Gary Anderson ( Indiana, Estados Unidos 14 de abril de 1948 ) es un escritor, académico, pedagogo y profesor en el departamento de Liderazgo, Política educativa y Tecnología en la Escuela Steinhardt de Cultura en la Universidad de Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
Obtuvo una maestría en Educación por la Universidad de Columbia y licenciaturas en educación bilingüe en español e inglés y gestión educativa.
Entre 1982 y 1984 fue director en el Colegio Americano de Puebla en México.
Ha realizado investigaciones sobre reforma educativa, el liderazgo educativo y la nueva economía, escuelas micropolíticas, teoría organizacional, teorías críticas de clase, raza y género, el militarismo y la criminalización de los jóvenes en las escuelas, influenciado por la Pedagogía crítica de Paulo Freire.
Gary Anderson ha realizado trabajos sobre la metodología investigativa, la investigación-acción, el análisis discursivo y la etnografía.[1]
En 1999, publicó un artículo junto a Mónica Pini en la Revista Iberoamericana de Educación de la OEI sobre la política educativa, práctica y debates para Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica como profesor de Administración de la Educación en la Universidad Estatal de California, Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos.[2]
Gary Anderson ha escrito varios artículos sobre la Investigación Acción junto a Kathryn Herr y numerosos artículos y libros sobre la política educativa y el liderazgo.
Anderson, G.L. & Scott, J. (2012). Toward an intersectional understanding of social context and causality. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(8), 674-685.
Anderson, G.L., Mungal, A., Pini, M., Scott, J., Thomson, P. (2012). Policy, Equity, and Diversity in Global Context: Educational Leadership after the Welfare State. Handbook of Educational Leadership for Equity and Diversity. AERA, Sage Pub.
Anderson, G.L. and Herr, K. (2011). Scaling Up Evidence-Based Practices for Teachers Is a Profitable but Discredited Paradigm, Educational Researcher, 40. 287-289.
Anderson, G.L. (2009) Advocacy Leadership: Toward a Post-Reform Agenda in Education. New York: Routledge. (view)
Anderson, G. L. (2009). The politics of another side: Truth-in-military-recruiting advocacy in an urban school district. Journal of Educational Policy, 23(1), 267-291.
Anderson, G.L., Herr, K., and Nihlen, A. (2007). Studying your own school: An educator's guide to practitioner action research. (2nd edition) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (First Edition, 1994)
Anderson, G.L. and Herr, K. (Eds.) (2007). Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice (Three Volumes) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Pub. (link)
Anderson, G.L. (2007) Media's Impact on Educational Policies and Practices: Political Spectacle and Social Control. The Peabody Journal of Education.
Alexander, B, Anderson, G.L., Gallegos, B. (Eds.) (2005). Performance theory and education: Power, pedagogy, and the politics of identity. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Herr, K. and Anderson, G.L.(2005). The action research dissertation: A guide for students and faculty. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Pub.
Anderson, G.L. and Pini, M. (2005) Educational Leadership and The New Economy: Keeping the "Public" in Public Schools. In G.L. Anderson (Ed.) v. 3 Politics, Policy, and School Reform. In F. English, (Ed.) The Handbook of Educational Leadership. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Pub.
Anderson, G.L. (27 de septiembre de 2005). Academia and activism: An essay review of Jean Anyon's Radical Possibilities. Education Review, 8(1), 1-14.
Anderson, G.L. and Pini, M. (2005) Educational Leadership and The New Economy: Keeping the "Public" in Public Schools. In F. English, (Ed.) The Handbook of Educational Leadership. (pp. 216-236) Newbury Park, CA: Sage Pub.
Anderson, G.L. (2004). Performing School Reform in the Age of the Political Spectacle. In B. Alexander, G. Anderson, B. Gallegos (Eds.) Performance theory and education: Power, pedagogy, and the politics of identity. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Herr, K. and Anderson, G. (2003). Violent youth or violent schools?: A critical incident analysis of symbolic violence. International Journal of Leadership in Education 6(4), 415-434.
Anderson, G.L. (2002). Reflecting on Research for Doctoral Students in Education. Educational Researcher,31(7), 22-25.
Anderson, G.L. (2002). A critique of the test for school leaders. Educational Leadership, 59(8), 67-70.
Anderson, G.L. (2001). Disciplining leaders. A critical discourse analysis of the ISLLC national examination and performance standards in educational administration. International Journal of Leadership in Education (4), 3, 199-216.
Anderson, G.L. (2001). Promoting educational equity in a period of growing social inequity: The silent contradictions of Texas reform discourse. Education and Urban Society, 53(3), 320-332.
Anderson, G.L. (2001). Hacia una participación auténtica: Deconstruyendo los discursos de las reformas paricipativas en educación. In Narodowski, Mariano; Nores, Milagros & Andrada, Myrian (eds.) Nuevas tendencias en políticas educativas. Buenos Aires: Temas/Fundación Gobierno & Sociedad.
Anderson, G.L. and Jones, F. (2000). Knowledge generation in educational administration from the inside-out: The promise and perils of site-based, administrator research. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(3), 428-464.
Anderson, G.L. and Herr, K. (1999). The new paradigm wars. Is there room for rigorous practitioner knowledge in schools and universities? Educational Researcher, 28(5), 12-21.
Anderson, G.L. (1998). Toward authentic participation: Deconstructing the discourse of participatory reforms. American Educational Research Journal, 35 (4), 571-606.
Anderson, G.L. and Grinberg, J. (1998). Educational administration as a disciplinary practice: Appropriating Foucault's view of power, discourse, and method. Educational Administration Quarterly, 34(3), 329-353.
Anderson, G.L. and Montero-Sieburth, M. (eds.) (1997). Educational qualitative research in Latin America: The struggle for a new paradigm.
Herr, K., and Anderson, G.L. (1997). Identity politics and student voice: The cultural politics of identity: Student narratives from two Mexican secondary schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 10(1), 45-61.
Blase, J. and Anderson, G.L. (1995) The micropolitics of educational leadership: From control to empowerment. New York: Teachers College Press
Anderson, G.L. (1994). The cultural politics of qualitative research in education: Confirming and contesting the canon. Educational Theory, 44(1), 225-237.
Anderson, G.L. and Irvine, P. (1992). Informing critical literacy with ethnography. In C. Lankshear and P. McLaren (Eds.) Critical literacy: Politics, praxis, and the postmodern. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Anderson, G.L. (1990). Toward a critical constructivist approach to school administration: Invisibility, legitimation, and the study of non-events. Educational Administration Quarterly, 26(1), 38-59.
Anderson, G.L. (1989). Critical ethnography in education: Origins, current status, and new directions. Review of Educational Research, 59 (3), 249-270.
↑Steinhardt School. New York University. «Gary Anderson -Faculty Bio». Archivado desde el original el 14 de julio de 2014. Consultado el 3 de julio de 2014.
↑Revista Ibero-Americana OEI. «Política educativa, prácticas y debates en los Estados Unidos. Reflexiones sobre América Latina». Archivado desde el original el 20 de mayo de 2015. Consultado el 3 de julio de 2014.
↑IIEP Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación. «Gary L. Anderson». Consultado el 3 de julio de 2014.
Enlaces externos
New York University
IIEP Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación