Los Mythopoeic Awards (‘premios mitopoeicos’) son unos premios anuales de literatura y estudios literarios entregados por la Mythopoeic Society de los Estados Unidos a los autores de trabajos excepcionales en los campos del mito, la fantasía y el estudio académico de esos campos. Sus criterios y descripción detallada se expresan en la página web de la Mythopoeic Society.[1]
Este premio se otorga desde 1971 a una obra excepcional en el campo de la literatura fantástica en general. Entre 1976 y 1980 el premio no se entregó. Desde 1992 se entregan dos premios, en las subcategorías de literatura fantástica para adultos y literatura fantástica infantil, aunque en 1997 ambos premios se entregaron en conjunto.
Año | Obra | Autor |
1971 | The Crystal Cave | Mary Stewart |
1972 | Red Moon and Black Mountain | Joy Chant |
1973 | The Song of Rhiannon | Evangeline Walton |
1974 | The Hollow Hills | Mary Stewart |
1975 | A Midsummer Tempest | Poul Anderson |
1981 | Unfinished Tales | J. R. R. Tolkien |
1982 | Little, Big | John Crowley |
1983 | The Firelings | Carol Kendall |
1984 | When Voiha Wakes | Joy Chant |
1985 | Cards of Grief | Jane Yolen |
1986 | Bridge of Birds | Barry Hughart |
1987 | The Folk of the Air | Peter S. Beagle |
1988 | Seventh Son | Orson Scott Card |
1989 | Unicorn Mountain | Michael Bishop |
1990 | The Stress of Her Regard | Tim Powers |
1991 | Thomas the Rhymer | Ellen Kushner |
Año | Obra | Autor |
1993 | Briar Rose | Jane Yolen |
1994 | The Porcelain Dove | Delia Sherman |
1995 | Something Rich and Strange | Patricia A. McKillip |
1996 | Waking the Moon | Elizabeth Hand |
1997 | The Wood Wife | Terri Windling |
1998 | The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye | A. S. Byatt |
1999 | Stardust | Neil Gaiman (ilustrada por Charles Vess) |
2000 | Tamsin | Peter S. Beagle |
2001 | The Innamorati | Midori Snyder |
2002 | The Curse of Chalion | Lois McMaster Bujold |
2003 | Ombria in Shadow | Patricia A. McKillip |
2004 | Sunshine | Robin McKinley |
2005 | Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell | Susanna Clarke |
2006 | Anansi Boys | Neil Gaiman |
2007 | Solstice Wood | Patricia A. McKillip |
2008 | The Orphan's Tales | Catherynne M. Valente |
2009 | Flesh and Spirit Breath and Bone |
Carol Berg |
2010 | Lifelode | Jo Walton |
2011 | Redemption in Indigo | Karen Lord |
2012 | The Uncertain Places | Lisa Goldstein |
Año | Obra | Autor |
1992 | Haroun and the Sea of Stories | Salman Rushdie |
1993 | Knight's Wyrd | Debra Doyle y James D. Macdonald |
1994 | The Kingdom of Kevin Malone | Suzy McKee Charnas |
1995 | Owl in Love | Patrice Kindl |
1996 | The Crown of Dalemark | Diana Wynne Jones |
1997 | Otorgado en conjunto con el premio de literatura para adultos. | |
1998 | Trilogía Young Merlin (Passager, Hobby, y Merlin) |
Jane Yolen |
1999 | Dark Lord of Derkholm | Diana Wynne Jones |
2000 | The Folk Keeper | Franny Billingsley |
2001 | Aria of the Sea | Dia Calhoun |
2002 | The Ropemaker | Peter Dickinson |
2003 | Summerland | Michael Chabon |
2004 | The Hollow Kingdom | Clare B. Dunkle |
2005 | A Hat Full of Sky | Terry Pratchett |
2006 | Bartimaeus Trilogy | Jonathan Stroud |
2007 | Corbenic | Catherine Fisher |
2008 | Serie de Harry Potter | J. K. Rowling |
2009 | Graceling | Kristin Cashore |
2010 | Where the Mountain Meets the Moon | Grace Lin |
2011 | Serie de The Queen's Thief (The Thief, The Queen of Attolia, The King of Attolia y A Conspiracy of Kings) |
Megan Whalen Turner |
2012 | The Freedom Maze | Delia Sherman |
Este premio se otorga desde 1971 a una obra académica de estudio sobre los Inklings y su literatura, aunque en sus dos primeros años y en 1981 se entregó al conjunto de una obra, sin destacar un trabajo específico. A partir de 1992 se empezó a entregar además otro premio en la subcategoría de estudios sobre mitos y fantasía en general.
Año | Obra | Autor |
1971 | C. S. Kilby | |
Mary McDermott Shideler | ||
1972 | Walter Hooper | |
1973 | Master of Middle-earth | Paul H. Kocher |
1974 | C. S. Lewis, Mere Christian | Kathryn Lindskoog |
1975 | C. S. Lewis: A Biography | Roger Lancelyn Green y Walter Hooper |
1976 | Tolkien Criticism | Richard C. West |
C. S. Lewis, An Annotated Checklist | Joe R. Christopher y Joan K. Ostling | |
Charles W. S. Williams, A Checklist | Lois Glenn | |
1981 | Christopher Tolkien | |
1982 | The Inklings | Humphrey Carpenter |
1983 | Companion to Narnia | Paul F. Ford |
1984 | The Road to Middle-earth | Tom Shippey |
1985 | Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis | Peter J. Schakel |
1986 | Charles Williams, Poet of Theology | Glen Cavaliero |
1987 | J. R. R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality and Religion | Richard Purtill |
1988 | C. S. Lewis | Joe R. Christopher |
1989 | The Return of the Shadow | Christopher Tolkien (ed.) |
1990 | The Annotated Hobbit | Douglas A. Anderson (ed.) |
1991 | Jack: C. S. Lewis and His Times | George Sayer |
1992 | Word and Story in C. S. Lewis | Peter J. Schakel y Charles A. Huttar (eds.) |
1993 | Planets in Peril | David C. Downing |
1994 | J. R. R. Tolkien, A Descriptive Bibliography | Wayne G. Hammond, con la ayuda de Douglas A. Anderson |
1995 | C. S. Lewis in Context | Doris T. Myers |
1996 | J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator | Wayne G. Hammond y Christina Scull |
1997 | The Rhetoric of Vision: Essays on Charles Williams | Charles A. Huttar y Peter Schakel (eds.) |
1998 | A Question of Time: J. R. R. Tolkien's Road to Faërie | Verlyn Flieger |
1999 | C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide | Walter Hooper |
2000 | Roverandom | Christina Scull y Wayne G. Hammond (eds.) |
2001 | J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century | Tom Shippey |
2002 | Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on the History of Middle-earth | Verlyn Flieger y Carl F. Hostetter (eds.) |
2003 | Beowulf and the Critics by J. R. R. Tolkien | Michael D. C. Drout (ed.) |
2004 | Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth | John Garth |
2005 | War and the Works of J. R. R. Tolkien | Janet Brennan Croft |
2006 | The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion | Wayne G. Hammond y Christina Scull |
2007 | The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide | Wayne G. Hammond y Christina Scull |
2008 | The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien as Writers in Community | Diana Glyer con apéndice de David Bratman |
2009 | The History of the Hobbit: Part One: Mr. Baggins; Part Two: Return to Bag-end |
John D. Rateliff |
2010 | Tolkien, Race, and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits | Dimitra Fimi |
2011 | Planet Narnia | Michael Ward |
2012 | Tolkien and Wales: Language, Literature and Identity | Carl Phelpstead |
Año | Obra | Autor |
1992 | The Victorian Fantasists | Kath Filmer (ed.) |
1993 | Strategies of Fantasy | Brian Attebery |
1994 | Twentieth-Century Fantasists | Kath Filmer (ed.) |
1995 | Old Tales and New Truths: Charting the Bright-Shadow World | James Roy King |
1996 | From the Beast to the Blonde | Marina Warner |
1997 | When Toys Come Alive | Lois Rostrow Kuznets |
1998 | The Encyclopedia of Fantasy | John Clute y John Grant (eds.) |
1999 | A Century of Welsh Myth in Children's Literature | Donna R. White |
2000 | Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness | Carole G. Silver |
2001 | King Arthur in America | Alan Lupack y Barbara Tepa Lupack |
2002 | The Owl, the Raven & the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales | G. Ronald Murphy |
2003 | Fairytale in the Ancient World | Graham Anderson |
2004 | The Myth of the American Superhero | John Shelton Lawrence y Robert Jewett |
2005 | Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography | Stephen Thomas Knight |
2006 | National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century England | Jennifer Schacker |
2007 | Gemstone of Paradise: The Holy Grail in Wolfram's Parzival | G. Ronald Murphy |
2008 | The Shadow-Walkers: Jacob Grimm’s Mythology of the Monstrous | Tom Shippey |
2009 | Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children's Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, and Susan Cooper | Charles Butler |
2010 | One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle and Orson Scott Card | Marek Oziewicz |
2011 | The Victorian Press and the Fairy Tale | Caroline Sumpter |
2012 | The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films | Jack Zipes |