Una enfermedad no transmisible (ENT) es una cuadro clínico o enfermedad considerada no infecciosa o no transmisible. Las enfermedades no transmisibles pueden referirse a enfermedades crónicas, las cuales duran largos períodos de tiempo y que progresan lentamente. A veces, las ENTs culminan con muertes rápidas como en el caso de las enfermedad autoinmunes, enfermedades cardiovasculares, derrame cerebral, cáncer, diabetes, insuficiencia Renal Crónica, osteoporosis, enfermedad de Alzheimer, cataratas, entre otras. Aunque a veces se usan (incorrectamente) como sinónimo de enfermedad crónica, las ENT se distinguen solo por su causa no infecciosa, no necesariamente por su duración.
Las ENTs son la causa principal causa de muerte a nivel global. En 2012 causaron 68% del total de muertes (38 millones) de ese año, un aumento de 8% comparado con la tasa de mortalidad del año 2000.[1] Al rededor de la mitad de las defunciones estuvieron por debajo de los 70 años y la mitad eran del sexo femenino.[2] Las ENTs, se deben en gran medida a cuatro factores de riesgo conductuales que se han afianzado de forma generalizada como parte de la transición económica, los rápidos procesos de urbanización y los modos de vida del siglo XXI: el consumo de tabaco, las dietas malsanas, la inactividad física y el uso nocivo del alcohol.[3] Algunos factores de riesgo como el estilo de vida, el medio ambiente y los antecedentes familiares de la persona aumentan la probabilidad de ciertas ENTs. Cada año al menos 6 millones de personas mueren por causas relacionadas al consumo de tabaco y unos 2.8 millones a causa de las complicaciones causadas por el sobrepeso. El colesterol alto causa unas 2.6 millones de muertes y 7.5 millones a causa de hipertensión.[3]
Factores de riesgo tales como los antecedentes de salud de la persona; su estilo de vida y el medio ambiente pueden aumentar las probabilidades de ciertas enfermedades no transmisibles. Entre estas destacan la edad, el género, genética, exposición a contaminación atmosférica; y comportamientos como fumar, dietas malsanas e inactividad física, las cuales pueden causar hipertensión y obesidad, y por ende aumentando así el riesgo de contraer otras ENTs. La mayoría de las ENTs son consideradas como prevenibles debido a que son causadas por factores de riesgo modificables.[3]
El Informe Mundial de la Salud de 2002 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud World Health Report 2002 identificó cinco importantes factores de riesgo para las diez ENTs con más muertes. Estos son hipertensión, colesterol alto, uso de tabaco, consumo de alcohol y sobrepeso. Otros factores de riesgo incluyen las condiciones sociales y económicas de la persona, también conocidos como "determinantes sociales de salud".
It has been estimated that if the primary risk factors were eliminated, 80% of the cases of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancers could be prevented. Interventions targeting the main risk factors could have a significant impact on reducing the burden of disease worldwide. Efforts focused on better diet and increased physical activity have been shown to control the prevalence of NCDs .
NCDs include many environmental diseases covering a broad category of avoidable and unavoidable human health conditions caused by external factors, such as sunlight, nutrition, pollution, and lifestyle choices. The diseases of affluence are non-infectious diseases with environmental causes. Examples include:
Genetic disorders are caused by errors in genetic information that produce diseases in the affected people. The origin of these genetic errors can be:
Cystic fibrosis is an example of an inherited disease that is caused by a mutation on a gene. The faulty gene impairs the normal movement of sodium chloride in and out of cells, which causes the mucus-secreting organs to produce abnormally thick mucus. The gene is recessive, meaning that a person must have two copies of the faulty gene for them to develop the disease. Cystic fibrosis affects the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems, as well as the sweat glands. The mucus secreted is very thick and blocks passageways in the lungs and digestive tracts. This mucus causes problems with breathing and with the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Referred to as a “lifestyle” disease, because the majority of these diseases are preventable illnesses, the most common causes for non-communicable diseases (NCD) include tobacco use (smoking), alcohol abuse, poor diets (high consumption of sugar, salt, saturated fats, and trans fatty acids) and physical inactivity. Currently, NCD kills 36 million people a year, a number that by some estimates is expected to rise by 17–24% within the next decade.[4]
Historically, many NCDs were associated with economic development and were so-called a "diseases of the rich". The burden of non-communicable diseases in developing countries has increased however, with an estimated 80% of the four main types of NCDs — cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes — now occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of non-communicable Diseases and with two-thirds of people who are affected by diabetes now residing in developing nations, NCD can no longer be considered just a problem affecting affluent estimation of the economic impact of chronic non-communicable diseases in selected countries. New WHO report: deaths from non-communicable diseases on the rise, with developing world hit hardest. As previously stated, in 2008 alone, NCD's were the cause of 63% of deaths worldwide; a number that is expected to rise considerably in the near future if measures are not taken.
If present growth trends are maintained, by 2020, NCDs will attribute to 7 out of every 10 deaths in developing countries, killing 52 million people annually worldwide by 2030. With statistics such as these, it comes as no surprise that international entities such as the World Health Organization & World Bank Human Development Network have identified the prevention and control of NCDs as an increasingly important discussion item on the global health agenda.
Thus, should policy makers and communities mobilize “and make prevention and targeted treatment of such diseases a priority,” sustainable measures can be implemented to stagnate (and eventually even reverse) this emerging global health threat. Potential measures currently being discussed by the(World Health Organization)-Food and Agriculture Organization includes reducing the levels of salt in foods, limiting inappropriate marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children, imposing controls on harmful alcohol use, raising taxes on tobacco, and curbing legislation to curb smoking in public places.
The World Health Organization is the specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as coordinating authority on international public health issues, including NCDs. In May 2008, the 193 Member States of the WHO approved a six-year plan to address non-communicable diseases, especially the rapidly increasing burden in low- and middle-income countries. The plan calls for raising the priority given to NCDs in international development work'.
During the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2010, a resolution was passed to call for a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and treatment NCDs with the participation of heads of state and government. The resolution also encouraged UN Member States to address the issue of non-communicable diseases at the 2010 Review Summit for the Millennium Development Goals.
In order to better coordinate efforts around the globe, in 2009 the WHO announced the launch of the Global Non-communicable Disease Network (NCDnet).[5] NCDnet will consist of leading health organizations and experts from around the world in order to fight against diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Ala Alwan, assistant director-general for Non-communicable Diseases and Mental Health at the WHO, said: "integrating the prevention of non-communicable diseases and injuries into the national and global development agendas is not only achievable but also a priority for developing countries."[6]
The NCD Alliance is a global partnership founded in May 2009 by four international federations representing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease. The NCD Alliance brings together roughly 900 national member associations to fight non-communicable disease. Long term aims of the Alliance include:[7]
The Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network, or commonly referred to as YP-CDN, is a global network of roughly 5000 young professionals across 157 countries. The organization aims to mobilize these young people "to take action against social injustice driven by NCDs.".[8]
Previously, chronic NCDs were considered a problem limited mostly to high income countries, while infectious diseases seemed to affect low income countries. The burden of disease attributed to NCDs has been estimated at 85% in industrialized nations, 70% in middle income nations, and nearly 50% in countries with the lowest national incomes.[9] In 2008, chronic NCDs accounted for more than 60% (over 35 million) of the 57 million deaths worldwide. Given the global population distribution, almost 80% of deaths due to chronic NCDs worldwide now occur in low and middle income countries, while only 20% occur in higher income countries.
National economies are reportedly suffering significant losses because of premature deaths or inability to work resulting from heart disease, stroke and diabetes. For instance, China is expected to lose roughly $558 billion in national income between 2005 and 2015 due to early deaths. In 2005, heart disease, stroke and diabetes caused an estimated loss in international dollars of national income of 9 billion in India and 3 billion in Brazil.[9]
The burden of chronic NCDs including mental health conditions is felt in workplaces around the world, notably due to elevated levels of absenteeism, or absence from work because of illness, and presenteeism, or productivity lost from staff coming to work and performing below normal standards due to poor health. For example, the United Kingdom experienced a loss of about 175 million days in 2006 to absence from illness among a working population of 37.7 million people. The estimated cost of absences due to illness was over 20 billion pounds in the same year.[10] The cost due to presenteeism is likely even larger, although methods of analyzing the economic impacts of presenteeism are still being developed. Methods for analyzing the distinct workplace impacts of NCDs versus other types of health conditions are also still being developed.
For the vast majority of cancers, risk factors are environmental or lifestyle-related, thus cancers are mostly preventable NCD.[11] Greater than 30% of cancer is preventable via avoiding risk factors including: tobacco, being overweight or obesity, low fruit and vegetable intake, physical inactivity, alcohol, sexually transmitted infections, and air pollution.[12] Infectious agents are responsible for some cancers, for instance almost all cervical cancers are caused by human papillomavirus infection.
The first studies on cardiovascular health were performed in 1949 by Jerry Morris using occupational health data and were published in 1958.[13] The causes, prevention, and/or treatment of all forms of cardiovascular disease remain active fields of biomedical research, with hundreds of scientific studies being published on a weekly basis. A trend has emerged, particularly in the early 2000s, in which numerous studies have revealed a link between fast food and an increase in heart disease. These studies include those conducted by the Ryan Mackey Memorial Research Institute, Harvard University and the Sydney Center for Cardiovascular Health. Many major fast food chains, particularly McDonald's, have protested the methods used in these studies and have responded with healthier menu options.
A fairly recent emphasis is on the link between low-grade inflammation that hallmarks atherosclerosis and its possible interventions. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a common inflammatory marker that has been found to be present in increased levels in patients at risk for cardiovascular disease.[14] Also osteoprotegerin which involved with regulation of a key inflammatory transcription factor called NF-κB has been found to be a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and mortality.[15][16]
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition which is largely preventable and manageable but difficult to cure. Management concentrates on keeping blood sugar levels as close to normal ("euglycemia") as possible without presenting undue patient danger. This can usually be with close dietary management, exercise, and use of appropriate medications (insulin only in the case of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Oral medications may be used in the case of type 2 diabetes, as well as insulin).
Patient education, understanding, and participation is vital since the complications of diabetes are far less common and less severe in people who have well-managed blood sugar levels.[17][18] Wider health problems may accelerate the deleterious effects of diabetes. These include smoking, elevated cholesterol levels, obesity, high blood pressure, and lack of regular exercise.
Although chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not currently identified as one of WHO's main targets for global NCD control, there is compelling evidence that CKD is not only common, harmful and treatable but also a major contributing factor to the incidence and outcomes of at least three of the diseases targeted by WHO (diabetes, hypertension and CVD).[19] CKD strongly predisposes to hypertension and CVD; diabetes, hypertension and CVD are all major causes of CKD; and major risk factors for diabetes, hypertension and CVD (such as obesity and smoking) also cause or exacerbate CKD. In addition, among people with diabetes, hypertension, or CVD, the subset who also have CKD are at highest risk of adverse outcomes and high health care costs. Thus, CKD, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are closely associated conditions that often coexist; share common risk factors and treatments; and would benefit from a coordinated global approach to prevention and control.