domain data
(US Federal Govt.) Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (needs positive confirmation before use: some diagrams within the text say "used by permission", which implies that they are copyrighted -- however, the rest appears to be written by U.S. govt. employees)
(US Federal Govt.) The NCI thesaurus is a massive public domain repository of definitions of medical terms
Bibliografía online sobre Genoma
Ensembl Genome Browser Acceso a información de genomas
Bases de datos en bioinformática
Proyecto Genoma Humano
Artículos de acceso libre en Nature
Genes y poblaciones
National Human Genome Research Institute
La medicina y la nueva genética
Catálogo de genes e información asociada.Locus link
Genética website en español
Celera genoma
H-Invitational database
Proteoma en Ciencia-Hoy
Revista Nuclei Acids Research
en permanente estado actualización. Puedes añadir aquella bibliografía que creas interesante
Apellido, Autor. "Título del documento". "Sitio". Fecha de publicación. <URL> (Fecha de acceso)
Estilos de citación bibliográfica U. Colombia
Manual de Chicago
Requisitos de uniformidad en artículos científicos. Covenio de Vancouver
ejemplo bibliografía artículo de revista:
Alandi KJ, Polster I, Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease. Ann Intern Med 1996 Jun 1;124(11):980-3