Catacumbas de Malta


Hay cientos[1]​ de catacumbas en Malta, que se encuentran principalmente en el barrio de Citta Vecchia, la antigua capital de la isla.[2]​ Las catacumbas son muy pequeñas, pero están en buen estado de conservación.[3]

Las catacumbas de San Pablo
Entradas a las catacumbas de Salina

Muchas de las catacumbas fueron incluidas en la Lista de Antigüedades de 1925.[4]

Catacumbas de Malta


Las catacumbas incluyen:

  • Catacumbas de Tal-Mintna - Mqabba, Malta[5]
  • Catacumbas de San Pablo - Rabat, Malta[5]
  • Catacumbas de Santa Águeda - Rabat, Malta
  • Catacumbas de Salina - Naxxar, Malta
  • Catacumbas de San Agustín - Rabat, Malta[6]
  • Catacumbas de Ta' Bistra - cerca de Mosta, Malta[7]
  • Catacumbas de San Catald (St Catald Catacumbas)

Hay muchas otras catacumbas en Malta.[8]


  1. Harrison Adolphus Lewis. Ancient Malta: A Study of Its Antiquities. Colin Smythe. Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire. 1977. p 133. Google Books.
  2. "The Catacombs of Malta" in The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction. J Limbird. Strand, London. 1838. Volume 32. Page 85. Malta Paper. June 1838.
  3. James Elmes. "Catacombs" in A General and Bibliographic Dictionary of the Fine Arts. Thomas Tegg. London. 1826. Page 181 at 182.
  4. «Protection of Antiquities Regulations 21st November, 1932 Government Notice 402 of 1932, as Amended by Government Notices 127 of 1935 and 338 of 1939.». Malta Environment and Planning Authority. Archivado desde el original el 19 de abril de 2016. 
  5. Mary-Ann Gallagher. DK Eyewitness Travel: Top 10 Malta & Gozo. Dorling Kindersley. 2007. Revised, 2009. Pages 16 and 17.
  6. Juliet Rix. "Roman/Byzantine Malta" in Malta and Gozo. Third edition. Bradt Travel Guides Ltd. November 2015. Page 87.
  7. Juliet Rix. "Ta' Bistra Catacombs" in Malta and Gozo. Third edition. Bradt Travel Guides Ltd. November 2015. Page 88
  8. here
  • A A Caruana. Ancient Pagan Tombs and Christian Cemeteries in the Islands of Malta. Government Printing Office. Malta. 1898.
  • A. Mayr, "Die altchristlichen Begrabnisstatten auf Malta" 15 Romische Quartalschrift 216 and 352
  • Piotr Drag in Barrowclough and Malone (eds). "Cult of the Dead or Cult for the Dead: Studies of Jewish Catacombs in Malta in Context" in Cult in Context: Reconsidering Ritual in Archaeology. Oxbow Books. Chapter 16.
  • Camilleri and Gingell-Littlejohn. "The Triclinia in the Catacombs of Malta". In Scibberas (ed). Proceedings of History Week 1993. Historical Society of Malta. 1997.
  • Mario Buhagiar. The Christianisation of Malta: Catacombs, Cult Centres and Churches in Malta. BAR International Series 1674. Archaeopress. 2007. Google Books. Christian Catacombs, Cult Centres and Churches in Malta to 1530. University of London. 1994.
  • Rachel Hachlili. "The Hypogea of Malta" in Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology in the Diaspora. Brill. 1998. Page 273.
  • George Percy Badger. "Catacombs" in Description of Malta and Gozo. Malta. 1838. Page 255 et seq.
  • "Visit to the Catacombs" in "Palestine Mission" 19 Missionary Herald 138 (No 5, May 1823)

Otras lecturas

  • Buhagiar, Mario (1986). Late Roman and Byzantine Catacombs and Related Burial Places in the Maltese Islands. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. 1986.  Oxford: Informes Arqueológicos británicos.
  •   Datos: Q1358795
  •   Multimedia: St. Agatha catacombs, Rabat (Malta) / Q1358795